
此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布
摘 要
本文中,首先对支持向量机的理论基础——统计学习理论作了一个概述,主要论述了学习过程的一致性,如何控制学习过程的推广能力等问题,其次,对简单的线性可分数据,详细介绍了线性支持向量机的工作原理,即寻找具有最大的分离超平面;核函数的实质是通过一非线性映射把原空间上非线性可分的数据映射到另一个特征空间上的线性可分数据,然后利用与线性支持向量机完全一样的方法,在该空间建立一个超平面,使其在原空间对应着一个非线性超曲面,通过引入一个核函数使所有的计算在原空间完成。同时针对本文主要讨论的回归问题给以详细地说明,支持向量机的解最终归结为一个凸二次规划,有全局最优解。简单介绍了支持向量机较常用的训练算法——序贯最小优化算法,自己编程用MATLAB实现了该算法,数值试验结果表明支持向量机具有较强的学习能力。另外本文具体讨论了支持向量机中高斯核函数中参数 对支持向量机学习预测性能的影响,证明了参数 趋于零和无穷大情况下支持向量机的性质,指出高斯核函数具有描述样本相似程度这一性质,通过数值实验和理论分析给出了一种选择高斯核函数的方法——拐点法。进一步指出样本数据标准化对学习预测的影响,给出了标准化后选择较优高斯核函数参数的一个大致范围。
关 键 词:支持向量机,回归估计,高斯核函数,测井曲线,储层参数
Recently, Support Vector Machines (for short SVM) attract many researchers and become a very active field because of its many good properties. SVM is a new and promising technique for classification and regression and have shown great potential in numerous machine learning and pattern recognition problems. This paper discusses the theory of SVM thoroughly, especially how choose the parameter of the Gauss kernel SVM, at last we discusses the application of SVM in predicting reservoir parameter form well log.
In the paper, we start with an overview of Statistical learning Theory which is the theoretical foundation of SVM, including the consistency of the study process, and how to control generalization of SVM. We then describe linear Support Vector Machine for separable data, which is to construct the maximal margin separating hyperplane. We explain how to introduce a nonlinear map which maps the input vectors into a feature space. In this space construct an optimal separating hyperplane using the same method, and in fact we have constructed a nonlinear decision function in the input space. We discuss the regression problem in tail at same time. The solution to SVM is a convex quadratic programmes problem at end, and it has a global optimization solution. We will briefly review some of the most common approaches before describing in detail one particular algorithm, Sequential Minimal Optimisation and then implementation it in Matlab by ourselves. The good results of many experiments show that SVM really has great generalization ability. We then focus on Gauss kernel SVM and discuss how the parameter influences the quality of SVM in tail. We also show that Gauss kernel function can describe the likeness degree of the sample. In addition, we propose a new algorithm for finding a good parameter , we called inflexion method. What's more, we point out the influence of standardize to predict, and then give mostly scope of the excellent parameter , which in Gauss kernel function after standardized.
Finally according to actual problem that in petroleum exploration and production field. We apply SVM in predicate reservoir parameter: Porosity, Permeability, from well log. Comparing this method with BP network shows that this new method can avoid the problem of the local optimal solution of BP network, and achieved the effects with higher precision. It is as an exciting method that using SVM in petroleum exploration from a few wells.
Key words: support vector machines regression Gauss kernel
well log reservoir parameter
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究的目的和意义 1
1.2 地球物理勘探的应用研究历史及现状 1
1.2.1 统计模式识别在地质勘探中的应用 1
1.2.2 非线性智能技术在地质勘探中的应用 错误!未定义书签。
1.2.3 基于小样本的非线性智能技术在地质勘探中的应用 3
1.3 本文研究内容和研究方法 4
2 统计学习理论 6
2.1 学习问题的表示 6
2.1.1 基于实例学习的一般模型 6
2.1.2 三种主要的学习问题 7
2.1.3 经验风险最小化归纳原理 8
2.2 统计学习理论的核心内容 9
2.2.1 学习过程的一致性 9
2.2.2 学习过程收敛速度的界 12
2.2.3 控制学习过程推广能力 14
3 支持向量机 17
3.1 支持向量简介 17
3.1.1 最优分类面 17
3.1.2 广义最优分类超平面 19
3.2 分类支持向量机 20
3.2.1 高维空间中的推广 20
3.2.2 核函数 21
3.2.3 构造支持向量机 22
3.3 回归支持向量机 23
3.3.1 线性支持向量回归机 24-..
本文中,首先对支持向量机的理论基础——统计学习理论作了一个概述,主要论述了学习过程的一致性,如何控制学习过程的推广能力等问题,其次,对简单的线性可分数据,详细介绍了线性支持向量机的工作原理,即寻找具有最大的分离超平面;核函数的实质是通过一非线性映射把原空间上非线性可分的数据映射到另一个特征空间上的线性可分数据,然后利用与线性支持向量机完全一样的方法,在该空间建立一个超平面,使其在原空间对应着一个非线性超曲面,通过引入一个核函数使所有的计算在原空间完成。同时针对本文主要讨论的回归问题给以详细地说明,支持向量机的解最终归结为一个凸二次规划,有全局最优解。简单介绍了支持向量机较常用的训练算法——序贯最小优化算法,自己编程用MATLAB实现了该算法,数值试验结果表明支持向量机具有较强的学习能力。另外本文具体讨论了支持向量机中高斯核函数中参数 对支持向量机学习预测性能的影响,证明了参数 趋于零和无穷大情况下支持向量机的性质,指出高斯核函数具有描述样本相似程度这一性质,通过数值实验和理论分析给出了一种选择高斯核函数的方法——拐点法。进一步指出样本数据标准化对学习预测的影响,给出了标准化后选择较优高斯核函数参数的一个大致范围。
关 键 词:支持向量机,回归估计,高斯核函数,测井曲线,储层参数
Recently, Support Vector Machines (for short SVM) attract many researchers and become a very active field because of its many good properties. SVM is a new and promising technique for classification and regression and have shown great potential in numerous machine learning and pattern recognition problems. This paper discusses the theory of SVM thoroughly, especially how choose the parameter of the Gauss kernel SVM, at last we discusses the application of SVM in predicting reservoir parameter form well log.
In the paper, we start with an overview of Statistical learning Theory which is the theoretical foundation of SVM, including the consistency of the study process, and how to control generalization of SVM. We then describe linear Support Vector Machine for separable data, which is to construct the maximal margin separating hyperplane. We explain how to introduce a nonlinear map which maps the input vectors into a feature space. In this space construct an optimal separating hyperplane using the same method, and in fact we have constructed a nonlinear decision function in the input space. We discuss the regression problem in tail at same time. The solution to SVM is a convex quadratic programmes problem at end, and it has a global optimization solution. We will briefly review some of the most common approaches before describing in detail one particular algorithm, Sequential Minimal Optimisation and then implementation it in Matlab by ourselves. The good results of many experiments show that SVM really has great generalization ability. We then focus on Gauss kernel SVM and discuss how the parameter influences the quality of SVM in tail. We also show that Gauss kernel function can describe the likeness degree of the sample. In addition, we propose a new algorithm for finding a good parameter , we called inflexion method. What's more, we point out the influence of standardize to predict, and then give mostly scope of the excellent parameter , which in Gauss kernel function after standardized.
Finally according to actual problem that in petroleum exploration and production field. We apply SVM in predicate reservoir parameter: Porosity, Permeability, from well log. Comparing this method with BP network shows that this new method can avoid the problem of the local optimal solution of BP network, and achieved the effects with higher precision. It is as an exciting method that using SVM in petroleum exploration from a few wells.
Key words: support vector machines regression Gauss kernel
well log reservoir parameter
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究的目的和意义 1
1.2 地球物理勘探的应用研究历史及现状 1
1.2.1 统计模式识别在地质勘探中的应用 1
1.2.2 非线性智能技术在地质勘探中的应用 错误!未定义书签。
1.2.3 基于小样本的非线性智能技术在地质勘探中的应用 3
1.3 本文研究内容和研究方法 4
2 统计学习理论 6
2.1 学习问题的表示 6
2.1.1 基于实例学习的一般模型 6
2.1.2 三种主要的学习问题 7
2.1.3 经验风险最小化归纳原理 8
2.2 统计学习理论的核心内容 9
2.2.1 学习过程的一致性 9
2.2.2 学习过程收敛速度的界 12
2.2.3 控制学习过程推广能力 14
3 支持向量机 17
3.1 支持向量简介 17
3.1.1 最优分类面 17
3.1.2 广义最优分类超平面 19
3.2 分类支持向量机 20
3.2.1 高维空间中的推广 20
3.2.2 核函数 21
3.2.3 构造支持向量机 22
3.3 回归支持向量机 23
3.3.1 线性支持向量回归机 24-..