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摘 要
本文以企业管理信息系统建设中的人事信息管理子系统的设计和实现为目标,利用软件工程中系统开发的原理和方法,详细论述了系统的设计方案、系统的开发及测试过程。系统以Visual Bacis6.0为开发工具,以SQL Server 2000为后台数据库管理系统,实现了以员工信息管理,考勤信息管理、评价管理、工资管理及综合查询模块为主要功能的系统开发。为企业人事管理提供信息咨询,信息检索,信息存取等服务,系统的实施基本上能够满足现代企业对人事管理的需要,为提高企业人事管理效率提供了行之有效的手段。

关键词:人事管理系统, Visual Basic 6.0, SQL Server2000

The enterprise personnel information management is in a businessmanagement important content, along with the time progress, theenterprise personnel quantity also unceasingly increases, the divisionof labor unceasingly thin, during each profession relates isunceasingly close, also unceasingly enhances to the personnelmanagement request. How manages the good enterprise interior staff'sinformation, implements the highly effective macroscopic management tothe staff, constitutes the situation and the development tendency tobusiness unit's personnel carries on statistical, the plan, theanalysis and the formulation practical feasible human affairs policy,is an item arduous and the arduous duty.
The early artificial way personnel management system alreadyinappropriate modern enterprise company's development, the realizationenterprise personnel management systematization, the standardization,the automation, were the modern business management first choice.
This article take the business management information systemconstruction in human affairs information management subsystem designand the realization as a goal, using the software engineering in thesystem development principle and the method, in detail elaborated thesystem design proposal, the system development and the test process.The system take Visual Bacis6.0 as the development kit, take SQLServer 2,000 as the backstage database management system, has realizedby the staff information management, checks attendance the informationmanagement, the appraisal management, the wages management and thesynthesis inquiry module for the main function system development.Provides the information consultant for the enterprise personnelmanagement, the information retrieval, service and so on informationaccess, the system implementation basically can satisfy the modernenterprise to the personnel management need, for enhanced theenterprise personnel management efficiency to provide the effectivemethod.

Keywords: enterprise personnel information management,Visual Basic6.0,SQL Server2000

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1系统概述 1
1.2 开发工具简介 4
第二章 系统需求分析 7
2.1 需求分析目标 7
2.2 系统业务流程分析 8
2.3 数据流分析 11
2.4 数据字典 12
第三章 系统总体设计 17
3.1 系统总体目标设计 17
3.2 系统功能描述 17
3.3 总体功能模块设计 18
3.4 数据库设计 19
3.4.1 概念设计 19
3.4.2 关系模式的规范化 21
3.4.3 物理设计 22
3.5 界面设计 24
3.6 输入输出设计 24
第四章 企业人事信息管理系统实施 26
4.1 系统实施概述 26
4.2 系统流程分析 26
4.3 系统实施 27
4.4 系统出错处理 33
第五章 系统测试 35
5.1 系统测试目标 35
5.2 具体的测试过程 36
第六章 总结 42
参考文献 43
附录 44

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