冷轧管机主传动系统动,摘 要为了适应现代机械精密化与高速化的发展趋势,冷轧管机主传动系统的动平衡技术成为现代冷轧管机的关键技术之一。借鉴曲柄滑块机构动平衡技术的相关研究成果,本文针对冷轧管机主传动系统,研究了其优化综合动平衡技术,主要研究内容包括:(1) 研究了冷轧管机主传动系统的运动规律以及在运动过程中各构件的受力情况,并总结出轧制力对各...

此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布摘 要
(1) 研究了冷轧管机主传动系统的运动规律以及在运动过程中各构件的受力情况,并总结出轧制力对各构件的受力与输入扭矩影响较小,应对主传动系统的惯性载荷进行有效地平衡。基于此,详细讨论了曲柄滑块机构的动平衡理论,以指导具体问题的优化设计工作,达到惯性效应消减的目的。
(2) 建立了冷轧管机主传动系统的整机模型,并导出了该模型主要零部件的相关尺寸与质量属性,为后续研究提供原始设计参数。以动平衡理论为基础,建立了满足约束条件下冷轧管机主传动系统的综合动平衡数学模型。
(3) 从构建的目标函数可知,综合动平衡是一个多目标的优化问题。本文将多目标优化处理方法与粒子群算法相结合,开发了一套适用于绝大多数曲柄滑块机构的可视化动平衡优化软件。该款软件即使在没有产品虚拟样机的情况下,只需输入真实产品的原始参数、添加约束条件、设置粒子群算法的基本参数,并且选择相应的优化处理方式,即可根据优化问题的不同侧重点实时地反馈优化结果。通过可视化界面下的数据测试,可验证该优化方案的正确性,为实际应用中解决随时间变化的动态问题提供了一种新的思路。
(4) 运用ADAMS软件对冷轧管机主传动系统的虚拟样机模型进行动力学仿真分析,并通过平衡前后机构的剩余惯性力、运动副反力以及输入扭矩三项性能指标仿真结果对比,进一步验证了基于多目标粒子群算法的动平衡优化方案的优越性,机构的动力性能得到了显著地改善。
关键词 主传动系统;动平衡;粒子群算法;多目标;动态仿真
In order to adapt to the trends for mechanical development of high-speed and high-accuracy, the dynamic balance in main transmission system has become one of the key technologies of modern cold-rolling pilger mill. Based on the related research on the balancing technology of slider-crank mechanism, this article discusses consolidated balance in main transmission system of two-high cold-rolling pilger mill. The main research work includes:
(1) Analyse the motion laws and working conditions in movement about the slider-crank mechanism and conclude that rolling force produces a little effect to working conditions of every component. So the work of balancing the inertia load should be operated. Based on all above, the balancing theory of slider-crank mechanism which is discussed in detail guides the optimization work to specific problems. It achieves the goal of reducing the inertia effects.
(2) Establish integral structure’s model in main transmission system of two-high cold-rolling pilger mill. The related sizes and quality attributes about main components of the model provide the basic parameters for subsequent research. Based on the balancing theory, mathematical model of dynamic balance in main transmission system which meets the constraint conditions is constructed.
(3) It is known from the established objective function that consolidated balance problem is a multi-objective optimization problem. This article integrates multi-objective approach with particle swarm algorithm and develops visualization software which is used for solving the balance problem of most slider-crank mechanism. Even in the cases of no virtual prototyping, it could expand real-time optimization and receive rapid feedback on optimization results by inputting parameters related to the real product, adding constraints, setting the basic parameters of particle swarm algorithm and selecting the optimal treatment. Based on the data testing from visual interface, it could verify the correctness of optimization scheme and provide a new way of solving the dynamic problem with time in practical applications.
(4) Import the multi-body dynamic model of main transmission system and carry out the dynamic analysis simulation. By comparing the simulation results of performance indexes such as inertia force, reaction force and input torque before balance with after balance, further verify the superiority of balance proposal based on multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm. The dynamic performances of mechanism in main transmission system have been improved significantly.
Keywords main transmission system; dynamic balance; particle swarm optimization algorithm; multi-objective optimization; dynamic simulation
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract III
目 录 V
Content VII
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景与意义 1
1.1.1 课题研究的背景 1
1.1.2 课题研究的意义 1
1.2 课题研究的现状与发展趋势 2
1.2.1 机械动力平衡研究的进展 2
1.2.2 优化设计方法研究的进展 4
1.2.3 多体动力学研究的现状与发展趋势 5
1.3 本文的研究内容与组织结构 6
1.3.1 论文的研究内容 6
1.3.2 论文的组织结构 7
1.4 本章小结 8
第2章 冷轧管机主传动系统的动平衡研究 9
2.1 引言 9
2.2 曲柄滑块机构动力学理论 9
2.2.1 运动学分析 10
2.2.2 动力学分析 12
2.3 曲柄滑块机构动平衡理论基础 14
2.3.1 机构动平衡的方法 14
2.3.2 惯性力完全平衡理论 14
2.3.3 惯性力矩完全平衡理论 16
2.4 二辊周期式冷轧管机 19
2.4.1 二辊周期式冷轧管机的工作原理 19
2.4.2 ..