

水蒸汽做冷却润滑剂的难加工,摘 要镍基高温合金、钛合金、不锈钢是难加工金属材料,在航空、航天、能源、化工等工业部门获得了广泛的应用,是国防和经济建设中不可缺少的重要材料。它们在切磨削加工中具有切削力大、加工硬化倾向严重,切削温度高等特点,加工中产生很大的热量,造成刀具的磨损、变形,工件表面组织的发热变形以及组织成分的改变等等,这都会影响到材料的性...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布

摘 要
3.应用有限元仿真软件Deform-2D进行了GH4169镍基高温合金、TC4钛合金、Cr12不锈钢正交切削的有限元模拟,着重考察了传热系数的改变对难加工金属材料切削性能的影响。仿真结果表明:本研究采用的水蒸气作冷却润滑剂的切削技术相对于其它冷却方式有著显的优越性,且传热系数越大,对切削区降温效果越明显。本文同时还进行了不同金属材料在其它切削参数不变的情况下,只改变传热系数进行有限元仿真切削的单因素研究。仿真结果表明:在不同的试件端面温度下,都有其相应的最佳冷却润滑方式,并且随着材料切削性能的降低,传热系数的变化对切削区刀具最高温度和平均温度的影响增大;材料相对加工性 值越小,传热系数越大,对切削区的冷却效果越好。
4.用硬质合金刀具YT15对GH4169、TC4和Cr12进行了切削力、切削温度实验,研究在不同的切削参数下,GH4169、TC4、Cr12的切削力、切削温度变化规律,其结论为:水蒸汽作冷却润滑剂时主切削力 可比干切、蒸馏水及乳化液时分别减小约30%、25%及20%。

关键词 难加工金属材料;水蒸汽;绿色切削;切削力;切削温度;有限元

Ni-based superalloy, titanium alloy, stainless steel which is difficult-to-cut metal materials, have gained a wide range of applications in aviation, aerospace, energy, chemical and industry field, is an important and indispensable materials for national defense and economic construction. They have characters of big cutting force, serious work hardening, high cutting temperature and heavy heat in the cutting process, which will cause cutting-tool wear, deformation, heating and deformation of the sample surface and the changing of the structure, all of which influence property of the material. So it is very important to seek a green cooling manner which will use new technology and improve production environment. The conventional method is usually used to the excellent cutting fluid with the agent for sulfur, chlorine and phosphor element, however, the reactant and excrement will pollute the environment and harm to operator, the cutting technoloy that water vapor is used as coolats and lubricants includes cryogenic gas-liquid two phrase flow and full vaporization to enhance the heat transfer potential of cooling medium and obtain the best cooling and lubricanting effect, so it is a green, no-pollution and high efficiency cooling and lubricanting method, which has the advantages of cheap and no recovery. Based on it, this thesis mainly do the following job:
1. The paper discusses the mechanism of water vapor is used as coolants and lubricants and obtains that water vapor is used as coolants and lubricants fills capillary with gas. Because of removing the stage of liquid infiltration and evaporation,it greatly reduce the time of filling capillary and raises the permeability of water vapor. And because the water molecules and oxygen atoms of water vapor which generate adsorption in capillary wall, it produces chemical reactions in fresh Tool-chip surface and reducing friction and resisting wear of oxide film. Apparently, it is a effection that water vapor generates lubricants. The jet of water vapor has a strong heat-transfer capacity, which is the direct cooling effect of water vapor.
2. The paper rebuild and improve the experimental system, including the occurring system of water vapor, the controling system of temperature, the re-heating device of water vapor and the regulating device of pressure, and get a higher automatically generating system of water vapor which can produce all sorts of temperature water vapor.
3. Used the finite element software Deform-2D, the paper simulating the orthogonal cutting process of superalloy(GH4169), titanium alloy(TC4), stainless steel(Cr12), discussed the cutting performance on the effect of change the heat exchange coefficient. The result of simulation indicates that, the method of water vapor is used as coolats and lubricants which used in the paper ..