

分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布

摘 要

关键词 城市生活垃圾;气流分选;FLUENT;数值模拟

Municipal solid waste is produced in daily life, such as waste paper, waste plastics, kitchen waste and building waste. With the rapid development of economy and society, city scale expands unceasingly, the amount of municipal solid waste increases rapidly and the composition of MSW is more complex than before.
From the view of resource study, municipal solid waste is potential resource increasing rapidly in the world, so municipal solid waste is called “resource in the wrong position”. At present domestic garbage disposal process is relatively backward, and has not completely met the requirement of harmless, reduction and recycling. So it is very important to research and develop appropriate processing technology in order to solve the environmental pollution problems of garbage.
Based on these backgrounds, this paper does some research on air separation of MSW. Air separation of MSW is a new kind of waste treatment technologies. Compared with conventional method of waste treatment, air separation technology has high-efficiency energy utilization and good environmental characteristics, fundamentally solve secondary pollution problems of dioxin, heavy mental and so on, has a broad development prospects.
This paper first analyses working principle of air separation, designs horizontal air separator, establishes the three-dimensional models of main components of horizontal airflow sorting machine using three-dimensional design software Pro/E. Then establishes the mathematical model of gas flow field, and generates grid using gambit, which is specified preprocessor of CFD, and does numerical simulation using fluent, analyses the simulation results.

Key words MSW; air separation; FLUENT; numerical simulation

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景和意义 1
1.2 课题国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 气流分选的国外研究概况 2
1.2.2 气流分选的国内研究概况 4
1.3 本文主要工作和论文结构 5
1.3.1 本文主要工作 5
1.3.2 论文结构 6
第2章 气流分选的原理及设备 7
2.1 气流分选的原理 7
2.2 气流分选机的类型 11
2.2.1 Z字形气流分选机 12
2.2.2 圆锥气流分选机 12
2.2.3 带有轻物料气动输送的横向气流分选机 13
2.2.4 不带轻物料气动输送的横向气流分选机 14
2.2.5 冲击式气流分选机 15
2.2.6 弯曲皮带气流分选机 16
2.3 本章小结 17
第3章 气流分选机的结构设计 18
3.1 Pro/E软件简介 18
3.2 卧式气流分选机零部件的设计 19
3.2.1 风机 19
3.2.2 分选室 20
3.2.3 机架 21
3.2.4 旋风分离器 22
3.2.5 其他零件 23
3.3 本章小结 25
第4章 城市生活垃圾气流分选流场的数学模型 26
4.1 假设前提 26
4.2 基本控制方程 26
4.2.1 流场 26
4.2.2 连续性方程 26
4.2.3 动量守恒方程 27
4.2.4 能量方程 29
4.2.5 耗散率方程 30
4.3 控制方程组的通用形式 31
4.4 本章小结 31
第5章 卧式气流分选机气体流场的数值模拟 32
5.1 CFD数值模拟软件介绍 32
5.2 采用Gambit软件生成网格文件 34
5.2.1 Gambit软件简介 34
5.2.2 生成网格文件 34
5.3 Fluent数值计算 37
5.3.1 Fluent软件简介 37
5.3.2 Fluent流动模拟 38
5.3.3 模拟结果分析 45
5.4 本章小结 47
总结与展望 48
总结 48
展望 48
参考文献 50