
此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布
摘 要
1. 根据齿轮啮合理论,研究超大模数齿轮设计方法。利用相似理论与有限元相结合,研究适合任意模数、压力角等参数的齿轮设计方法,建立超大模数齿轮的模数及分度圆计算数学模型,并采用有限元法求解复合齿形系数 。
2. 针对风电吊装船的参数及设计要求,分析最危险工况(预压工况)下齿轮齿条机构所受的外载荷;利用研究出的超大模数齿轮设计方法为其升降系统设计一套安全、可靠的齿轮齿条传动机构。
3. 基于C#语言及SolidWorks软件的二次开发技术,开发一套渐开线圆柱齿轮精确的参数化建模程序,并建立齿轮齿条啮合三维模型;利用有限元法对齿轮齿条进行接触分析,研究超大模数齿轮齿条的齿面接触应力及齿根弯曲应力在一个啮合周期内的变化规律。
4. 研究渐开线齿轮变位系数 、压力角 、齿顶高系数 、齿顶隙系数 、齿根圆角半径系数 、模数 及齿条宽度 对超大模数齿轮承载能力的影响规律,并在此基础上,对原设计的齿轮齿条机构进行优化,使齿轮齿条的弯曲强度与接触强度得到了很大程度的提高。分析规律显示:每个参数对齿轮齿条承载能力都有较大程度的影响,但影响程度各不相同。
关键词 超大模数齿轮;风电吊装船;接触强度;弯曲强度;优化
Supper-modulus gear is used more and more in great engineering projects, and the module of gear is continuously augmented. For example, the module of gear of gear of the offshore drilling platform already achieves 135mm. In the Standard of Country GB3480-1997, the maximum of module is 50mm. Nowdays whereas for supper-module gear which module is more than 50mm, there is lack of mature design theory and thrength calculating theory.
The subject takes support project of science and technology plan in Jiangsu Province-“research and development of offshore wind power lifting and special transport ship” as the background. Researching design method for supper-modulus gear, and designing a safety and reliable mechanism of supper-modulus gear for the ship. On the base, deeply researching supper-modulus gear contact thrength and bend thrength by finite element method and doing optimization of rack and pinion strength. The main contents of this theisi are listed as:
1.According to gear meshing theory, studying designing theory of supper- modulus rack and pinion. Studying design method of pinion, which is used for any modulus, pressure angle and other parameters pinion, by similarity theory and finite element. Establishing modulus and pitch circle calculation model of supper-modulus pinion, and calculating compound profile coefficient by finite element.
2.Anaylzing different actual working condition of wind power installation vessel and caculating external load of mechanism of rack and pinion, wich is under the most dangerous operating condition (preloading condition).According to parameters and designing requriement of the wind power installation vessel, designing a safty and ralibale mechanism of rack and pinion for it, by supper-modulus gear design mothed which has been studied.
3.Based on C# and secondary development of SolidWorks, developing a set of accurate parametric modeling program of involute spur gears and building 3D model of rack and pinion. Doing contact analysis of rack and pinion by finite element method, and studying laws of contact stress and bending stress in engagement cycle.
4.Studying laws which pinion profile shift , pressure angle , addendum coefficient , tooth gap coefficient , tooth fillet coefficient , module and width of rack affect contact strength and bending strength of rack and pinion. On the base of which, optimizing the mechanism of rack and pinion, to improve contact strength and bending strength of rack and pinion. Analysis of laws show that each parameter has large influence on the capacity of the rack and pinion, but the degrees of influence are different.
Keywords supper-modulus gear; wind power installation vessel; contact strength; bending strength; optimzation
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 3
1.2 课题国内外研究现状及存在问题 5
1.2.1 国内外研究现状 5
1.2.2 存在的问题 6
1.2.3 发展趋势 7
1.3 课题研究内容及章节安排 7
1.3.1 主要研究内容 7
1.3.2 章节安排 8
1.4 本章小结 9
第2章 齿轮的强度理论及弹性接触理论 10
2.1 齿轮的弯曲强度理论 10
2.1.1 弯曲强度计算法基本公式 10
2.1.2 齿形系数的计算方法 11
2.1.3 齿根弯曲强度的计算条件 12
2.1.4 齿轮弯曲强度的计算 13
2.2 齿轮齿面接触强度理论及计算 13
2.2.1 齿轮接触强度理论 13
2.2.2 齿轮接触应力计算方法 14
2.3 弹性接触理论及其有限元法 15
2.3.1 弹性..
1. 根据齿轮啮合理论,研究超大模数齿轮设计方法。利用相似理论与有限元相结合,研究适合任意模数、压力角等参数的齿轮设计方法,建立超大模数齿轮的模数及分度圆计算数学模型,并采用有限元法求解复合齿形系数 。
2. 针对风电吊装船的参数及设计要求,分析最危险工况(预压工况)下齿轮齿条机构所受的外载荷;利用研究出的超大模数齿轮设计方法为其升降系统设计一套安全、可靠的齿轮齿条传动机构。
3. 基于C#语言及SolidWorks软件的二次开发技术,开发一套渐开线圆柱齿轮精确的参数化建模程序,并建立齿轮齿条啮合三维模型;利用有限元法对齿轮齿条进行接触分析,研究超大模数齿轮齿条的齿面接触应力及齿根弯曲应力在一个啮合周期内的变化规律。
4. 研究渐开线齿轮变位系数 、压力角 、齿顶高系数 、齿顶隙系数 、齿根圆角半径系数 、模数 及齿条宽度 对超大模数齿轮承载能力的影响规律,并在此基础上,对原设计的齿轮齿条机构进行优化,使齿轮齿条的弯曲强度与接触强度得到了很大程度的提高。分析规律显示:每个参数对齿轮齿条承载能力都有较大程度的影响,但影响程度各不相同。
关键词 超大模数齿轮;风电吊装船;接触强度;弯曲强度;优化
Supper-modulus gear is used more and more in great engineering projects, and the module of gear is continuously augmented. For example, the module of gear of gear of the offshore drilling platform already achieves 135mm. In the Standard of Country GB3480-1997, the maximum of module is 50mm. Nowdays whereas for supper-module gear which module is more than 50mm, there is lack of mature design theory and thrength calculating theory.
The subject takes support project of science and technology plan in Jiangsu Province-“research and development of offshore wind power lifting and special transport ship” as the background. Researching design method for supper-modulus gear, and designing a safety and reliable mechanism of supper-modulus gear for the ship. On the base, deeply researching supper-modulus gear contact thrength and bend thrength by finite element method and doing optimization of rack and pinion strength. The main contents of this theisi are listed as:
1.According to gear meshing theory, studying designing theory of supper- modulus rack and pinion. Studying design method of pinion, which is used for any modulus, pressure angle and other parameters pinion, by similarity theory and finite element. Establishing modulus and pitch circle calculation model of supper-modulus pinion, and calculating compound profile coefficient by finite element.
2.Anaylzing different actual working condition of wind power installation vessel and caculating external load of mechanism of rack and pinion, wich is under the most dangerous operating condition (preloading condition).According to parameters and designing requriement of the wind power installation vessel, designing a safty and ralibale mechanism of rack and pinion for it, by supper-modulus gear design mothed which has been studied.
3.Based on C# and secondary development of SolidWorks, developing a set of accurate parametric modeling program of involute spur gears and building 3D model of rack and pinion. Doing contact analysis of rack and pinion by finite element method, and studying laws of contact stress and bending stress in engagement cycle.
4.Studying laws which pinion profile shift , pressure angle , addendum coefficient , tooth gap coefficient , tooth fillet coefficient , module and width of rack affect contact strength and bending strength of rack and pinion. On the base of which, optimizing the mechanism of rack and pinion, to improve contact strength and bending strength of rack and pinion. Analysis of laws show that each parameter has large influence on the capacity of the rack and pinion, but the degrees of influence are different.
Keywords supper-modulus gear; wind power installation vessel; contact strength; bending strength; optimzation
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 3
1.2 课题国内外研究现状及存在问题 5
1.2.1 国内外研究现状 5
1.2.2 存在的问题 6
1.2.3 发展趋势 7
1.3 课题研究内容及章节安排 7
1.3.1 主要研究内容 7
1.3.2 章节安排 8
1.4 本章小结 9
第2章 齿轮的强度理论及弹性接触理论 10
2.1 齿轮的弯曲强度理论 10
2.1.1 弯曲强度计算法基本公式 10
2.1.2 齿形系数的计算方法 11
2.1.3 齿根弯曲强度的计算条件 12
2.1.4 齿轮弯曲强度的计算 13
2.2 齿轮齿面接触强度理论及计算 13
2.2.1 齿轮接触强度理论 13
2.2.2 齿轮接触应力计算方法 14
2.3 弹性接触理论及其有限元法 15
2.3.1 弹性..