bbs论坛毕业论文,bbs论坛毕业论文摘要:我们研究的项目主要是以dreamwerver mx为开发平台,运用asp这一动态网页设计语言,以ms access2000作为后台数据库、photoshop、flash作为界面设计工具实现的功能丰富界面友好的bbs论坛网站。本论坛主要为internet用户提供游客浏览、发帖、会员注册、登录功能;...

原文档由会员 孙中成 发布BBS论坛毕业论文
摘要:我们研究的项目主要是以DREAMWERVER MX为开发平台,运用ASP这一动态网页设计语言,以MS ACCESS2000作为后台数据库、PHOTOSHOP、FLASH作为界面设计工具实现的功能丰富界面友好的BBS论坛网站。
Abstract:The main purpose of our research is to set up a multifunction BBS website with Dreamweaver MX as its developing platform, ASP as its designing language, Access as its backstage database and Photoshop as the tool to design the interface.
Our BBS mainly provide a communication place for Internet users. They can browse and express their own ideas as well. In order to serve them better in all round ways, people who interested in it are allowed to register to become a member and enter the forum. They are classified into administrators, registered members and visitors, Among them, registered members can express their ideas, reply, read, search for the latest, hottest comments issued by others as well as those they are interested in, and they can also get the issuer's personal information, etc. Moreover, the member can vote to delete the evil comments. The times they vote and the interval can be monitored through the backstage database. Backstage management allows the system to use information statistics, discussing board management, membership management, comment management, The system's using condition statistics include the flowing amount of the pages, the number of members that have registered, the amount of comments and so on. Board management can add, modify and get rid of boards. Membership management can check member's basic information and disqualify members, comment management can delete the assigned comments of a certain number or of a certain member's. The system's basic data device can set up the number of comments shown on each page, the times of vote needed to delete a comment, the interval of deleting comments, the size of the documents deleted, etc. Our forums try our best to offer overall services of high quality. For example, we serve them with stores job hunting information, flash and we also recommend good music.
Keywords:BBS,Register, Login,Delete
目 录
第一章 BBS论坛简要说明 1
第二章 系统运行环境 2
2.1 硬件配置 2
2.2 软件环境 2
2.3 相关运行环境介绍 2
第三章 系统设计 4
第一节 系统分析 4
3.1.1可行性研究 4
3.1.2系统开发主要目标 4
3.1.3系统开发相关技术介绍 5
第二节 数据库设计 10
3.2.1数据字典的设计 10
3.2.2数据库逻辑结构设计 12
3.2.3论坛数据流图 14
3.2.4系统E-R 图 15
第三节 系统模块结构及详细设计 16
3.3.1详细设计系统功能描述 16
3.3.2功能模块划分 17
第四节 关键源程序清单 19
第四章 运行结果及效果分析 30
第五章 用户手册 33
第一节 系统安装 33
第二节 系统启动 33
第三节 使用方法 33
第四节 系统维护 39
5.4.1日常运行管理 39
5.4.2硬件与软件的维护 39
第六章 毕业设计体会 40
6.1 目标完成情况 40
6.2 存在不足 40
6.3 总结和体会 40
致 谢 41
参考文献 42