三体无人艇模型设计、制作,摘要复合型船近些年来逐渐得到世界各国的重视与发展,多体船技术现已广泛应用于船舶工程领域,特别是在民用船舶方面的应用。无人艇作为无人化战场中的一个重要作业单元,与无人机、无人潜器、陆战机器人等并称无人化战场的“ 四大金刚”, 是依靠遥控或自主方式在水面航行的无人化、智能化作业平台,大量节省了人力物力。但对于三体无人艇的研...

此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布
复合型船近些年来逐渐得到世界各国的重视与发展,多体船技术现已广泛应用于船舶工程领域,特别是在民用船舶方面的应用。无人艇作为无人化战场中的一个重要作业单元,与无人机、无人潜器、陆战机器人等并称无人化战场的“ 四大金刚”, 是依靠遥控或自主方式在水面航行的无人化、智能化作业平台,大量节省了人力物力。但对于三体无人艇的研究仍处于起步阶段,不论是国内还是国外,很少有运用于工程实践的成熟产品。
设计了复合三体冲翼无人艇船模性能试验方案,包括操纵性试验、快速性试验和耐波性试验。用Visual basic 软件编写了基于混沌算法的快速性系统辨识程序;在螺旋桨敞水性征资料缺失的情况下,用获得的快速性实验数据通过系统辨识程序可得到相关的10KQ-J曲线。通过主机功率 的预报,可看出该系统辨识方法可行。基于混沌算法,对摇荡自由衰减试验数据进行系统辨识后所得的衰减曲线与实验所得的数据曲线周期和衰减情况基本一致。基于遗传算法对船模操纵性性能进行辨识,所得到的辨识结果与原始数据基本吻合。
Hybrid hulls are gradually the world attention and development in recent years, multi-hull ships are now widely used in marine engineering technology areas, especially the application in the civilian ship. Unmanned surface vessel plays an important unit in the unmanned battle field. It is one of "Four Diamond" with unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned submersible and marine robotics. Unmanned surface vessel is rely on remote control or autonomous unmanned surface navigation, intelligent platform, saving a lot of manpower and resources. However, trimaran unmanned vessel is till in its infancy, whether domestic or foreign, there are few mature products used in engineering practice.
This article describes the high-performance ships, ship testing and system identification theory, domestic and international technical status, background and related developments. Through large number of pre-ship model testing, we select the composite trimaran red wing unmanned vessel for as the ship type and completed a trimaran model s design, production and model propulsion systems, control systems, control systems and data acquisition system debugging.
Designing sailing ship model performance test program, including maneuver test, rapid test and seakeeping tests.Based on chaotic algorithms Visual basic procedures for rapid system identification, propeller open water without knowing the symptoms of the circumstances, we obtained related to the relationship between 10KQ-J curve by experimental data obtained and system identification data. Prediction of power by the host system identification data can be seen forecasting would achieve certain accuracy. Based on chaotic algorithm, identified the rolling decay curve compare with experimental value that the period and extent are consistent. Based on genetic algorithm, identified maneuver of ship, and we get that recognition results are consistent with the original data with high precision.
Preliminary validation of the self-control ship model test approach to explore the properties of composite trimaran- hydrofoil- wing vessel. It lays the foundation for high performance vessel experiment.
Keywords: trimaran; trimaran-hydrofoil-wing vessel; ship model test; performance; system identification
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 1
1.2 系统辩识 5
1.2.1 传统的系统辩识方法 5
1.2.2 新型的辩识方法 6
1.3 船舶性能实验技术 8
1.3.1 船舶快速性 8
1.3.2 船舶耐波性 8
1.3.3 船舶操纵性 9
1.4 国内外研究技术现状与发展趋势 9
1.4.1 三体船技术 9
1.4.2 水翼艇技术 10
1.4.3 冲翼艇技术 10
1.5 本章小结 11
第2章 复合三体船模型设计 12
2.1 选型 12
2.1.1 选型背景分析 12
2.1.2 船模船型方案选取 12
2.2 模型设计 14
2.2.1 推进系统设计 14
2.2.2 操纵系统设计 19
2.3 船模重量估算及重心计算 22
2.4 浮力核算 23
2.4.1 潜体产生浮力 24
2.4.2 主体设计水线以下部分产生的浮力 24
2.4.3 侧体设计水线以下部分产生的浮力 26
2.5 船模阻力 29
2.6 水翼设计 32
2.7 本章小结………………………………………………………………………. …32
第3章 复合三体船模型制作 33
3.1 引言 33
3.2 骨架加工 33
3.3 模型制作 36
3.4 设备安装和系统调试 39
3.4.1 推进系统调试 39
3.4.2 控制系统调试 41
3.4.3 操纵系统调试 43
3.4.4 数据采集系统调试 43
3.5 本章小结 44
第4章 复合三体船模型水动力性能试验 45
4.1 水密性试验 45
4.2 船模快速性试验 45
4.2.1 快速性试验方案 46
4.2.2 试验步骤 46
4.3 船模操纵性试验 47
4.3.1 操纵性试验方案 47
4.3.2 试验步骤 47
4.4 船..
复合型船近些年来逐渐得到世界各国的重视与发展,多体船技术现已广泛应用于船舶工程领域,特别是在民用船舶方面的应用。无人艇作为无人化战场中的一个重要作业单元,与无人机、无人潜器、陆战机器人等并称无人化战场的“ 四大金刚”, 是依靠遥控或自主方式在水面航行的无人化、智能化作业平台,大量节省了人力物力。但对于三体无人艇的研究仍处于起步阶段,不论是国内还是国外,很少有运用于工程实践的成熟产品。
设计了复合三体冲翼无人艇船模性能试验方案,包括操纵性试验、快速性试验和耐波性试验。用Visual basic 软件编写了基于混沌算法的快速性系统辨识程序;在螺旋桨敞水性征资料缺失的情况下,用获得的快速性实验数据通过系统辨识程序可得到相关的10KQ-J曲线。通过主机功率 的预报,可看出该系统辨识方法可行。基于混沌算法,对摇荡自由衰减试验数据进行系统辨识后所得的衰减曲线与实验所得的数据曲线周期和衰减情况基本一致。基于遗传算法对船模操纵性性能进行辨识,所得到的辨识结果与原始数据基本吻合。
Hybrid hulls are gradually the world attention and development in recent years, multi-hull ships are now widely used in marine engineering technology areas, especially the application in the civilian ship. Unmanned surface vessel plays an important unit in the unmanned battle field. It is one of "Four Diamond" with unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned submersible and marine robotics. Unmanned surface vessel is rely on remote control or autonomous unmanned surface navigation, intelligent platform, saving a lot of manpower and resources. However, trimaran unmanned vessel is till in its infancy, whether domestic or foreign, there are few mature products used in engineering practice.
This article describes the high-performance ships, ship testing and system identification theory, domestic and international technical status, background and related developments. Through large number of pre-ship model testing, we select the composite trimaran red wing unmanned vessel for as the ship type and completed a trimaran model s design, production and model propulsion systems, control systems, control systems and data acquisition system debugging.
Designing sailing ship model performance test program, including maneuver test, rapid test and seakeeping tests.Based on chaotic algorithms Visual basic procedures for rapid system identification, propeller open water without knowing the symptoms of the circumstances, we obtained related to the relationship between 10KQ-J curve by experimental data obtained and system identification data. Prediction of power by the host system identification data can be seen forecasting would achieve certain accuracy. Based on chaotic algorithm, identified the rolling decay curve compare with experimental value that the period and extent are consistent. Based on genetic algorithm, identified maneuver of ship, and we get that recognition results are consistent with the original data with high precision.
Preliminary validation of the self-control ship model test approach to explore the properties of composite trimaran- hydrofoil- wing vessel. It lays the foundation for high performance vessel experiment.
Keywords: trimaran; trimaran-hydrofoil-wing vessel; ship model test; performance; system identification
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 1
1.2 系统辩识 5
1.2.1 传统的系统辩识方法 5
1.2.2 新型的辩识方法 6
1.3 船舶性能实验技术 8
1.3.1 船舶快速性 8
1.3.2 船舶耐波性 8
1.3.3 船舶操纵性 9
1.4 国内外研究技术现状与发展趋势 9
1.4.1 三体船技术 9
1.4.2 水翼艇技术 10
1.4.3 冲翼艇技术 10
1.5 本章小结 11
第2章 复合三体船模型设计 12
2.1 选型 12
2.1.1 选型背景分析 12
2.1.2 船模船型方案选取 12
2.2 模型设计 14
2.2.1 推进系统设计 14
2.2.2 操纵系统设计 19
2.3 船模重量估算及重心计算 22
2.4 浮力核算 23
2.4.1 潜体产生浮力 24
2.4.2 主体设计水线以下部分产生的浮力 24
2.4.3 侧体设计水线以下部分产生的浮力 26
2.5 船模阻力 29
2.6 水翼设计 32
2.7 本章小结………………………………………………………………………. …32
第3章 复合三体船模型制作 33
3.1 引言 33
3.2 骨架加工 33
3.3 模型制作 36
3.4 设备安装和系统调试 39
3.4.1 推进系统调试 39
3.4.2 控制系统调试 41
3.4.3 操纵系统调试 43
3.4.4 数据采集系统调试 43
3.5 本章小结 44
第4章 复合三体船模型水动力性能试验 45
4.1 水密性试验 45
4.2 船模快速性试验 45
4.2.1 快速性试验方案 46
4.2.2 试验步骤 46
4.3 船模操纵性试验 47
4.3.1 操纵性试验方案 47
4.3.2 试验步骤 47
4.4 船..