

分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布

摘 要



For the underwater structure, ship vibration caused by power plant is one of the main vibration source. Fixed-base structure is used to unit power plant on the hull, the base dynamic characteristics of underwater structure vibration isolation and noise control is of great significance. Shell is the direct radiated noise structure contacted the fluid medium with underwater structure. Therefore, the research of base and the shell structure about the power and vibration transmission characteristics are important for the underwater structure.
This article includes the following aspects: First, the structure of the underwater cabin modal analysis and frequency response analysis get some important conclusion about the cabin of underwater structure include the dynamic characteristics of the base, the shell, the transverse bulkheads and the platform structure. Second, by changing the geometric parameters such as base panel thickness, base web thickness, base elbow plate thickness, base elbow plate amount and the shell thickness,have a research on the transmission rate of the various parameters. Draw panel thickness, web thickness, elbow thickness, elbow plate amount and the shell thickness on the transmission characteristics are investigated. Third, the use of finite element and boundary element method of combining, the structure of the underwater radiated power, radiation efficiency, sound pressure and sound intensity level is calculated and analyzed to study the geometric parameters (panel thickness, web thickness, elbow thickness, elbow plate amount and the shell thickness) on the radiated sound power, radiation efficiency, sound pressure and sound intensity level are investigated.

Key words: underwater structures; base; vibration; transfer characteristics; sound radiation

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究的背景与选题的意义 1
1.2 结构隔振与声辐射问题的国内外研究进展综述 2
1.2.1 结构振动隔离问题的国内外研究进展综述 3
1.2.2 结构振动声辐射问题的国内外研究进展综述 5
1.3 本文的主要研究内容及方法 6
1.3.1 本文主要工作 6
1.3.2 本文创新点 7
第2章 动力学及声学分析理论方法 8
2.1 振动结构模态分析基本原理 8
2.2 频率响应函数分析理论 10
2.3 振动传递特性的表征参数 12
2.3.1 力传递率 12
2.3.2 振级落差 13
2.4 结构振动声辐射原理 13
2.5 声辐射特性的表征参数 14
2.5.1 声场与声源的度量 14
2.5.2 声辐射效率 15
第3章 舱段结构动力特性分析 16
3.1 船体结构典型基座结构型式 16
3.2 振动沿船体结构的传播 19
3.3 舱段结构模型 20
3.4 舱段结构的有限元模型 23
3.5 舱段结构模态分析 24
3.6 舱段结构的传递特性分析 26
3.6.1 基座结构传递特性分析 28
3.6.2 平台结构传递特性分析 28
3.6.3 外壳舱壁结构传递特性分析 29
3.6.4 前后横舱壁结构传递特性分析 30
第4章 舱段结构振动传递特性分析 33
4.1 振动传递函数 33
4.2 舱段结构尺寸参数修改与所得模型 33
4.3 几何参数对基座振动传递特性的影响 34
4.3.1 面板厚度的影响 34
4.3.2 腹板厚度的影响 44
4.3.3 肘板厚度的影响 50
4.3.4 肘板数目的影响 56
4.3.5 壳体厚度的影响 61
4.4 振动传递表征参数力传递率 67
第5章 舱段结构声辐射分析 70
5.1 船体基座声学设计的基本原则及方法 70
5.2 振动结构水下声辐射计算的边界元方法 71
5.3 振动结构的水下声辐射计算 72
5.3.1 面板厚度对声辐射的影响 73
5.3.2 腹板厚度对声辐射的影响 75
5.3.3 肘板厚度对声辐射的影响 78
5.3.4 肘板数目对声辐射的影响 80
5.3.5 壳体厚度对声辐射的影响 83
第6章 总结与展望 87
参考文献 89