
此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布
The structure of submarine is the basic of the underwater working safety. The structure mechanical research of submarine has been focused much more as the modern submarine deep submergence increasing and more using requirements being raised. Pressed cylindrical shell is the major structure of submarine. The main purpose of this paper is to research the ultimate bearing capacity of the structure.
Firstly the analysis of several typical models has been made by ANSYS. The approaches and methods are discussed which are used to analyze the pressed cylindrical shell structure. A finite element model is built to analyze the eigenvalue buckling. Through the analysis the elasticity inflection is found and used to upgrade the models as initial defects. Then the pressed cylindrical shell models are built with the initial defects.
Established by the three typical high-strength steel pressure plastic cylindrical shell model analysis of plastic limit analysis model obtained carrying capacity, and compared with the calculated value. Then through the parameter calculation, the influence of high-intensity pressure hull factors is analyzed.
Then it is advanced a new cylindrical shell structure which is made of high polymer sandwich panel. Finite models are established as the geometric parameters of the traditional high steel cylindrical shell models. Through finite element computation, comparison of limit bearing capacity difference is done between high polymer band pressure resistance cylindrical shell structure and traditional pressure resistance cylindrical shell structure. Comparing by calculation in ANSYS, the application of sandwich structure will not result in structural load reduction. In achieves under certain band thickness, the bearing capacity of sandwich structure comparing with that of traditional high strength steel structure has certain superiority. And also the buckling of the structure is analyzed.
In addition, by comparing the different parameters of factor calculated, the influence of the factors as variation of ultimate bearing capacity is researched. These factors include sandwich thickness, rib dimensions and spacing of the ribs.
Keywords: pressed cylinder shell; ultimate bearing capacity; Sandwich panel
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract I
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究发展现状 3
1.2.1 圆柱壳理论 3
1.2.2 夹层理论 6
1.2.3 初始缺陷理论 8
1.3 主要研究内容和研究方法 9
第2章 耐压圆柱壳理论计算方法 11
2.1 基本概念和假设 11
2.2 受力分析 12
2.2.1 壳板强度 14
2.2.2 肋骨强度 15
2.3 稳定性分析 15
2.3.1 圆柱壳失稳的几种情况 15
2.3.2 稳定性公式 16
2.3.3 计及肋骨影响的耐压圆柱壳纵剖面的中面力 17
2.3.4 局部失稳和总体失稳的理论欧拉载荷 18
2.4 修正系数 19
2.4.1 几何修正系数 19
2.4.2 物理修正系数 20
2.5 小结 20
第3章 高强度钢圆柱壳有限元分析 22
3.1 引言 22
3.2 有限元方法简介 22
3.3 非线性问题概述 23
3.3.1 材料非线性 23
3.3.2 几何非线性 23
3.4 高强度钢耐压圆柱壳结构有限元分析 24
3.4.1 耐压圆柱壳结构有限元分析基本步骤 24
3.4.2 几何建模及网络划分 24
3.4.3 约束和载荷 27
3.4.4 初始缺陷的施加 27
3.4.5 子步数和施加的外部载荷值的选择 27
3.5 高强度钢耐压圆柱壳结构有限元计算分析 27
3.5.1 特征值屈曲分析 27
3.5.2 非线性屈曲计算 29
3.6 不同计算方法下塑性极限承载力的比较 31
3.6.1 计算方法简介 31
3.6.2 不同计算方法结果对比 32
3.7 小结 34
第4章 夹层结构在耐压圆柱壳结构中的应用 36
4.1 引言 36
4.2 夹层结构的构造 36
4.3 夹层板的力学特征 37
4.3.1 夹层理论 38
4.3.2 新型复合夹层板结构简介 39
4.4 夹层圆柱壳的基本方程 40
4.4.1 几何方程和协调方程 40
4.4.2 平衡方程和边界条件 42
4.5 夹层结构耐压圆柱壳模型的建立 43
4.5.1 材料和单元 44
4.5.2 网格划分 44
4.5.3 约束施加..
The structure of submarine is the basic of the underwater working safety. The structure mechanical research of submarine has been focused much more as the modern submarine deep submergence increasing and more using requirements being raised. Pressed cylindrical shell is the major structure of submarine. The main purpose of this paper is to research the ultimate bearing capacity of the structure.
Firstly the analysis of several typical models has been made by ANSYS. The approaches and methods are discussed which are used to analyze the pressed cylindrical shell structure. A finite element model is built to analyze the eigenvalue buckling. Through the analysis the elasticity inflection is found and used to upgrade the models as initial defects. Then the pressed cylindrical shell models are built with the initial defects.
Established by the three typical high-strength steel pressure plastic cylindrical shell model analysis of plastic limit analysis model obtained carrying capacity, and compared with the calculated value. Then through the parameter calculation, the influence of high-intensity pressure hull factors is analyzed.
Then it is advanced a new cylindrical shell structure which is made of high polymer sandwich panel. Finite models are established as the geometric parameters of the traditional high steel cylindrical shell models. Through finite element computation, comparison of limit bearing capacity difference is done between high polymer band pressure resistance cylindrical shell structure and traditional pressure resistance cylindrical shell structure. Comparing by calculation in ANSYS, the application of sandwich structure will not result in structural load reduction. In achieves under certain band thickness, the bearing capacity of sandwich structure comparing with that of traditional high strength steel structure has certain superiority. And also the buckling of the structure is analyzed.
In addition, by comparing the different parameters of factor calculated, the influence of the factors as variation of ultimate bearing capacity is researched. These factors include sandwich thickness, rib dimensions and spacing of the ribs.
Keywords: pressed cylinder shell; ultimate bearing capacity; Sandwich panel
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract I
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究发展现状 3
1.2.1 圆柱壳理论 3
1.2.2 夹层理论 6
1.2.3 初始缺陷理论 8
1.3 主要研究内容和研究方法 9
第2章 耐压圆柱壳理论计算方法 11
2.1 基本概念和假设 11
2.2 受力分析 12
2.2.1 壳板强度 14
2.2.2 肋骨强度 15
2.3 稳定性分析 15
2.3.1 圆柱壳失稳的几种情况 15
2.3.2 稳定性公式 16
2.3.3 计及肋骨影响的耐压圆柱壳纵剖面的中面力 17
2.3.4 局部失稳和总体失稳的理论欧拉载荷 18
2.4 修正系数 19
2.4.1 几何修正系数 19
2.4.2 物理修正系数 20
2.5 小结 20
第3章 高强度钢圆柱壳有限元分析 22
3.1 引言 22
3.2 有限元方法简介 22
3.3 非线性问题概述 23
3.3.1 材料非线性 23
3.3.2 几何非线性 23
3.4 高强度钢耐压圆柱壳结构有限元分析 24
3.4.1 耐压圆柱壳结构有限元分析基本步骤 24
3.4.2 几何建模及网络划分 24
3.4.3 约束和载荷 27
3.4.4 初始缺陷的施加 27
3.4.5 子步数和施加的外部载荷值的选择 27
3.5 高强度钢耐压圆柱壳结构有限元计算分析 27
3.5.1 特征值屈曲分析 27
3.5.2 非线性屈曲计算 29
3.6 不同计算方法下塑性极限承载力的比较 31
3.6.1 计算方法简介 31
3.6.2 不同计算方法结果对比 32
3.7 小结 34
第4章 夹层结构在耐压圆柱壳结构中的应用 36
4.1 引言 36
4.2 夹层结构的构造 36
4.3 夹层板的力学特征 37
4.3.1 夹层理论 38
4.3.2 新型复合夹层板结构简介 39
4.4 夹层圆柱壳的基本方程 40
4.4.1 几何方程和协调方程 40
4.4.2 平衡方程和边界条件 42
4.5 夹层结构耐压圆柱壳模型的建立 43
4.5.1 材料和单元 44
4.5.2 网格划分 44
4.5.3 约束施加..