基于cip类方法的液舱晃荡,摘要作为复杂的流体运动现象, 液体发生晃荡时会伴随产生波面破碎、波对舱壁的高速砰击、液滴形成及气泡卷入等强非线性现象,并表现出很强随机性。本文对晃荡现象数值研究现状,特别是cip法在晃荡现象研究的发展进行了较全面的回顾,在此基础上,采用基于cip(constrained interpolation profile)法的...

此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布
摘 要
作为复杂的流体运动现象, 液体发生晃荡时会伴随产生波面破碎、波对舱壁的高速砰击、液滴形成及气泡卷入等强非线性现象,并表现出很强随机性。本文对晃荡现象数值研究现状,特别是CIP法在晃荡现象研究的发展进行了较全面的回顾,在此基础上,采用基于CIP(Constrained Interpolation Profile)法的自编程序,对晃荡现象机理进行研究。主要分为以下几个内容:
1) 系统介绍了CIP方法的基本原理以及应用于晃荡现象的处理。
2) 选定适当的数值模型对晃荡现象进行描述并进行程序的实现。
3) 将所编制的程序用于溃坝问题的模拟,以作为大变形自由液面的验算。
4) 在溃坝模拟验算的基础上,利用自编程序进行晃荡问题的研究。
针对不同液深及晃荡幅值的工况进行相应计算,在非谐振激励下,各种液深下的晃荡强度均小于谐振激励,但高液深时的差异较小。对壁面压力进行监测发现,当舱内形成驻波,舱壁所蔃@寤餮沽ο灾湫 �
Violent sloshing is a strongly nonlinear problem, which may involve phenomena such as breaking waves, high-speed impacts on tank walls, liquid droplet formation and air bubble entrainment, and is of high randomness. In this paper, the state of the art of the study on sloshing with numerical method, especially the application of the CIP method in sloshing simulation is reviewed. Some research about the mechanism of sloshing has been taken based on the foundation, with the self-programming code of Fortran language. The main work and important conclusions of this paper are listed as follows:
1) Give an overall review of the principle of CIP method and the application is sloshing
Specify the difference between fractional step method and pressure correction method, choose proper mathematic model to describe the sloshing phenomenon, and describe the fractional solving steps with CIP method.
2) The choice of proper numerical model and programming
Program with Fortran language based on the introduction. Combining the characteristics of the CIP method applied to sloshing phenomenon, staggered grid is adopted to store the information of the fluid field, and an exterior fictitious one-cell layer adjacent to each side of the physical domain is added to allow imposition of discrete boundary condition. Use the Bi-CGSTAB method with preconditioning matrix K to calculate the Poisson equation of pressure precisely and efficiently.
3) Simulate the dam-breaking problem to validate the code in the use of large deformation of free surface
Monitor the deformation of the free surface, and compare the result with computation by Fluent, which certify the capture of the free surface; the comparison between the monitored pressure and experimental data at the solid wall downstream showed that the code is feasible to monitor the variant of the pressure.
4) Simulate the sloshing phenomenon with the code based on the validation of the dam-breaking problem
Cases of different liquid level and sloshing amplitude are simulated. The results show that the intensity of sloshing in the bestir of the non-resonance frequency is smaller than the resonance frequency liquid with both depths, while in high level cases the difference is not obvious; the monitored pressure show that the slamming pressure is much smaller when stationary waves are formed in the tank.
Key word: CIP method; liquid sloshing; Bi-CGSTAB method; free surface; dam breaking
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 选题的背景和意义 1
1.2 本课题的国内外研究现状与发展趋势 1
1.2.1 晃荡数值研究简介 1
1.2.2 CIP法简介及其在晃荡研究中的相关应用 3
1.3 本文的工作 8
第2章 CIP法的基本原理 9
2.1 引言 9
2.2 半拉格朗日(Semi-Lagrange)格式 10
2.3 CIP法 11
2.3.1 一维CIP算法 11
2.3.2 二维CIP算法 12
2.4 分步算法思想 15
2.5 交错网格及变量存储规则 17
2.6 本章小结 18
第3章 基于CIP法的自由液面流场数值求解 19
3.1 控制方程 19
3.2 基于CIP方法的流场分步求解过程 21
3.3 确定自由液面——密度函数的计算 24
3.4 笛卡尔网格法 26
3.5 压力Poisson方程的迭代求解 27
3.6 带有预处理矩阵的Bi-CGSTAB算法 30
3.7 本章小结 30
第4章 晃荡模型的建立与数值离散 31
4.1 基本假定 31
4.2 控制方程 31
4.3 外界激励的加载与参考系的选取 32
4.4 定解条件 32
4.4.1 初始条件 32
4.4.2 边界条件 34
4.5 程序设计 35
4.5.1 程序功能模块与结构 35
4.5.2 程序实现流程 37
4.6 本章小结 38
第5章 应用于溃坝问题的计算 39
5.1 自由液面微幅变形的计算 39
5.1.1 模型的选取与建立 39
5.1.2 计算结果分析 40
5.2 自由液面的大幅变形&..
作为复杂的流体运动现象, 液体发生晃荡时会伴随产生波面破碎、波对舱壁的高速砰击、液滴形成及气泡卷入等强非线性现象,并表现出很强随机性。本文对晃荡现象数值研究现状,特别是CIP法在晃荡现象研究的发展进行了较全面的回顾,在此基础上,采用基于CIP(Constrained Interpolation Profile)法的自编程序,对晃荡现象机理进行研究。主要分为以下几个内容:
1) 系统介绍了CIP方法的基本原理以及应用于晃荡现象的处理。
2) 选定适当的数值模型对晃荡现象进行描述并进行程序的实现。
3) 将所编制的程序用于溃坝问题的模拟,以作为大变形自由液面的验算。
4) 在溃坝模拟验算的基础上,利用自编程序进行晃荡问题的研究。
针对不同液深及晃荡幅值的工况进行相应计算,在非谐振激励下,各种液深下的晃荡强度均小于谐振激励,但高液深时的差异较小。对壁面压力进行监测发现,当舱内形成驻波,舱壁所蔃@寤餮沽ο灾湫 �
Violent sloshing is a strongly nonlinear problem, which may involve phenomena such as breaking waves, high-speed impacts on tank walls, liquid droplet formation and air bubble entrainment, and is of high randomness. In this paper, the state of the art of the study on sloshing with numerical method, especially the application of the CIP method in sloshing simulation is reviewed. Some research about the mechanism of sloshing has been taken based on the foundation, with the self-programming code of Fortran language. The main work and important conclusions of this paper are listed as follows:
1) Give an overall review of the principle of CIP method and the application is sloshing
Specify the difference between fractional step method and pressure correction method, choose proper mathematic model to describe the sloshing phenomenon, and describe the fractional solving steps with CIP method.
2) The choice of proper numerical model and programming
Program with Fortran language based on the introduction. Combining the characteristics of the CIP method applied to sloshing phenomenon, staggered grid is adopted to store the information of the fluid field, and an exterior fictitious one-cell layer adjacent to each side of the physical domain is added to allow imposition of discrete boundary condition. Use the Bi-CGSTAB method with preconditioning matrix K to calculate the Poisson equation of pressure precisely and efficiently.
3) Simulate the dam-breaking problem to validate the code in the use of large deformation of free surface
Monitor the deformation of the free surface, and compare the result with computation by Fluent, which certify the capture of the free surface; the comparison between the monitored pressure and experimental data at the solid wall downstream showed that the code is feasible to monitor the variant of the pressure.
4) Simulate the sloshing phenomenon with the code based on the validation of the dam-breaking problem
Cases of different liquid level and sloshing amplitude are simulated. The results show that the intensity of sloshing in the bestir of the non-resonance frequency is smaller than the resonance frequency liquid with both depths, while in high level cases the difference is not obvious; the monitored pressure show that the slamming pressure is much smaller when stationary waves are formed in the tank.
Key word: CIP method; liquid sloshing; Bi-CGSTAB method; free surface; dam breaking
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 选题的背景和意义 1
1.2 本课题的国内外研究现状与发展趋势 1
1.2.1 晃荡数值研究简介 1
1.2.2 CIP法简介及其在晃荡研究中的相关应用 3
1.3 本文的工作 8
第2章 CIP法的基本原理 9
2.1 引言 9
2.2 半拉格朗日(Semi-Lagrange)格式 10
2.3 CIP法 11
2.3.1 一维CIP算法 11
2.3.2 二维CIP算法 12
2.4 分步算法思想 15
2.5 交错网格及变量存储规则 17
2.6 本章小结 18
第3章 基于CIP法的自由液面流场数值求解 19
3.1 控制方程 19
3.2 基于CIP方法的流场分步求解过程 21
3.3 确定自由液面——密度函数的计算 24
3.4 笛卡尔网格法 26
3.5 压力Poisson方程的迭代求解 27
3.6 带有预处理矩阵的Bi-CGSTAB算法 30
3.7 本章小结 30
第4章 晃荡模型的建立与数值离散 31
4.1 基本假定 31
4.2 控制方程 31
4.3 外界激励的加载与参考系的选取 32
4.4 定解条件 32
4.4.1 初始条件 32
4.4.2 边界条件 34
4.5 程序设计 35
4.5.1 程序功能模块与结构 35
4.5.2 程序实现流程 37
4.6 本章小结 38
第5章 应用于溃坝问题的计算 39
5.1 自由液面微幅变形的计算 39
5.1.1 模型的选取与建立 39
5.1.2 计算结果分析 40
5.2 自由液面的大幅变形&..