考虑管道影响的铺管船,摘 要海洋管道的铺设方法主要有两种:j型铺设和s型铺设。其中j型铺设由于不需要托管架且铺设安装时管道的应力更小而在深海铺设时广泛应用。本文利用耦合分析的方法,对j型铺管船体及锚泊系统的运动进行时域耦合分析,获得船体、管道及系泊系统的动力响应。主要研究内容及成果概括如下:1. 铺管船体水动力性能研究。基于势流理论,对铺管...

原文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布
摘 要
1. 铺管船体水动力性能研究。基于势流理论,对铺管船进行了数值分析,得到了铺管船的附加质量系数、阻尼系数以及频响函数。
2. 铺管船运动响应以及锚泊力研究。在不同浪向角时,模拟了铺管船的运动响应以及锚泊力。
3. 铺管对船体运动及锚泊力的影响研究。主要从两个方面进行了研究:分析了不同浪向角作用下,管道对船体六个自由度运动以及锚泊力的影响;分析了不同规格管道对船体六个自由度运动以及锚泊力的影响。
4. 管道铺设时的强度研究。主要从两个方面进行了研究:选定了四种管道入水时的安装预张力,研究了管道预张力对铺管强度的影响;分析了四个波浪入射角作用下,对管道的张力和弯矩的影响。
1. 船体在遭受0°至90°的入射波时,随着浪向角的增大船体的纵荡位移逐渐减小、横荡位移逐渐增大。90°入射时,系泊缆绳张力达到最大;
2. 考虑管道的影响后,船体的纵荡、横荡和首摇运动现了明显的变化,而船体的纵摇、垂荡响应并不敏感;系泊系统两根锚缆锚端张力稍微变大,其他六根锚缆绳张力都有明显变小,总体上呈现减小的趋势;管道湿重与管道的初始张力之间存在着明显的关系,湿重越大,管道张力越大,对船体的运动和锚泊系统也越大。
3. 管道的轴向应力随着预张力的增大而增大,弯曲应力、合成总应力随着预张力增大而减小;弯曲应力在管道总应力起主导作用;船体在遭受0°至90°的入射波时,随着浪向角的增大管道的张力和弯矩逐渐增大。
There are two main methods of laying marine pipe: J-lay and S-lay. J-lay is widely used in deep sea as it does not require stinger and its laying stress is much smaller. This paper analyzes the J-Lay pipe lay and the Mooring system using the coupling analysis method, and the dynamic response of vessel, pipes and mooring system been obtained. The main research contents and results are summarized as follows:
1. Research on the hydrodynamic characteristics of the vessel. Based on the potential flow theory, this paper take a numerical analysis on floating platform, and get the added mass, damping and RAO of the vessel.
2. Research on the hydrodynamic performance of the vessel and mooring system. Motion performance of the vessel and tension of the lines are simulated with different incoming wave angles.
3. Research on the hydrodynamic performance of the vessel and mooring system when pipe-laying. Mainly research two conditions to analyze the impact of vessel movement and the tension of the lines. One is considering different kinds of pipes, the other considering different incident waves.
4. Research on the strength of the pipeline when laying the pipe. Different pre-tension and different incident waves when pipe-laying are considered to discuss the comparison of the pipeline strength.
Through researching and analysis, the main conclusions of this paper are obtained as follows:
1. With the wave direction angles increasing, the surge movement becomes smaller and the sway movement is just the opposite when the vessel subjected to the incident wave with the angle of 0° to 90°. As the angle reached 90°, the tension of the mooring liner gets the maximum.
2. There is a significant change of sway、surge and yaw when considering the impact of the pipeline; the pipeline has a significant influence on the mooring system. The tension of two lines become slightly larger and other six lines are significantly smaller; there is a significant relationship between wet weight of the pipeline and the pre-tension of the pipeline, the greater Wet weight is, the larger the tension is;then the impact of vessel motion is larger.
3. The axial stress of pipeline gets larger as the pre-tension increases, and the bending stress and the combine stress are just the opposite. Bending stress plays a leading role in total stress of pipeline. With the wave direction angles increasing, the tension and bending moment become larger when the vessel subjected to the incident wave with the angle of 0°to 90°; The stress of pipeline is been influenced directly by the heave motion.
Key words : Submarine pipeline;Mooring system;J-Lay pipelay; Dynamic response
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 V
第一章 绪论 1
1.1深海油气开发现状 1
1.2管道铺设方法 2
1.2.1 S型铺设法 2
1.2.2 J型铺设法 4
1.2.3 卷管法 6
1.3 铺管船水动力研究进展 7
1.4 本文研究内容 8
第二章 波浪载荷的计算 9
2.1 三维浮体波浪载荷频率方法 9
2.2 边界条件 9
2.2.1 水底条件 10
2.2.2 自由表面条件 10
2.2.3 物面条件 11
2.2.4 远方辐射条件 11
2.3入射波速度势的求解[24] 11
2.4辐射速度势的求解 12
2.5绕射速度势的求解 14
2.6船体运动方程的建立 15
第三章 船体的水动力计算 17
3.1 水动力系数 17
3.2 铺管船的水动力性能分析 19
3.2.1 铺管船的水动力模型 19
3.2.2铺管船体的水动力系数 20
3.2.3 船体的频响函数 22-br..
1. 铺管船体水动力性能研究。基于势流理论,对铺管船进行了数值分析,得到了铺管船的附加质量系数、阻尼系数以及频响函数。
2. 铺管船运动响应以及锚泊力研究。在不同浪向角时,模拟了铺管船的运动响应以及锚泊力。
3. 铺管对船体运动及锚泊力的影响研究。主要从两个方面进行了研究:分析了不同浪向角作用下,管道对船体六个自由度运动以及锚泊力的影响;分析了不同规格管道对船体六个自由度运动以及锚泊力的影响。
4. 管道铺设时的强度研究。主要从两个方面进行了研究:选定了四种管道入水时的安装预张力,研究了管道预张力对铺管强度的影响;分析了四个波浪入射角作用下,对管道的张力和弯矩的影响。
1. 船体在遭受0°至90°的入射波时,随着浪向角的增大船体的纵荡位移逐渐减小、横荡位移逐渐增大。90°入射时,系泊缆绳张力达到最大;
2. 考虑管道的影响后,船体的纵荡、横荡和首摇运动现了明显的变化,而船体的纵摇、垂荡响应并不敏感;系泊系统两根锚缆锚端张力稍微变大,其他六根锚缆绳张力都有明显变小,总体上呈现减小的趋势;管道湿重与管道的初始张力之间存在着明显的关系,湿重越大,管道张力越大,对船体的运动和锚泊系统也越大。
3. 管道的轴向应力随着预张力的增大而增大,弯曲应力、合成总应力随着预张力增大而减小;弯曲应力在管道总应力起主导作用;船体在遭受0°至90°的入射波时,随着浪向角的增大管道的张力和弯矩逐渐增大。
There are two main methods of laying marine pipe: J-lay and S-lay. J-lay is widely used in deep sea as it does not require stinger and its laying stress is much smaller. This paper analyzes the J-Lay pipe lay and the Mooring system using the coupling analysis method, and the dynamic response of vessel, pipes and mooring system been obtained. The main research contents and results are summarized as follows:
1. Research on the hydrodynamic characteristics of the vessel. Based on the potential flow theory, this paper take a numerical analysis on floating platform, and get the added mass, damping and RAO of the vessel.
2. Research on the hydrodynamic performance of the vessel and mooring system. Motion performance of the vessel and tension of the lines are simulated with different incoming wave angles.
3. Research on the hydrodynamic performance of the vessel and mooring system when pipe-laying. Mainly research two conditions to analyze the impact of vessel movement and the tension of the lines. One is considering different kinds of pipes, the other considering different incident waves.
4. Research on the strength of the pipeline when laying the pipe. Different pre-tension and different incident waves when pipe-laying are considered to discuss the comparison of the pipeline strength.
Through researching and analysis, the main conclusions of this paper are obtained as follows:
1. With the wave direction angles increasing, the surge movement becomes smaller and the sway movement is just the opposite when the vessel subjected to the incident wave with the angle of 0° to 90°. As the angle reached 90°, the tension of the mooring liner gets the maximum.
2. There is a significant change of sway、surge and yaw when considering the impact of the pipeline; the pipeline has a significant influence on the mooring system. The tension of two lines become slightly larger and other six lines are significantly smaller; there is a significant relationship between wet weight of the pipeline and the pre-tension of the pipeline, the greater Wet weight is, the larger the tension is;then the impact of vessel motion is larger.
3. The axial stress of pipeline gets larger as the pre-tension increases, and the bending stress and the combine stress are just the opposite. Bending stress plays a leading role in total stress of pipeline. With the wave direction angles increasing, the tension and bending moment become larger when the vessel subjected to the incident wave with the angle of 0°to 90°; The stress of pipeline is been influenced directly by the heave motion.
Key words : Submarine pipeline;Mooring system;J-Lay pipelay; Dynamic response
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 V
第一章 绪论 1
1.1深海油气开发现状 1
1.2管道铺设方法 2
1.2.1 S型铺设法 2
1.2.2 J型铺设法 4
1.2.3 卷管法 6
1.3 铺管船水动力研究进展 7
1.4 本文研究内容 8
第二章 波浪载荷的计算 9
2.1 三维浮体波浪载荷频率方法 9
2.2 边界条件 9
2.2.1 水底条件 10
2.2.2 自由表面条件 10
2.2.3 物面条件 11
2.2.4 远方辐射条件 11
2.3入射波速度势的求解[24] 11
2.4辐射速度势的求解 12
2.5绕射速度势的求解 14
2.6船体运动方程的建立 15
第三章 船体的水动力计算 17
3.1 水动力系数 17
3.2 铺管船的水动力性能分析 19
3.2.1 铺管船的水动力模型 19
3.2.2铺管船体的水动力系数 20
3.2.3 船体的频响函数 22-br..