

基于精益造船制造资源,摘 要制造资源数据库是企业计划管理系统的基础,国内对于制造计划管理系统都有大量的研究,其中也不可避免的涉及到制造资源,但并没有系统的、完整的阐述制造资源的分类及统计方法。本文研究的制造资源数据库旨在统计船舶制造企业自身资源的数量、生产能力,为企业计划的编制提供现实数据支持,提高计划的实施效率,使得企业的生产能力得到充分...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布

摘 要

关键词: 精益造船;制造资源;工时/物量;数据库;工序计划负荷
Manufacturing resource database is the basis for enterprise project management systems, project management systems for the domestic manufacturing has a lot of research, which also inevitably involves the manufacturing resources, but no systematic and complete exposition of the classification of manufacturing resources and statistical methods. In this paper, the manufacturing resource database was designed to manufacturers ship their own statistics the number of resources, production capacity, for the preparation of business plans to provide real data to support and improve the efficiency of implementation of the plan, making the company's full production capacity, production costs have been effectively control, enterprise project management system to prepare timely, effective and feasible production plan, which streamline the production processes across the enterprise, and improving the information management level, to adapt to Lean Shipbuilding model of excellence requirement. Accordingly, this article on shipbuilding companies to quantify and classify manufacturing resources to plan accordingly carried out a detailed study of the load. The main contents and achievements include
1. According to Lean Shipbuilding's request, explained to the intermediate product-oriented production planning content management system features, the classification of production attributes and the implementation of the basic theory of quantitative group technology.
2. To the production stage of ship construction, based on the definition of production resources described, analysis of the various manufacturing stages of the main production resources required. The effects of different manufacturing resources, production capacity and its capacity to classify quantitative criteria. And elaborates on the characteristics of shipbuilding resources: complexity and uncertainty.
3. Of manufacturing resources in a special class of resources - human resources, classification description, established the use of work / volume relationship to determine staffing. The amount of intermediate product management are described, establishing different management in different stages of processing capacity, the typical volume - weld length, the length of the assembly, for example, the actual shipyard in context to determine the working hours of the path and statistical methods to make working hours statistics more refined, more manageable, to know the details of each stage of each product, the working hours of each station. Using polynomial regression analysis with MATLAB for several typical intermediate products work / volume relationship between the fitting and through the mutual relations, according to the welding TRIBON provide new vessels to determine the length of working hours and different distribution station for hours
4. Establish a manufacturing resource database, analysis of the basic structure of the database data files and databases major, and accordingly the requirements analysis, conceptual design analysis, and finally within the industry as an example to verify the feasibility of th..