

辐射供冷空调方式的特性,摘 要现代社会中,人们关注及享受建筑环境的安全性、健康性和舒适性,而建筑环境质量的保障总是要以能源的巨额消费为代价,空调能耗占到建筑能耗的40%以上。传统空调系统存在诸如浪费能源、污染环境、室内空气品质恶化、舒适度较差等很多弊病,所以,洁净、节能且舒适的辐射空调方式引起了人们的重视。基于这一背景,本文针对辐射供冷系统的...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布

摘 要


In modern society,people paying close attention to security, healthiness and comfort of built environment and enjoy it. Quality of built environment needs to consume enormous energy. 40 percent of building energy consumption is energy consumption of HVAC. Traditional air conditioning system has many disadvantages, for example, wasting energy, pollution of the environment, deteriorating indoor air quality and so on. Therefore, clean, energy-saving and comfortable radiant cooling system has received great attention. Based on this background, characteristics of radiant cooling system and dew problem have been discussed in this paper.
First, this article studies heat transfer characteristic of radiant cooling system. The difference of heat transfer way between it and traditional air conditioning system is pointed out through analyzing heat transfer of radiant panel. And kinds of factors of affecting radiant panel temperature and the cooling capacity of this system are achieved. This paper also attains two necessary conditions whether dew happens or not and factors of impacting dew phenomenon through analyzing process of drop.
On the foundation of theoretical research, the paper studied experimentally on radiant cooling system. It analyses indoor thermal environment in different air conditioning mode, for example, single radiant floor, single radiant ceiling, single radiant wall and radiant floor combined with fan coil system, including vertical temperature distribution, Level temperature distribution and relative humidity. Research on factors of impacting dew phenomenon by providing different cooling water temperatures and fluxes is completed. Then this paper contrasts difference of dew phenomenon between single radiant cooling system and combined system, besides, works out convection heat flow and radiation heat flow making use of experimental data.
At last, this paper researches on factors impacting thermal comfort, and analyzes them. Afterwards, it estimates thermal comfort through calculating the result of PMV and PPD, then discusses energy conservation of this system because it can realize independent humidity control, raise supplying water temperature and raise design temperature.

Keywords: radiant cooling; heat transfer mechanisms; condensation; thermal comfort; energy-saving

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract III
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题研究背景 1
1.2 国内外研究历史与现状 2
1.2.1 国内的研究现状与趋势 2
1.2.2 国外的研究现状与趋势 4
1.3 本文的主要研究内容和方法 6
第2章 辐射供冷及其传热特性 7
2.1 辐射供冷的原理 7
2.1.1 热辐射和辐射换热 7
2.1.2 辐射供冷系统的原理 7
2.2 辐射供冷系统的分类 8
2.3 辐射供冷系统的优缺点 9
2.3.1 优点 9
2.3.2 缺点 10
2.4 辐射板传热机理分析 10
2.4.1 盘管内的冷水与管壁之间的换热过程 11
2.4.2 管壁与地板板面的换热过程 12
2.4.3 地板板面与房间的换热过程 14
2.5本章小结 16
第3章 辐射供冷结露问题的理论研究 17
3.1 辐射供冷空调系统中出现的结露现象的危害 17
3.1.1 辐射供冷空调系统中出现的结露现象及危害 17
3.1.2 结露对换热量的影响 18
3.1.3 结露现象出现的可能原因 19
3.2 结露机理 19
3.2.1 均相凝结 20
3.2.2 地板辐射供冷地面上的凝结 21
3.3 影响因素分析 24
3.3.1 辐射板面粗糙度 24
3.3.2 气体与地面的接触角 25
3.3.3 辐射板表面温度 26
3.3.4 空气的温湿度 28
3.4 防止辐射供冷系统结露的措施 30
3.5 本章小结 31
第4章 辐射供冷系..