

分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布

摘 要


关键词 体绘制;传递函数;灰度-梯度直方图;K均值聚类;极端学习机


Currently, volume rendering has become one of the important technical methods for three-dimensional data visualization.And it has been widely valued and used in scientific computing and engineering. Transfer function of volume rendering maps voxel value of volume data to the optical imaging parameters, which directly determines the three-dimensional reconstructed images’ quality. But for a long time, the design problem of transfer function of volume rendering had never been satisfactorily resolved, which became the bottleneck of the development and application of volume rendering and has been the key technology and hot issue of volume rendering in recent years. Based on researching and analysising the current method of transfer function design of volume rendering, this thesis used clustering algorithm and extreme learning machine to guide and optimize the the process of transfer function design of volume rendering, which can make the design process intelligent and automatic. The main work of this paper is as follows:
(1) This paper proposed a novel method of multi-dimensional transfer function design of volume rendering. Based on anglicizing the internal structure of volume data by the scalar and the gradient magnitude histogram, all the volume data was classified using K-means clustering algorithm. Then, the volume data belonging to different clustering was pseudo-color mapped for the transformation between volume data and color coding. The experimental results show that transfer function designed by the proposed method can reveal the internal structures of volume data. And our method has the advantages of simple algorithm,high computational efficiency and convenient operation.The reconstructed three-dimensional images are more fidelity and have higher quality.
(2) Based on the depth analysis of the feasibility and effectiveness of using neural network in the field of transfer function of volume rendering, the paper proposed a new method of transfer function design of volume rendering based on extreme learning machine. The method applied extreme learning machine to transfer function design. First all the volume data was classified using extreme learning machine through a interaction user interface. Then, the classified volume data was mapped to different color and opacity.The experimental results show that transfer function designed by the proposed method can effectively separate the different substances,and the reconstructed three-dimensional images are relatively clear. Compared to BP neural network, the learning rate of our method has great increse.
Key words: volume rendering; transfer function; scalar and gradient magnitude histogram; K means clustering; extreme learning machine

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究的目的和意义 1
1.2 国内外的研究现状和发展趋势 3
1.3 论文的主要内容和组织结构 4
第2章 体绘制的传递函数 6
2.1 概述 6
2.2 体绘制的传递函数 12
2.2.1 传递函数的定义 12
2.2.2 传递函数的分类 13
2.3 体绘制传递函数的主要设计方法 16
2.3.1 手动调节法 17
2.3.2 图像中心法 17
2.3.3 数据中心法 18
2.3.4 对象中心法 18
2.4 本章小结 19
第3章 基于K均值聚类算法的多维传递函数设计 20
3.1 概述 20
3.2 灰度-梯度直方图 20
3.2.1 梯度与物质边界模型 20
3.1.2 灰度-梯度直方图 21
3.3 K均值聚类算法 23
3.3.1 K均值聚类算法原理 24
3.3.2 K均值聚类算法步骤 25
3.4 基于K均值聚类算法的传递函数设计 26
3.5 实验结果与分析 28
3.6 本章小结 30
第4章 基于极端学习机的多维传递函数设计 31
4.1 概述 31