
此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布
摘 要
在文章中首先对蚁群算法和遗传算法的基本理论、算法结构、算法特点进行了比较深入的研究;其次介绍了船舶航行空间的建模,通过建模对航行环境中固定位置的禁航区(等深线区或碍航区)进行了必要的处理。并根据IHO S-57(第三版)的规定将禁航区的位置进行扩充,扩充后的区域形成一个环,环内部为禁航区不可行,环外部为可以自由航行的区域; 再次在空间建模的基础上,根据船舶的航行特点分别对蚁群算法和遗传算法进行了算法内部结构参数的一些必要改进,并将两种算法应用到船舶的航迹规划中,实现综合船桥系统基本的航迹规划设计;最后根据航迹规划最佳航线计划设计的要求,综合偏航极限和安全离岸距离等概念进行了最佳航迹规划的设计,保障船舶的安全行驶。另外还综合考虑气象对航线的各种影响因素,并重点对船舶在不同方向顺流影响下的航迹规划进行了仿真,为船舶节能、增效起到一定的作用。
文章中航迹规划技术的基本航线设计和最佳航线设计均通过Matlab 软件进行仿真实现,较之传统手工绘制航迹的方法提高了设计的效率和设计的准确性;较之查阅已有航线图的方法提高了设计的灵活性。通过各种仿真结果,证明了运用智能算法规划航迹速度快、方便灵活,能够较好的运用于不同的航行环境。
关键词 综合船桥系统; 航迹规划; 遗传算法; 蚁群算法
In order to reduce all kinds of heavy losses caused by incorrect operation、decrease workers’ work pressure and increase the economic benefits, the Integrated Bridge System(IBS) develops gradually. This system includes many kinds of research contents, the ship path planning as a key technology refers the selfshipping and optimizing. Previously the ship path planning needed workers consulting the relevant maritime books and the path materials, analysising the circumstance like ocean currents, manually entering into the system. By this way it can not reflect the intelligence of the IBS. Considing the restriction and restrict of the traditional methods in the methods of ship path planning, this research through the known information of the sailing area, finishs the ship path planning by computer and control theory.
Because when solves the complex problem, the dimension will be exploded and the time for caculating will be such long by using the pure mathematics method, this paper studies two intelligent algorithms——ant colony algorithm and genetic algorithm.
Firstly, this paper introduces the basic theory of ant colony algorithm and genetic algorithm. Secondly, this paper introduces the modeling of ship sailing space, and makes some necessary processing of the fixed location obstacle zones. Obeying the IHO S-57 (the third edition) regulation, this paper extends the obstacle zones. The obstacle zones become ring after the extending, and inside the ring is not feasible, out of the ring is feasible. Based on the modeling of the ship sailing space, the paper improves some parameters of the two algorithms according to ship path planning. Finally, it realizes the optimal ship path planning by computer simulation. It puts forward the concept of yaw limit area and safe distance from the shore reef, ensuring the safe voyage. It also introduces the various factors affecting the weather route, and simulates different direction of the ocean current on ship path planning. It plays a part in the ship on energy saving and the economic efficiency improving.
The basic path planning and the optimal path planning are all simulated by the software of Matlab. It can greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy comparing with the traditional manual method. And it is also flexible comparing with method by refering to the existing route chart. Through various simulation results it proves that using the intelligent algorithms, the speed is fast , it is convenient and flexible when realizing. The design can applied to different navigation environments.
Key words Integrated Bridge System (IBS); ship path planning; genetic algorithm; ant colony algorithm
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 1
1.2 课题研究现状 2
1.2.1 综合船桥系统IBS的研究现状 2
1.2.2 航迹规划设计的研究进展 3
1.3 本文的研究内容 4
第2章 蚁群算法概述 6
2.1 蚁群算法的基本原理 6
2.2 蚁群算法的数学模型 8
2.2.1 基本蚁群算法模型的建立 8
2.2.2 蚁群算法的三种模型 9
2.3 改进蚁群算法 10
2.3.1 带精英策略的蚂蚁系统 10
2.3.2 基于优化排序的蚂蚁系统 11
2.3.3 最大——最小蚂蚁系统 11
2.3.4 蚁群系统 12
2.4 本章小结 13
第3章 遗传算法概述 14
3.1 遗传算法的思想来源 14
3.2 遗传算..
在文章中首先对蚁群算法和遗传算法的基本理论、算法结构、算法特点进行了比较深入的研究;其次介绍了船舶航行空间的建模,通过建模对航行环境中固定位置的禁航区(等深线区或碍航区)进行了必要的处理。并根据IHO S-57(第三版)的规定将禁航区的位置进行扩充,扩充后的区域形成一个环,环内部为禁航区不可行,环外部为可以自由航行的区域; 再次在空间建模的基础上,根据船舶的航行特点分别对蚁群算法和遗传算法进行了算法内部结构参数的一些必要改进,并将两种算法应用到船舶的航迹规划中,实现综合船桥系统基本的航迹规划设计;最后根据航迹规划最佳航线计划设计的要求,综合偏航极限和安全离岸距离等概念进行了最佳航迹规划的设计,保障船舶的安全行驶。另外还综合考虑气象对航线的各种影响因素,并重点对船舶在不同方向顺流影响下的航迹规划进行了仿真,为船舶节能、增效起到一定的作用。
文章中航迹规划技术的基本航线设计和最佳航线设计均通过Matlab 软件进行仿真实现,较之传统手工绘制航迹的方法提高了设计的效率和设计的准确性;较之查阅已有航线图的方法提高了设计的灵活性。通过各种仿真结果,证明了运用智能算法规划航迹速度快、方便灵活,能够较好的运用于不同的航行环境。
关键词 综合船桥系统; 航迹规划; 遗传算法; 蚁群算法
In order to reduce all kinds of heavy losses caused by incorrect operation、decrease workers’ work pressure and increase the economic benefits, the Integrated Bridge System(IBS) develops gradually. This system includes many kinds of research contents, the ship path planning as a key technology refers the selfshipping and optimizing. Previously the ship path planning needed workers consulting the relevant maritime books and the path materials, analysising the circumstance like ocean currents, manually entering into the system. By this way it can not reflect the intelligence of the IBS. Considing the restriction and restrict of the traditional methods in the methods of ship path planning, this research through the known information of the sailing area, finishs the ship path planning by computer and control theory.
Because when solves the complex problem, the dimension will be exploded and the time for caculating will be such long by using the pure mathematics method, this paper studies two intelligent algorithms——ant colony algorithm and genetic algorithm.
Firstly, this paper introduces the basic theory of ant colony algorithm and genetic algorithm. Secondly, this paper introduces the modeling of ship sailing space, and makes some necessary processing of the fixed location obstacle zones. Obeying the IHO S-57 (the third edition) regulation, this paper extends the obstacle zones. The obstacle zones become ring after the extending, and inside the ring is not feasible, out of the ring is feasible. Based on the modeling of the ship sailing space, the paper improves some parameters of the two algorithms according to ship path planning. Finally, it realizes the optimal ship path planning by computer simulation. It puts forward the concept of yaw limit area and safe distance from the shore reef, ensuring the safe voyage. It also introduces the various factors affecting the weather route, and simulates different direction of the ocean current on ship path planning. It plays a part in the ship on energy saving and the economic efficiency improving.
The basic path planning and the optimal path planning are all simulated by the software of Matlab. It can greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy comparing with the traditional manual method. And it is also flexible comparing with method by refering to the existing route chart. Through various simulation results it proves that using the intelligent algorithms, the speed is fast , it is convenient and flexible when realizing. The design can applied to different navigation environments.
Key words Integrated Bridge System (IBS); ship path planning; genetic algorithm; ant colony algorithm
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 1
1.2 课题研究现状 2
1.2.1 综合船桥系统IBS的研究现状 2
1.2.2 航迹规划设计的研究进展 3
1.3 本文的研究内容 4
第2章 蚁群算法概述 6
2.1 蚁群算法的基本原理 6
2.2 蚁群算法的数学模型 8
2.2.1 基本蚁群算法模型的建立 8
2.2.2 蚁群算法的三种模型 9
2.3 改进蚁群算法 10
2.3.1 带精英策略的蚂蚁系统 10
2.3.2 基于优化排序的蚂蚁系统 11
2.3.3 最大——最小蚂蚁系统 11
2.3.4 蚁群系统 12
2.4 本章小结 13
第3章 遗传算法概述 14
3.1 遗传算法的思想来源 14
3.2 遗传算..