
此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布
1) 介绍了课题的研究背景和本研究工作的意义;概述轮式机器人、云模型控制理论和微控制器的历史和现状;介绍了云模型的基本理论,包括云模型发生器的构造和工作原理。
2) 根据避障要求设计轮式机器人控制系统。设计搭建系统硬件平台,系统主要包括控制板,驱动电机,测距传感器,电源模块等。
3) 根据避障要求,设计轮式机器人避障策略。建立云模型规则库,根据人的控制经验设计对应的速度云模型控制器和转向云模型控制器的设计。
4) 最后通过一系列的避障实验验证了所设计的云模型控制器是合理的,为今后云模型控制器设计提供了一定的参考。
5) 对全文工作进行了总结,指出了今后的研究方向。
In practice applications, we often encounter some systems which need a lot of experimentation and constantly trying to achieve good control effect. This control method with a lot of subjectivity, and these systems are difficult to use a specific mathematical model to describe. Way of control them is to get people's life experience, but the classical control theory is powerless. How to design effective conversion model (controller) of qualitative and quantitative has become an important subject which placed in front of experts and scholars. The cloud model is a novel conversion model, and used to simulate uncertainty intelligence of human thinking. Cloud model which use the language value to express, is an uncertainty conversion model between a qualitative concept and its quantitative conversion. It is used to reflect the uncertainty of the concept in natural language. so far, this theory is studied in theoretical and simulation-based. how quickly and easily to design effective and reliable cloud model controller has become the focus. For research of the cloud model theory, this paper based on previous study results, The cloud controller designed method is proposed baseing on SCM. and the cloud model controller is applied to wheeled robot obstacle avoidance control system. The main work includes:
(1) Describe the research background and significance of this research work; overview of wheeled robots, cloud model control theory and the history and development of micro-controller; explained the main contents of this article. Introduced the basic theory of cloud model.
(2) Design the robot's hardware system, including the motor, distance sensors, power supply and so on.
(3) According to the system, designed the wheeled robot obstacle avoidance strategy. Established the rule base of cloud model, and designed the controller of speed-cloud model and the controller of turn-cloud model based on the human control experience .
(4) Finally a series of wheeled robot obstacle avoidance experimental, proved effective and scientific of the design. the cloud model controller designed method provide some reference for the future provide some reference.
(5) Picture is drawn in the last chapter and the research directions in this field for the future are also indicated in this part.
Key words cloud model; obstacle avoidance control; wheeled robot; SCM
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract I
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.2 轮式机器人避障控制系统概述 1
1.2.1 轮式机器人发展现状 1
1.2.2 避障算法的发展现状 2
1.3 云模型理论概述 3
1.3.1云模型理论的建立 3
1.3.2 云模型研究现状 4
1.4 微控制器的发展概述 5
1.5 论文的内容与结构 6
第2章 云模型 7
2.1 引言 7
2.2 云模型概念 7
2.2.1 云模型的基本定义 7
2.2.2 云模型的数字特征 8
2.2.3 云模型的3En规则 10
2.3云模型发生器 11
2.3.1 正向云模型发生器 12
2.3.2 逆向云模型发生器 12
2.3.3 条件云模型发生器 13
2.4 云模型的不确定性推理 15
2.4.1 单规则推理 15
2.4.2 多规则推理 16
2.5 小结 18
第3章 轮式机器人系统设计 19
3.1 引言 19
3.2 轮式机器人硬件系统 19
3.2.1 机械结构 19
3.2.2 超声波模块介绍 20
3.2.3 电机控制模块介绍 20
3.3 单片机系统设计 21
3.3.1 单片机系统整体设计及思想 21
3.3.2 控制器C8051F340介绍 22
3.3.3 单片机系统电源设计 23
3.3.4 C2调试接口 23
3.3.5 串口设计 24
3.4 系统功能软件设计 24
3.4.1 超声波测距软件设计 24
3.4.2 电机控制软件设计 26
3.5 小结 28
第4章 避障控制系统设计 29
4.1 引言 29
4.2 避障策略设计 29
4.2.1 障碍物信息分类 29
4.2.2 避障行为设计..
1) 介绍了课题的研究背景和本研究工作的意义;概述轮式机器人、云模型控制理论和微控制器的历史和现状;介绍了云模型的基本理论,包括云模型发生器的构造和工作原理。
2) 根据避障要求设计轮式机器人控制系统。设计搭建系统硬件平台,系统主要包括控制板,驱动电机,测距传感器,电源模块等。
3) 根据避障要求,设计轮式机器人避障策略。建立云模型规则库,根据人的控制经验设计对应的速度云模型控制器和转向云模型控制器的设计。
4) 最后通过一系列的避障实验验证了所设计的云模型控制器是合理的,为今后云模型控制器设计提供了一定的参考。
5) 对全文工作进行了总结,指出了今后的研究方向。
In practice applications, we often encounter some systems which need a lot of experimentation and constantly trying to achieve good control effect. This control method with a lot of subjectivity, and these systems are difficult to use a specific mathematical model to describe. Way of control them is to get people's life experience, but the classical control theory is powerless. How to design effective conversion model (controller) of qualitative and quantitative has become an important subject which placed in front of experts and scholars. The cloud model is a novel conversion model, and used to simulate uncertainty intelligence of human thinking. Cloud model which use the language value to express, is an uncertainty conversion model between a qualitative concept and its quantitative conversion. It is used to reflect the uncertainty of the concept in natural language. so far, this theory is studied in theoretical and simulation-based. how quickly and easily to design effective and reliable cloud model controller has become the focus. For research of the cloud model theory, this paper based on previous study results, The cloud controller designed method is proposed baseing on SCM. and the cloud model controller is applied to wheeled robot obstacle avoidance control system. The main work includes:
(1) Describe the research background and significance of this research work; overview of wheeled robots, cloud model control theory and the history and development of micro-controller; explained the main contents of this article. Introduced the basic theory of cloud model.
(2) Design the robot's hardware system, including the motor, distance sensors, power supply and so on.
(3) According to the system, designed the wheeled robot obstacle avoidance strategy. Established the rule base of cloud model, and designed the controller of speed-cloud model and the controller of turn-cloud model based on the human control experience .
(4) Finally a series of wheeled robot obstacle avoidance experimental, proved effective and scientific of the design. the cloud model controller designed method provide some reference for the future provide some reference.
(5) Picture is drawn in the last chapter and the research directions in this field for the future are also indicated in this part.
Key words cloud model; obstacle avoidance control; wheeled robot; SCM
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract I
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.2 轮式机器人避障控制系统概述 1
1.2.1 轮式机器人发展现状 1
1.2.2 避障算法的发展现状 2
1.3 云模型理论概述 3
1.3.1云模型理论的建立 3
1.3.2 云模型研究现状 4
1.4 微控制器的发展概述 5
1.5 论文的内容与结构 6
第2章 云模型 7
2.1 引言 7
2.2 云模型概念 7
2.2.1 云模型的基本定义 7
2.2.2 云模型的数字特征 8
2.2.3 云模型的3En规则 10
2.3云模型发生器 11
2.3.1 正向云模型发生器 12
2.3.2 逆向云模型发生器 12
2.3.3 条件云模型发生器 13
2.4 云模型的不确定性推理 15
2.4.1 单规则推理 15
2.4.2 多规则推理 16
2.5 小结 18
第3章 轮式机器人系统设计 19
3.1 引言 19
3.2 轮式机器人硬件系统 19
3.2.1 机械结构 19
3.2.2 超声波模块介绍 20
3.2.3 电机控制模块介绍 20
3.3 单片机系统设计 21
3.3.1 单片机系统整体设计及思想 21
3.3.2 控制器C8051F340介绍 22
3.3.3 单片机系统电源设计 23
3.3.4 C2调试接口 23
3.3.5 串口设计 24
3.4 系统功能软件设计 24
3.4.1 超声波测距软件设计 24
3.4.2 电机控制软件设计 26
3.5 小结 28
第4章 避障控制系统设计 29
4.1 引言 29
4.2 避障策略设计 29
4.2.1 障碍物信息分类 29
4.2.2 避障行为设计..