此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布
摘 要
关键字 图像检索;BTC颜色矩;梯度基元;颜色自相关
With the rapid development of internet and multimedia technology, rapid and accurate retrieva l in the massive image has become the research focus. With its efficiency and reliable characteristics, content-based image retrieva l is widespread concerned and grow fast, However, as image information is very rich, single feature is not sufficient to express an image. Therefore, image retrieva l based on multi-features becomes the important research in content-base image retrieva l.
Based on the related research at home and abroad, this article discussed several key problems in the image retrieva l based on multi-feature. The main research work includes:
1.On the basis of multi-features fusion method, a new image retrieva l method that integrates BTC color moment and GLCM is proposed. First, we proposed a color feature extraction algorithm based on BTC color moment. On the basis of BTC, we improve the traditional color moment. In our method, each image is divided into several image blocks. Then the pixels of each block are divided into two sets according the threshold. Last, compute the color average in two sets. In order to overcome the shortcoming of single feature retrieva l, we integrate color feature and texture feature in the process of image retrieva l, the color feature is demonstrated by BTC color moment and the texture feature is extracted by GLCM. The results of experiments show that the retrieva l results obtained from combined features are better than retrieva l obtained from single feature.
2.A new image retrieva l algorithm based on gradient texton coherence vector is proposed for fusion of multi-features. The algorithm compute the edge gradient in the Modified HSV color space first, and then gain gradient texton map by scanning the gradient image using the special texton types. Next, the texton pixels are combined into the coherence set, the other pixels are the non-coherence set. At last, the feature vector of the image retrieva l is represented by color auto-correlogram in two sets. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can combine color, texture, shape and spatial characteristic effectively, and have valid precision and recall.
Keywords Image retrieva l; BTC color moment; Gradient texton ; color auto-correlogram
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 论文研究的目的和意义 1
1.2 国内外的研究成果 2
1.2.1 国外典型的CBIR系统 3
1.2.2 国内研究现状 3
1.3 基于多特征的图像检索研究进展与成果 4
1.4论文的主要内容和组织结构 5
1.4.1 论文的主要内容及创新点 5
1.4.2 论文的组织结构 6
第2章 基于内容的图像检索的相关技术 7
2.1图像检索系统框架 7
2.2 图像特征提取及其描述 8
2.2.1 颜色特征 8
2.2.2 纹理特征 10
2.2.3 形状特征 12
2.3 图像特征的相似性度量 14
2.4 检索性能评价 15
2.5 基于多特征的图像检索分类 16
2.5.1多特征融合体系 16
2.5.2加权融合 17
2.5.3深层融合 18
2.5.4基于颜色-强度共生矩阵图像检索 20
2.6本章小结 22
第3章 基于多特征的图像检索技术 23
3.1 引言 23
3.2 基于BTC颜色矩的图像检索技术 24
3.2.1 方块编码算法(BTC) 24
3.2.2 BTC颜色矩 24
3.2.3 实验结果 25
3.3 基于灰度共生矩阵的纹理特征图像检索技术 27
3.3.1 灰度共生矩阵 27
3.3.2 实验结果 28
3.4 基于多特征融合的图像检索技术 30
3.4.1特征内归一化 30
3.4.2特征矢量间归一化 31
3.4.3综合颜色和纹理特征的图像检索 32
3.4.4相似性函数 32
3.4.5实验结果分析 33
3.5本章小结 35
第4章 基于梯度基元聚合矢量的图像检索技术 37
4.1 引言 37
4.2 基于梯度基元聚合矢量的算法流程 38
4.3 图像预处理 39
4.4特征矢量的构造 40
4.4.1颜色量化及颜色索引图 40
4.4.2 MHSV颜色空间的边..
关键字 图像检索;BTC颜色矩;梯度基元;颜色自相关
With the rapid development of internet and multimedia technology, rapid and accurate retrieva l in the massive image has become the research focus. With its efficiency and reliable characteristics, content-based image retrieva l is widespread concerned and grow fast, However, as image information is very rich, single feature is not sufficient to express an image. Therefore, image retrieva l based on multi-features becomes the important research in content-base image retrieva l.
Based on the related research at home and abroad, this article discussed several key problems in the image retrieva l based on multi-feature. The main research work includes:
1.On the basis of multi-features fusion method, a new image retrieva l method that integrates BTC color moment and GLCM is proposed. First, we proposed a color feature extraction algorithm based on BTC color moment. On the basis of BTC, we improve the traditional color moment. In our method, each image is divided into several image blocks. Then the pixels of each block are divided into two sets according the threshold. Last, compute the color average in two sets. In order to overcome the shortcoming of single feature retrieva l, we integrate color feature and texture feature in the process of image retrieva l, the color feature is demonstrated by BTC color moment and the texture feature is extracted by GLCM. The results of experiments show that the retrieva l results obtained from combined features are better than retrieva l obtained from single feature.
2.A new image retrieva l algorithm based on gradient texton coherence vector is proposed for fusion of multi-features. The algorithm compute the edge gradient in the Modified HSV color space first, and then gain gradient texton map by scanning the gradient image using the special texton types. Next, the texton pixels are combined into the coherence set, the other pixels are the non-coherence set. At last, the feature vector of the image retrieva l is represented by color auto-correlogram in two sets. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can combine color, texture, shape and spatial characteristic effectively, and have valid precision and recall.
Keywords Image retrieva l; BTC color moment; Gradient texton ; color auto-correlogram
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 论文研究的目的和意义 1
1.2 国内外的研究成果 2
1.2.1 国外典型的CBIR系统 3
1.2.2 国内研究现状 3
1.3 基于多特征的图像检索研究进展与成果 4
1.4论文的主要内容和组织结构 5
1.4.1 论文的主要内容及创新点 5
1.4.2 论文的组织结构 6
第2章 基于内容的图像检索的相关技术 7
2.1图像检索系统框架 7
2.2 图像特征提取及其描述 8
2.2.1 颜色特征 8
2.2.2 纹理特征 10
2.2.3 形状特征 12
2.3 图像特征的相似性度量 14
2.4 检索性能评价 15
2.5 基于多特征的图像检索分类 16
2.5.1多特征融合体系 16
2.5.2加权融合 17
2.5.3深层融合 18
2.5.4基于颜色-强度共生矩阵图像检索 20
2.6本章小结 22
第3章 基于多特征的图像检索技术 23
3.1 引言 23
3.2 基于BTC颜色矩的图像检索技术 24
3.2.1 方块编码算法(BTC) 24
3.2.2 BTC颜色矩 24
3.2.3 实验结果 25
3.3 基于灰度共生矩阵的纹理特征图像检索技术 27
3.3.1 灰度共生矩阵 27
3.3.2 实验结果 28
3.4 基于多特征融合的图像检索技术 30
3.4.1特征内归一化 30
3.4.2特征矢量间归一化 31
3.4.3综合颜色和纹理特征的图像检索 32
3.4.4相似性函数 32
3.4.5实验结果分析 33
3.5本章小结 35
第4章 基于梯度基元聚合矢量的图像检索技术 37
4.1 引言 37
4.2 基于梯度基元聚合矢量的算法流程 38
4.3 图像预处理 39
4.4特征矢量的构造 40
4.4.1颜色量化及颜色索引图 40
4.4.2 MHSV颜色空间的边..