

基于单目机器视觉的在线自动,摘 要在现代工业自动化生产中,自动灌装机械是其重要的组成部分,然而目前许多企业的灌装机械多采用人工灌装或半自动灌装,尤其是偏心桶的灌装,应用更加稀少。对于长期操作灌装有毒或者是腐蚀性和渗透性较强的液体的工人的身体健康带来极大的伤害。因此,本课题研究开发出基于机器视觉的自动灌装系统极其有应用价值。本文简要的概述了机器视觉...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布

摘 要
本文简要的概述了机器视觉技术的发展历程、虚拟仪器概念、LabVIEW和图像处理包IMAQ Vision以及基于PC的机器视觉系统的体系结构,详细介绍了图像的预处理、图像识别和定位。并且对图像识别和定位进行了详细的分析:包括利用模板匹配对灌装桶桶口进行粗定位;直接在灰度图像中利用圆检测对桶口进行二次精确定位;利用信号控制步进电机带动相机沿着载物台上下移动固定距离,经过成像模型透视投影,再通过几何运算得到灌装桶的高度,从而得到桶口的三维坐标;在伺服运动模块中能够在步进电机出现失步的情况下通过对加注枪的识别与定位,对系统的进行微调,最终实现灌装桶的正常加注,增加了系统的可控性。
在自动灌装系统开发过程中,利用LabVIEW、Vision assistant进行编程,实现了图像的采集、分析、识别与定位;对测量结果进行存储。通过实验表明,所设计系统完全可以实现具体的灌装任务,取得了满意的结果。

关键词 LabVIEW;机器视觉;三维坐标;模板匹配;自动灌装

Automatic filling machinery is an important part of modern industrial automation production. But now most the filling machine enterprises mainly use artificial filling or semi-automatic filling. Especially the eccentric barrels' filling, its application is scarcer than the other. For long-term operation workers on toxic, corrosive or permeability strong liquid filling, it can brings the enormous damage to workers' health. So the subject research and develop of the automatic filling system based on machine vision have important application value.
In this paper, we summarize the development course of machine vision technology, the concept of virtual instrument, and the soft of LabVIEW and the image processing bag IMAQ Vision, and the system structure of machine vision based on PC. And give a detail analysis about the image recognition and positioning: including the rough positioning of filling barrel's mouth using template matching method; The accurate location of filling barrel's mouth using the round detection algorithm; We can use signal control stepping motor to drive the camera moving fixed distance along the objective shelf, through the perspective projection of imaging model, and get the height of the filling bucket through the geometric operation, then we can get 3D coordinate of the mouth of bucket; We can achieve identification and orientation of the filling gun when the stepping motor appear in out-of-step, then fine-tuning the system, finally realize normal charging of filling barrel, and increase the controllability of system.
According to the system's development process, the paper divides the system into the following parts: scheme design, algorithm design and system software realizing, etc. We can combine the characteristics of virtual instrument and the requirements of software design, to design software using the idea of modular. The software can be divided into users log on management, video camera calibration, image acquisition and processing, image recognition and position, the fine-tuning of filling gun, servo motor control, database, and other modules, and each module are introduced in detail. The paper also give a detail about the connection method of database and LabVIEW, the communication of LabVIEW and Siemens S7-200 PLC and PPI agreement and so on.
In this paper,the software development of the automatic filling system adopts labview and Vision assistant,which are powerfull image processing and analysis vision toolkits.The software realizes the function of image collection,image process, image recognition and position, and storage the result of the inspection system.At last, experiments proved that the method discussed can be achieved with satisfactory results.

Key Words LabVIEW; Machine vision; 3D coordinate; Template matching; Automatic filling

目 录
摘 要 I
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外机器视觉技术的研究现状 1
1.2.1 国外机器视觉研究现状 1
1.2.2 国内机器视觉研究现状 2
1.3 论文的思路及内容与论文结构 2
1.3.1 主要研究思路 2
1.3.2 主要研究内容 3
1.3.3 论文结构 3
第2章 机器视觉技术及虚拟仪器 5
2.1 机器视觉技术 5
2.1.1 机器视觉的概念 5
2.1.2 机器视觉的应用领域 5
2.1.3 机器视觉系统的硬件组成 6
2.1.4 机器视觉中的图像处理技术 7
2.2 虚拟仪器技术 8
2.2.1 虚拟仪器 8
2.2.2 LabVIEW语言 12
2.2.3 实用工具软件包及IMAQ Vision图像处理模块 13