基于ttcan的码头,摘 要随着船舶运输在经济发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用,为了解决船舶到港停泊所产生的污染,船舶岸电技术已被广泛应用,但随着用电船舶的流动性越来越大,到港船舶使用岸电的管理越来越复杂,为了使这一问题得到有效解决,且同时为了满足监控系统中各信息的实时性,本课题提出了基于ttcan通信机制的码头供电监控管理方案。码头供电监控系...

此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布
摘 要
针对于到港船舶的用电特点,本课题设计了码头供电监控分站控制板的硬件和软件,以及具有远程监控管理功能的码头供电监控管理软件。在充分考虑了现场干扰的前提下,CAN总线的通信电路采用了数字隔离技术;码头供电监控分站使用了OLED显示屏和键盘,从而方便了用户用电操作;针对于系统各节点时钟步调不统一,通过软件设计使各节点具有统一的网络时间单元(NTU),从而保证了各节点的时间统一;针对于码头供电监控系统的数据信息复杂性,设计了基于SQL Sever 2005的数据库,从而实现了对系统信息的有效管理。
关键词:码头供电监控;C8051F040 ;TTCAN;实时性;系统矩阵;遗传算法
Shipping in economic development is playing an increasingly important role, in order to solve pollution of the ship to berth in port arising, ship shore power technology has been widely used, but with the electricity increasing the mobility of the ship, arriving ships to use shore power management more complex, in order to effectively solve this problem, and also the monitoring system in order to meet the real-time information, the issue TTCAN communication mechanism is proposed based power monitoring and management of terminal program.
The real-time of terminal power supply control system depends on real-time of TTCAN network, so you can optimize the TTCAN system matrix (static scheduling table) to improve real-time monitoring system, the traditional way of using the average allocation optimization algorithm, which has been unable to meet the real-time of the system information; traditional genetic optimization algorithm fitness function can not be well reflected in the optimization objectives. The subject of TTCAN system matrix by building a mathematical model, a detailed analysis of the system matrix of the parameters in the design process, and gives the formula for calculating the parameters, in order to better design the system matrix, the matrix of the system put forward three constraints conditions, so that system matrix can quantify the design process; and made improvements based on letter-coded genetic optimization algorithm, the network information system matrix into a matrix form letters, combined with mathematical models to real-time rate as the information genetic optimization algorithm fitness function, which well reflects the optimization goals. Through simulation experiments and field commissioning, the static scheduling table after the letter-coded genetic algorithm to optimize to meet the real-time requirements.
For electricity in the characteristics of the ship’s arrival, the subject of design of the terminal sub-station control panel power control hardware and software, remote monitoring and management of terminal software. Taking full account of the scene under the premise of interference, CAN bus communication circuit using a digital isolation technology; terminal sub-station power monitor and keyboard with OLED displays, making it easier to operation of electricity users; for each node in the system clock is not uniform pace, through the software design so that all nodes have unified network time unit (NTU), thus ensuring the unity of time each node; terminals for power supply monitoring system in data complexity, design based on SQL Sever 2005 database, enabling the effective management of system information. Through the application of Sanjiangkou Fujian ports , illustrate the program’s reliability, real-time communication system to reach the desired results.
Key words:Terminal power supply control; C8051F040; TTCAN; Real-time; System matrix; Genetic algorithms
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及选题意义 1
1.1.1 到港船舶的港口污染及岸电技术 1
1.1.2 到港船舶的岸电使用特点 2
1.1.3 码头供电监控系统总体功能 2
1.2 相关领域概述及研究现状 3
1.2.1 供电监控技术的概述 3
1.2.2 电能计量的发展 3
1.2.3远程自动抄表方式的现状 4
1.3 课题的主要研究任务 4
1.3.1 课题主要内容..
针对于到港船舶的用电特点,本课题设计了码头供电监控分站控制板的硬件和软件,以及具有远程监控管理功能的码头供电监控管理软件。在充分考虑了现场干扰的前提下,CAN总线的通信电路采用了数字隔离技术;码头供电监控分站使用了OLED显示屏和键盘,从而方便了用户用电操作;针对于系统各节点时钟步调不统一,通过软件设计使各节点具有统一的网络时间单元(NTU),从而保证了各节点的时间统一;针对于码头供电监控系统的数据信息复杂性,设计了基于SQL Sever 2005的数据库,从而实现了对系统信息的有效管理。
关键词:码头供电监控;C8051F040 ;TTCAN;实时性;系统矩阵;遗传算法
Shipping in economic development is playing an increasingly important role, in order to solve pollution of the ship to berth in port arising, ship shore power technology has been widely used, but with the electricity increasing the mobility of the ship, arriving ships to use shore power management more complex, in order to effectively solve this problem, and also the monitoring system in order to meet the real-time information, the issue TTCAN communication mechanism is proposed based power monitoring and management of terminal program.
The real-time of terminal power supply control system depends on real-time of TTCAN network, so you can optimize the TTCAN system matrix (static scheduling table) to improve real-time monitoring system, the traditional way of using the average allocation optimization algorithm, which has been unable to meet the real-time of the system information; traditional genetic optimization algorithm fitness function can not be well reflected in the optimization objectives. The subject of TTCAN system matrix by building a mathematical model, a detailed analysis of the system matrix of the parameters in the design process, and gives the formula for calculating the parameters, in order to better design the system matrix, the matrix of the system put forward three constraints conditions, so that system matrix can quantify the design process; and made improvements based on letter-coded genetic optimization algorithm, the network information system matrix into a matrix form letters, combined with mathematical models to real-time rate as the information genetic optimization algorithm fitness function, which well reflects the optimization goals. Through simulation experiments and field commissioning, the static scheduling table after the letter-coded genetic algorithm to optimize to meet the real-time requirements.
For electricity in the characteristics of the ship’s arrival, the subject of design of the terminal sub-station control panel power control hardware and software, remote monitoring and management of terminal software. Taking full account of the scene under the premise of interference, CAN bus communication circuit using a digital isolation technology; terminal sub-station power monitor and keyboard with OLED displays, making it easier to operation of electricity users; for each node in the system clock is not uniform pace, through the software design so that all nodes have unified network time unit (NTU), thus ensuring the unity of time each node; terminals for power supply monitoring system in data complexity, design based on SQL Sever 2005 database, enabling the effective management of system information. Through the application of Sanjiangkou Fujian ports , illustrate the program’s reliability, real-time communication system to reach the desired results.
Key words:Terminal power supply control; C8051F040; TTCAN; Real-time; System matrix; Genetic algorithms
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及选题意义 1
1.1.1 到港船舶的港口污染及岸电技术 1
1.1.2 到港船舶的岸电使用特点 2
1.1.3 码头供电监控系统总体功能 2
1.2 相关领域概述及研究现状 3
1.2.1 供电监控技术的概述 3
1.2.2 电能计量的发展 3
1.2.3远程自动抄表方式的现状 4
1.3 课题的主要研究任务 4
1.3.1 课题主要内容..