多泵智能控制器,摘 要本文针对传统pid控制在供水系统应用上具有的适应性差和大功率电源工频/变频切换会产生冲击电流等特点,研究了一种,该控制器将模糊控制参与到pid调节中,使供水控制器参数能根据外界条件变化实时调整;同时将锁相技术应用到电源切换中,实现了切换电源减小或消除冲击电流。由于恒压供水系统的非线性和时变性等特点,...

此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布
摘 要
With the development of the domestic economy, businesses and residents become increasingly demanding for water supply. Diversification of supply requirements also contributed to the development of the field of water control. At present the automatic control system has been widely applied to residents of the water supply. However, due to constant pressure water supply of non-linear and time-varying characteristics, combined with constant water supply systems were not accurate models, water supply system is more difficult to control with the linear method, traditional PID control cannot properly regulate their parameters, so, adaptability is poor. Fuzzy control is based on the characteristics of the human mind with basis of fuzzy logic, unlike classical control that requires the accurate description of the transfer function, put fuzzy controller and PID controller together and the parameters of the PID controller based on fuzzy control rules can be adjusted accordingly. The fuzzy control rule is actually an expert knowledge base, which is based on the specific circumstances of the project, so, this controller is bound to be more adapted to changing conditions, and simulation also shows the superiority of the fuzzy PID controller.
When the water supply system requires several different type power of motor, the motor switch has been a difficult. When the motor switch from the inverter power to power-frequency, the impact shocks of current can cause large pressure, this waste the energy and is a potential threat to pipe network equipment, and prone to failure over time. Address the problem, put phase lock technology applied to the field of power switching, PLL in coordination with the C8051F020 control inverter output locked in power frequency, once locked, switch command issued. Reduce the impact of current and improve the system security.
The subject stood a product point of view, access to a wealth of information, committed to address two problems above, the specific work as follows have been done:
(1) The diversity of the water supply system and working principle had been studied. Analyzed the water requirements of different situations, and derived mathematical model of water supply systems.
(2) Design a fuzzy PID controller that parameters can be adaptive, and make a matlab simulation to verify its legitimacy.
(3) Applied phase locked power into the switch technology field, and make a matlab
simulation to verify its correctness.
(4) On the basis of above theory, overall design of the controller, include hardware circuitry and software exploitation.
Keywords: Fuzzy PID; water supply system; Multi-pump; PLL; synchronous switch
摘 要 I
Abstract III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1智能多泵控制器的研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1本课题提出的背景 1
1.1.2本课题研究内容和意义 2
1.2供水系统控制的国内外现状 2
1.3多泵控制存在的问题及解决方案 3
1.3.1供水系统的特点和模糊PID控制 3
1.3.2工频电源与变频电源的同步切换 3
1.4课题的主要工作 4
第二章 供水系统的工作原理和近似模型 5
2.1 交流变频技术简介 5
2.2 变频调速的原理 7
2.3 多泵恒压供水系统基本特性和节能原理 7
2.3.1供水系统的基本特点与工作点 7
2.3.2变频调速的节能分析 8
2.4变频恒压供水系统近似模型 9
2.4.1压力控制点的选择 9
2.4.2 变频调速恒压供水系统的特点 10
2.4.3 供水系统的近似数学模型 10
2.5 本章小结 12
With the development of the domestic economy, businesses and residents become increasingly demanding for water supply. Diversification of supply requirements also contributed to the development of the field of water control. At present the automatic control system has been widely applied to residents of the water supply. However, due to constant pressure water supply of non-linear and time-varying characteristics, combined with constant water supply systems were not accurate models, water supply system is more difficult to control with the linear method, traditional PID control cannot properly regulate their parameters, so, adaptability is poor. Fuzzy control is based on the characteristics of the human mind with basis of fuzzy logic, unlike classical control that requires the accurate description of the transfer function, put fuzzy controller and PID controller together and the parameters of the PID controller based on fuzzy control rules can be adjusted accordingly. The fuzzy control rule is actually an expert knowledge base, which is based on the specific circumstances of the project, so, this controller is bound to be more adapted to changing conditions, and simulation also shows the superiority of the fuzzy PID controller.
When the water supply system requires several different type power of motor, the motor switch has been a difficult. When the motor switch from the inverter power to power-frequency, the impact shocks of current can cause large pressure, this waste the energy and is a potential threat to pipe network equipment, and prone to failure over time. Address the problem, put phase lock technology applied to the field of power switching, PLL in coordination with the C8051F020 control inverter output locked in power frequency, once locked, switch command issued. Reduce the impact of current and improve the system security.
The subject stood a product point of view, access to a wealth of information, committed to address two problems above, the specific work as follows have been done:
(1) The diversity of the water supply system and working principle had been studied. Analyzed the water requirements of different situations, and derived mathematical model of water supply systems.
(2) Design a fuzzy PID controller that parameters can be adaptive, and make a matlab simulation to verify its legitimacy.
(3) Applied phase locked power into the switch technology field, and make a matlab
simulation to verify its correctness.
(4) On the basis of above theory, overall design of the controller, include hardware circuitry and software exploitation.
Keywords: Fuzzy PID; water supply system; Multi-pump; PLL; synchronous switch
摘 要 I
Abstract III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1智能多泵控制器的研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1本课题提出的背景 1
1.1.2本课题研究内容和意义 2
1.2供水系统控制的国内外现状 2
1.3多泵控制存在的问题及解决方案 3
1.3.1供水系统的特点和模糊PID控制 3
1.3.2工频电源与变频电源的同步切换 3
1.4课题的主要工作 4
第二章 供水系统的工作原理和近似模型 5
2.1 交流变频技术简介 5
2.2 变频调速的原理 7
2.3 多泵恒压供水系统基本特性和节能原理 7
2.3.1供水系统的基本特点与工作点 7
2.3.2变频调速的节能分析 8
2.4变频恒压供水系统近似模型 9
2.4.1压力控制点的选择 9
2.4.2 变频调速恒压供水系统的特点 10
2.4.3 供水系统的近似数学模型 10
2.5 本章小结 12