

分布式电源监控保护装置的硬件设计,摘 要电力系统的智能化发展方向为分布式电源的大量并网运行提供了一个重要的机遇。在分布式电源并网后,分布式电源与主网会相互产生影响,导致许多原先没有出现过的问题出现。比如主网电压出现偏高或偏低时,对分布式电源的设备就会造成一定的威胁。再者在主网出现短路故障后,分布式电源如不及时切除,就造成孤岛现象,从而造成严重的后果。国...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布

摘 要

关键词 分布式电源;硬件设计;继电保护;配电网
The direction for the intelligent development of the power system provides a large number of parallel operations of the distributed power with an important opportunity. After the distributed power paralleled with the main power grid, it will have an mutual impact with the main power grid, leading to appear many problems that previously there have been no. For example, the grid voltage is high or low, which will cause a threat to the equipment of the distributed power. Furthermore, after that there is a short-circuit fault in the power grid, if the distributed power will not been promptly removed, it will cause an isolated island phenomenon, resulting in serious consequences. Domestic and foreign scholars almost focus the research priorities on the distribution network, and neglect to protect the system combined with the distributed power and the with distribution network.
For the above situation, through the research about the functional requirements after the distributed power paralleled with the main power grid, the author has developed a set of monitoring and protecting device for the distributed power paralleled. On the one hand, as a monitoring device for the distributed power and network, it will send the collected and calculated data to the SCADA system to inspect. On the other hand, it will take distributed power lines and its distribution network as a system to protect. The main work is to analyze the impact on the circuit protection of the main power grid and automatic repeat off, after the distributed power paralleled with the main power grid. The paper introduces the design methods and process of the hardware in details, and which supplies the detailed circuit diagrams and structure charts. For the different kinds of the distributed power, it analyzes the technical requirements, and gives the protection criteria and logic diagram of the system protection and component protection according to corresponding requirements. Combined with the hardware function and the analysis of protection requirements, it gives the whole idea and frame of the software design. And it establishes the electricity distribution network model, and incorporated the distributed power into the distribution network through the network node, which verifies the reliability of the protection criteria.

Key Words Distributed power; Hardware design; Relay-protection; distribution network
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1 课题研究背景 1
1.1.2 选择课题依据 2
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1国内外分布式发电应用现状 2
1.2.2国内外分布式电源接入电网继电保护研究现状 3
1.3 本文主要研究工作及各章内容 4
第2章 分布式电源的引入对配电网保护的影响 6
2.1 配电网的继电保护 6
2.1.1 配电网继电保护概述 6
2.1.2 配电网电流保护及自动重合闸装置 6
2.2分布式电源对电流保护的影响 8
2.2.1对位于分布式电源下游的电流保护分析 8
2.2.2对位于分布式电源上游的电流保护分析 8
2.3 分布式电源对自动重合闸的影响 10
2.4 本章小结 10
第3章 基于ARM多处理器的分布式电源监控保护装置硬件设计 12
3.1 装置的总体设计 12
3.1.1 装置的功能及原理 12
3.1.2 装置的硬件基本结构 12
3.2 CPU简介 13
3.2.1 LPC3250简介 13
3.2.2 LPC2468简介 14
3.3主CPU插件的设计 15
3.3.1 存储器的扩展 15
3.3.2 通信接口的设计 18
3.3.3 外部复位电路的设计 21
3.3.4 电源电路的设计 22
3.3.5 遥信和遥控电路的设计 23
3.3.6 绘制主CPU插件PCB图的注意事项 24
3.4 模拟量输入插件的设计 25
3.4.1 模拟量输入插件的结构设计 25
3.4.2 模拟量输入插件互感器的选用 26
3.4.3模拟量输入插件电路设计 26
3.4.4绘制模拟量输入插件PCB图注意事项 29
3.5 遥信插件的设计 29
3.6 遥控插件的设计 31
3.6.1遥控插件的功能 31
3.6.2 遥控输出回路的原理 31
3.7 电源插件的设计 32
3.8 本章小结 33
第4章 分布式电源保护逻辑的研究及软件设..