
此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布
(1) 研究了电磁优化的并行计算问题,并对整个并行计算架构进行了介绍。针对目前智能算法应用于电磁优化问题时的计算复杂性和周期长等问题,以MATLAB并行计算工具箱为计算基础,将HFSS电磁仿真软件与PSO算法相结合,对微带矩形贴片天线和PIFA天线进行优化设计,仿真优化表明该方法可行,能有效的缩短优化周期,且在优化过程中无需人为干涉,自动运行。
(2) 设计了频率可重构超宽带天线。以印刷椭圆单极子天线为原型,通过延长馈线来降低天线的工作频率,成功的将频率可重构天线应用到超宽带天线的设计中。利用HFSS软件对天线进行仿真优化,仿真结果表明重构后的天线频率覆盖范围为0.174~10.9GHz,带宽比可达62:1,且在整个工作频段上具有很好的全向性,设计的天线可以广泛的应用于雷达测向等系统。
(3) 介绍了nABD测向算法,并提出改进方法。对nABD测向算法进行了简要的介绍,通过对理想天线仿真测试,验证了nABD测向算法的准确性,并对其局限性—测向角度范围过分依赖天线方向图的问题,讨论了改进的nABD测向算法,扩大了其测向范围。第三章中设计的频率可重构天线应用到改进的nABD测向算法中进行仿真测试的结果表明,设计的天线在可测范围内具有较高的精度,误差均小于 。
The Electronic Countermeasure Technology has draw lots of attention and developed rapidly because of the outbreakof local war in recent years. In the field of Electronic Countermeasure Technology, getting more accurate information of the radiation sources’ direction can be more helpful to obtaining intelligence information, implementing electronic jamming and precision striking. Simultaneously, that may provide effective protection when destroying the target. So, the technology of passive direction finding for radiation resources plays an important role in the field of Electronic Countermeasure field. In the passive direction finding system, due to the diversity of the targets, their frequencies are not the same. And the existing passive direction finding antennas can not cover enough wide frequency bands. Therefore, it has very important significance to study the passive direction finding antennas. With the development of antenna technology, the concept of reconfigurable antenna is proposed, and it provides a new way to solve the problem of designing broadband antenna. In the article, the problem of parallel electromagnetic computing, the frequency reconfigurable ultra-wideband antenna and the method of passive direction finding were studied.
The major research works in the article can be summarized as the follows:
(1) Studied the electromagnetic optimization problem using parallel computing, and described the parallel computing architecture. Due to the computational complexity and long time’s cycle of using intelligent algorithm to optimize the electromagnetic problems, and based on the MATLAB parallel computing toolbox, the method of combining the HFSS electromagnetic simulation software and the PSO algorithm to optimize the electromagnetic problems was presented. Then the method was applied to the design of microstrip rectangular patch antenna and the optimization of PIFA antenna. The results of the simulation shows that the method is feasible and can effectively reduce the time of optimization. Meanwhile, the optimization can be done automatically without any human intervention.
(2) Designed a frequency ultra-wideband antenna. Based on the printed ellipse monopole antenna, by extending the feed line to reduce the operating frequency, a frequency ultra-wideband antenna was designed successfully using the reconfigurable antenna technology. The result of simulation by HFSS shows that the antenna covers a wideband from 0.174GHz to 10.9GHz, the bandwidth ratio up to 62:1, and has a good Omni-direction in the whole frequency band. The designed antenna can be widely used in radar and direction finding systems.
(3) Introduced the nABD direction finding method, and proposed an advanced method. A brief introduction of nABD direction finding method was given and ideal antennas were used to verify the method. Due to the limitation (measured angles ware over-reliance on the antenna pattern), an advanced method was proposed to expand the angle range. Then, the frequency reconfigurable antenna designed in chapter three was introduced into the advanced nABD method. From the results of simulation and analysis of errors, it can be conclude that the antenna can obtain high accurate angle, and the errors are less than .
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(1) 研究了电磁优化的并行计算问题,并对整个并行计算架构进行了介绍。针对目前智能算法应用于电磁优化问题时的计算复杂性和周期长等问题,以MATLAB并行计算工具箱为计算基础,将HFSS电磁仿真软件与PSO算法相结合,对微带矩形贴片天线和PIFA天线进行优化设计,仿真优化表明该方法可行,能有效的缩短优化周期,且在优化过程中无需人为干涉,自动运行。
(2) 设计了频率可重构超宽带天线。以印刷椭圆单极子天线为原型,通过延长馈线来降低天线的工作频率,成功的将频率可重构天线应用到超宽带天线的设计中。利用HFSS软件对天线进行仿真优化,仿真结果表明重构后的天线频率覆盖范围为0.174~10.9GHz,带宽比可达62:1,且在整个工作频段上具有很好的全向性,设计的天线可以广泛的应用于雷达测向等系统。
(3) 介绍了nABD测向算法,并提出改进方法。对nABD测向算法进行了简要的介绍,通过对理想天线仿真测试,验证了nABD测向算法的准确性,并对其局限性—测向角度范围过分依赖天线方向图的问题,讨论了改进的nABD测向算法,扩大了其测向范围。第三章中设计的频率可重构天线应用到改进的nABD测向算法中进行仿真测试的结果表明,设计的天线在可测范围内具有较高的精度,误差均小于 。
The Electronic Countermeasure Technology has draw lots of attention and developed rapidly because of the outbreakof local war in recent years. In the field of Electronic Countermeasure Technology, getting more accurate information of the radiation sources’ direction can be more helpful to obtaining intelligence information, implementing electronic jamming and precision striking. Simultaneously, that may provide effective protection when destroying the target. So, the technology of passive direction finding for radiation resources plays an important role in the field of Electronic Countermeasure field. In the passive direction finding system, due to the diversity of the targets, their frequencies are not the same. And the existing passive direction finding antennas can not cover enough wide frequency bands. Therefore, it has very important significance to study the passive direction finding antennas. With the development of antenna technology, the concept of reconfigurable antenna is proposed, and it provides a new way to solve the problem of designing broadband antenna. In the article, the problem of parallel electromagnetic computing, the frequency reconfigurable ultra-wideband antenna and the method of passive direction finding were studied.
The major research works in the article can be summarized as the follows:
(1) Studied the electromagnetic optimization problem using parallel computing, and described the parallel computing architecture. Due to the computational complexity and long time’s cycle of using intelligent algorithm to optimize the electromagnetic problems, and based on the MATLAB parallel computing toolbox, the method of combining the HFSS electromagnetic simulation software and the PSO algorithm to optimize the electromagnetic problems was presented. Then the method was applied to the design of microstrip rectangular patch antenna and the optimization of PIFA antenna. The results of the simulation shows that the method is feasible and can effectively reduce the time of optimization. Meanwhile, the optimization can be done automatically without any human intervention.
(2) Designed a frequency ultra-wideband antenna. Based on the printed ellipse monopole antenna, by extending the feed line to reduce the operating frequency, a frequency ultra-wideband antenna was designed successfully using the reconfigurable antenna technology. The result of simulation by HFSS shows that the antenna covers a wideband from 0.174GHz to 10.9GHz, the bandwidth ratio up to 62:1, and has a good Omni-direction in the whole frequency band. The designed antenna can be widely used in radar and direction finding systems.
(3) Introduced the nABD direction finding method, and proposed an advanced method. A brief introduction of nABD direction finding method was given and ideal antennas were used to verify the method. Due to the limitation (measured angles ware over-reliance on the antenna pattern), an advanced method was proposed to expand the angle range. Then, the frequency reconfigurable antenna designed in chapter three was introduced into the advanced nABD method. From the results of simulation and analysis of errors, it can be conclude that the antenna can obtain high accurate angle, and the errors are less than .
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