嵌入式工业机器人运动,摘 要工业机器人控制系统是机器人的重要组成部分,主要用于对操作机的控制,以完成特定工作任务。运动控制器在机器人控制系统中占核心地位,是机器人的神经中枢。其设计好坏决定了机器人系统的整体行为和整体性能,决定了控制性能的优劣,同时也影响着机器人使用的方便程度。机器人运动学作为机器人学的一个重要的研究领域,主要研究和解决机...

此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布
摘 要
针对现有控制系统的不足,选取OMAP3530和Linux操作系统构建整个工业机器人控制系统,突破了传统工业机器人的封闭结构,具有良好的可扩展性。在OMAP3530上进行编程设计并对该算法进行了移植。通过ARM核和DSP核的协同工作,配合TI官方软件包Codec Engine,ARM端的应用程序调用DSP端遗传算法,并最终返回调用结果。程序运行结果亦显示该遗传算法具有运算精度高,运行速度快等优点;较之普通PC机,OMAP3530平台更小,功耗更低,并且处理速度更快。
关键词 嵌入式;工业机器人;逆解;遗传算法
Industrial robot control system was an important part of the robot,and was mainly used for manipulator control to accomplish specific tasks. Motion controller accounted for the central position of the robot system,at the same time was the nerve center of the robot. The robot control system design determined the overall performance and the control performance,while also decided the convenience of the use of the robot. Robot kinematics as an important area of the robotics research,mainly solved the question of where the robot turned to. The robot kinematic had far-reaching impact on the robot control,robot dynamics and trajectory planning.
A new method of improved genetic algorithm was proposed to solve the inverse kinematic for manipulator. The algorithm raised an adaptive crossover and mutation operation,also improved the ranking method,with which the problem can be solved accurately and rapidly. The problem of multiple solutions can be optimized by using the penalty function,which can make the inverse kinematic more practical. Then Used the MATLAB for simulation of the genetic algorithm,and the simulation results showed that the algorithm has high accuracy and can effectively avoid multi-solution. Contrasted with the simple genetic algorithm to solve the inverse kinematic,the improved genetic algorithm had good stability,high convergence,etc.
As for the insufficient of the existing controller,selected OMAP3530 and Linux operating system to build the industrial robot control system,which improved the traditional closed structure of industrial robot,also had good scalability. we designed the algorithm and transplanted it on this chip. Programmed on the omap3530,through the cooperation of the ARM core and the DSP core,with the TI official software package Codec Engine,ARM-side applications can successfully call DSP-side genetic algorithm,and return the result of the call. The run results of the genetic algorithm show that the algorithm has high precision,speediness advantage and so on. Compared with an ordinary PC,the OMAP3530 platform is smaller,low-power,and the processing speed is faster.
Keywords Embeded System;industrial robot;inverse kinematics;genetic algorithm
目 录
摘要…………………………………………………………………………………………. I
第1章 绪论 ……………………………………………………………………………… ..1
1.1 课题的研究背景和选题意义 1
1.2 工业机器人控制系统的研究概况 3
1.2.1 工业机器人国内外研究现状 3
1.2.2 运动控制器研究现状 4
1.3 机器人逆解的研究概况 5
1.4 课题研究内容及主要章节安排 7
第2章 机器人运动学 ……………………………………………………………………..9
2.1 机器人的数学基础 9
2.1.1 机器人位姿表示 9
2.1.2 机器人坐标变换 10
2.2 机器人运动学 11
2.2.1 机器人连杆坐标表示 12
2.1.2 机器人连杆变换矩阵 13
2.1.3 PUMA机器人运动学 14
2.3 PUMA机器人逆运动学 16
2.4 本章小结 18
第3章 工业机器人遗传算法的逆解分析 ………………………………………………19
3.1 遗传算法简介 19
3.2 遗传算法的基本理论 20
3.3 机器人逆解遗传算法问题描述 21
3.4 改进的遗传算法的机器人逆解 23
3.5 试验结果分析 27
3.5.1 仿真..
针对现有控制系统的不足,选取OMAP3530和Linux操作系统构建整个工业机器人控制系统,突破了传统工业机器人的封闭结构,具有良好的可扩展性。在OMAP3530上进行编程设计并对该算法进行了移植。通过ARM核和DSP核的协同工作,配合TI官方软件包Codec Engine,ARM端的应用程序调用DSP端遗传算法,并最终返回调用结果。程序运行结果亦显示该遗传算法具有运算精度高,运行速度快等优点;较之普通PC机,OMAP3530平台更小,功耗更低,并且处理速度更快。
关键词 嵌入式;工业机器人;逆解;遗传算法
Industrial robot control system was an important part of the robot,and was mainly used for manipulator control to accomplish specific tasks. Motion controller accounted for the central position of the robot system,at the same time was the nerve center of the robot. The robot control system design determined the overall performance and the control performance,while also decided the convenience of the use of the robot. Robot kinematics as an important area of the robotics research,mainly solved the question of where the robot turned to. The robot kinematic had far-reaching impact on the robot control,robot dynamics and trajectory planning.
A new method of improved genetic algorithm was proposed to solve the inverse kinematic for manipulator. The algorithm raised an adaptive crossover and mutation operation,also improved the ranking method,with which the problem can be solved accurately and rapidly. The problem of multiple solutions can be optimized by using the penalty function,which can make the inverse kinematic more practical. Then Used the MATLAB for simulation of the genetic algorithm,and the simulation results showed that the algorithm has high accuracy and can effectively avoid multi-solution. Contrasted with the simple genetic algorithm to solve the inverse kinematic,the improved genetic algorithm had good stability,high convergence,etc.
As for the insufficient of the existing controller,selected OMAP3530 and Linux operating system to build the industrial robot control system,which improved the traditional closed structure of industrial robot,also had good scalability. we designed the algorithm and transplanted it on this chip. Programmed on the omap3530,through the cooperation of the ARM core and the DSP core,with the TI official software package Codec Engine,ARM-side applications can successfully call DSP-side genetic algorithm,and return the result of the call. The run results of the genetic algorithm show that the algorithm has high precision,speediness advantage and so on. Compared with an ordinary PC,the OMAP3530 platform is smaller,low-power,and the processing speed is faster.
Keywords Embeded System;industrial robot;inverse kinematics;genetic algorithm
目 录
摘要…………………………………………………………………………………………. I
第1章 绪论 ……………………………………………………………………………… ..1
1.1 课题的研究背景和选题意义 1
1.2 工业机器人控制系统的研究概况 3
1.2.1 工业机器人国内外研究现状 3
1.2.2 运动控制器研究现状 4
1.3 机器人逆解的研究概况 5
1.4 课题研究内容及主要章节安排 7
第2章 机器人运动学 ……………………………………………………………………..9
2.1 机器人的数学基础 9
2.1.1 机器人位姿表示 9
2.1.2 机器人坐标变换 10
2.2 机器人运动学 11
2.2.1 机器人连杆坐标表示 12
2.1.2 机器人连杆变换矩阵 13
2.1.3 PUMA机器人运动学 14
2.3 PUMA机器人逆运动学 16
2.4 本章小结 18
第3章 工业机器人遗传算法的逆解分析 ………………………………………………19
3.1 遗传算法简介 19
3.2 遗传算法的基本理论 20
3.3 机器人逆解遗传算法问题描述 21
3.4 改进的遗传算法的机器人逆解 23
3.5 试验结果分析 27
3.5.1 仿真..