此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布
摘 要
关键词 消防现场;超宽带;无线传感器网络;定位;优化算法
In recent years, various natural and man-made disasters occurred frequently; complex disaster field put forward a higher requirement for rescue. Establish the fire monitoring system provides a basis for fire fighting field command scheduling and rescue, and localization for monitor node and fireman is the key issue to establish the fire monitoring system.
With the rapid development of wireless sensor network (WSN) successfully applied on numerous occasions, the fire monitoring and the localization have become possible because of the portable WSN node rapidly deploying in fire site. However, in the use of WSN to achieve the fireman positioning process must be combined with specific application characteristics to solve relate problems.
In the light of characteristics of the complex fire scene environment and wireless communication propagation characteristics, established the fire site WSN based on UWB technology, improved the weighted cancroids localization algorithm based on the received signal strength (RSSI), and optimized the positioning results. The main research contents are as follows:
(1)According to the different environment of fire happened, considering the fire scene include the indoor and outdoor environment, modeling the fire scene ultra-wideband communication channel model respectively, analyzed the ranging error of UWB channel loss model under various environments. In view of the problem of big ranging and localization error under industrial environment, beacon node mutual positioning and ranging error correction method was proposed, research results shows that this method effectively ensure the distance measurement accuracy.
(2)In view of the problem of weighted cancroids localization algorithm is simple and easy to realize, but have lower accuracy; in the premise of improving the ranging accuracy efficiently, improved the weighted cancroids localization algorithm based on RSSI ranging, the particle swarm algorithm and quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization positioning were applied to optimize the positioning results, research results shows that this method has higher accuracy, And are not easily affected by environmental factors, could improve the localization accuracy and stability.
(3)Incremental positioning process was proposed to overcome the problem of high cost caused by the demanding of more beacon nodes. When there was not enough beacon nodes to localization, the nodes of which were unknown nodes turned into secondary beacon node participated in localization, decreased the beacon nodes number efficiently, and reduced the cost. Simulation results shows that at the basis of the particle swarm and quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization weighted cancroids localization algorithm, at the condition of the same localization rate, incremental method was applied during the positioning could reduce the beacon nodes efficiently.
Key Words The fire scene; ultra-wideband; wireless sensor networks; positioning; optimization algorithm
目 录
摘 要 I
第1章 绪论 1
1.1背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外定位技术研究现状 2
1.3 论文研究思路及内容安排 4
第2章 面向消防现场的WSN定位系统整体设计 6
2.1 引言 6
2.2 消防现场的特点 6
2.3 无线传感器网络的结构和特点 7
2.4 面向消防现场的WSN定位系统整体设计 8
2.5 面向消防现场定位系统关键技术 10
2.5.1 超宽带技术 10
2.5.2 测距技术 13
2.5.3 定位技术 16
2.6 小结 20
第3章 基于RSSI的加权质心定位算法及..
关键词 消防现场;超宽带;无线传感器网络;定位;优化算法
In recent years, various natural and man-made disasters occurred frequently; complex disaster field put forward a higher requirement for rescue. Establish the fire monitoring system provides a basis for fire fighting field command scheduling and rescue, and localization for monitor node and fireman is the key issue to establish the fire monitoring system.
With the rapid development of wireless sensor network (WSN) successfully applied on numerous occasions, the fire monitoring and the localization have become possible because of the portable WSN node rapidly deploying in fire site. However, in the use of WSN to achieve the fireman positioning process must be combined with specific application characteristics to solve relate problems.
In the light of characteristics of the complex fire scene environment and wireless communication propagation characteristics, established the fire site WSN based on UWB technology, improved the weighted cancroids localization algorithm based on the received signal strength (RSSI), and optimized the positioning results. The main research contents are as follows:
(1)According to the different environment of fire happened, considering the fire scene include the indoor and outdoor environment, modeling the fire scene ultra-wideband communication channel model respectively, analyzed the ranging error of UWB channel loss model under various environments. In view of the problem of big ranging and localization error under industrial environment, beacon node mutual positioning and ranging error correction method was proposed, research results shows that this method effectively ensure the distance measurement accuracy.
(2)In view of the problem of weighted cancroids localization algorithm is simple and easy to realize, but have lower accuracy; in the premise of improving the ranging accuracy efficiently, improved the weighted cancroids localization algorithm based on RSSI ranging, the particle swarm algorithm and quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization positioning were applied to optimize the positioning results, research results shows that this method has higher accuracy, And are not easily affected by environmental factors, could improve the localization accuracy and stability.
(3)Incremental positioning process was proposed to overcome the problem of high cost caused by the demanding of more beacon nodes. When there was not enough beacon nodes to localization, the nodes of which were unknown nodes turned into secondary beacon node participated in localization, decreased the beacon nodes number efficiently, and reduced the cost. Simulation results shows that at the basis of the particle swarm and quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization weighted cancroids localization algorithm, at the condition of the same localization rate, incremental method was applied during the positioning could reduce the beacon nodes efficiently.
Key Words The fire scene; ultra-wideband; wireless sensor networks; positioning; optimization algorithm
目 录
摘 要 I
第1章 绪论 1
1.1背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外定位技术研究现状 2
1.3 论文研究思路及内容安排 4
第2章 面向消防现场的WSN定位系统整体设计 6
2.1 引言 6
2.2 消防现场的特点 6
2.3 无线传感器网络的结构和特点 7
2.4 面向消防现场的WSN定位系统整体设计 8
2.5 面向消防现场定位系统关键技术 10
2.5.1 超宽带技术 10
2.5.2 测距技术 13
2.5.3 定位技术 16
2.6 小结 20
第3章 基于RSSI的加权质心定位算法及..