
此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布
摘 要
The safety of power transmission system running decides that the economic could develop steadily, in China, the traditional manual inspection is used for the lines-patrol, it is difficult to guarantee the quality of inspection, and therefore, for the effective inspection of the power network, seeking a way to replace the manual inspection is important.
At present, studying an inspection robot for high-voltage transmission lines to solve this problem has become a hot spot; however, using lithium batteries as source and carrying portable detection devices and communications equipment for the 500kV transmission lines inspection, we couldn’t find it in domestic. This study is basing on this transmission line and the mechanical body of inspection robot, its control system is studied.
The article first discusses the current researching situation of the robot in domestic and international, for the inspection robot ‘s body and the mechanical characteristics of the 500kV transmission lines, a servo control system is proposed, it completely can realize walking, climbing over the obstacles on lines based on itself-control. We do the design and research.
Second, because of special requirements of the robot system size, weight and exercise, it needs mathematical modeling and analysis for the brushless DC motor, through its relationship between electromagnetic torque and the current; we could design of appropriate control system structure in order to get the fine motor control performance.
Again, taking into account the 500kV high-voltage transmission lines of the actual line of the environment and its physical characteristics, to ensure the quality of image collection, it requires the robot to walk on line with a certain speed. In this paper, fuzzy PI control is used, with its fast response characteristics and insensitive to suppress the outside interference, the control system is simulated by MATLAB.
Keywords: The inspection robot for High-voltage transmission lines; Brushless DC motor; SIMULINK simulation; fuzzy-PI compound control
摘 要 I
Abstract III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 巡线机器人发展现状 1
1.3 课题研究的意义 3
1.4 本文主要研究目的和内容 4
第二章 巡线机器人机械本体 5
2.1 500kV高压架空线路概述 5
2.1.1 输电线路组成 5
2.1.2 输电线路主要障碍 6
2.2 巡线机器人机械本体及越障原理 6
2.2.1 机械本体分析 6
2.2.2 越障原理 7
第三章 巡线机器人控制系统总体设计 9
3.1巡线机器人总体设计要求 9
3.2 控制系统要求 10
3.3 控制系统设计思想 11
3.4 方案论证 11
3.5 控制系统基本构成及其工作原理 12
3.5.1 主控制模块 13
3.5.2 驱动执行机构 14
3.5.3 电源供电模块 19
3.5.4 信号检测模块 20
3.5.5 无线通讯模块 22
3.6 抗干扰措施 23
3.6.1电源抗干扰设计 23
3.6.2控制系统的共地和接地设计 23
3.6.3 I/O端口干扰信号的处理措施 24
3.6.4 PCB的抗干扰措施 24
第四章 巡线机器人无刷直流电机驱动系统 26
4.1 无刷直流电机结构及原理 26
4.1.1 无刷直流电机基本结构 26
4.1.2 无刷直流电动机工作原理 27
4.2 无刷直流电机数学模型 28
4.3 双闭环控制策略 29
4.3.1 无刷直流电机动态结构图 29
4.3.2 双闭环控制策略 31
4.4 系统仿真 32
4.4.1 系统结构构成 32
4.4.2 仿真结果分析 37
4.5实验装置设计 41
4.5.1硬件系统总体结构 41
4.5.2各模块设计 41
4.6驱动系统软件设计 45
4.6.1 CCS集成开发环境 45
4.6.2 控制系统软件设计 45
第五章 巡线机器人的自主控制策略 51
5.1选择控制策略的原因背景 51
5.2 BLDCM模糊与PI复合控制策略 52
5.2.1 模糊控制概述 52
5.2.2 模糊控制原理 52
5.2.3 改进的fuzzy-PI控制器结构 54
5.3 复合控制策略的仿真 5..
The safety of power transmission system running decides that the economic could develop steadily, in China, the traditional manual inspection is used for the lines-patrol, it is difficult to guarantee the quality of inspection, and therefore, for the effective inspection of the power network, seeking a way to replace the manual inspection is important.
At present, studying an inspection robot for high-voltage transmission lines to solve this problem has become a hot spot; however, using lithium batteries as source and carrying portable detection devices and communications equipment for the 500kV transmission lines inspection, we couldn’t find it in domestic. This study is basing on this transmission line and the mechanical body of inspection robot, its control system is studied.
The article first discusses the current researching situation of the robot in domestic and international, for the inspection robot ‘s body and the mechanical characteristics of the 500kV transmission lines, a servo control system is proposed, it completely can realize walking, climbing over the obstacles on lines based on itself-control. We do the design and research.
Second, because of special requirements of the robot system size, weight and exercise, it needs mathematical modeling and analysis for the brushless DC motor, through its relationship between electromagnetic torque and the current; we could design of appropriate control system structure in order to get the fine motor control performance.
Again, taking into account the 500kV high-voltage transmission lines of the actual line of the environment and its physical characteristics, to ensure the quality of image collection, it requires the robot to walk on line with a certain speed. In this paper, fuzzy PI control is used, with its fast response characteristics and insensitive to suppress the outside interference, the control system is simulated by MATLAB.
Keywords: The inspection robot for High-voltage transmission lines; Brushless DC motor; SIMULINK simulation; fuzzy-PI compound control
摘 要 I
Abstract III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 巡线机器人发展现状 1
1.3 课题研究的意义 3
1.4 本文主要研究目的和内容 4
第二章 巡线机器人机械本体 5
2.1 500kV高压架空线路概述 5
2.1.1 输电线路组成 5
2.1.2 输电线路主要障碍 6
2.2 巡线机器人机械本体及越障原理 6
2.2.1 机械本体分析 6
2.2.2 越障原理 7
第三章 巡线机器人控制系统总体设计 9
3.1巡线机器人总体设计要求 9
3.2 控制系统要求 10
3.3 控制系统设计思想 11
3.4 方案论证 11
3.5 控制系统基本构成及其工作原理 12
3.5.1 主控制模块 13
3.5.2 驱动执行机构 14
3.5.3 电源供电模块 19
3.5.4 信号检测模块 20
3.5.5 无线通讯模块 22
3.6 抗干扰措施 23
3.6.1电源抗干扰设计 23
3.6.2控制系统的共地和接地设计 23
3.6.3 I/O端口干扰信号的处理措施 24
3.6.4 PCB的抗干扰措施 24
第四章 巡线机器人无刷直流电机驱动系统 26
4.1 无刷直流电机结构及原理 26
4.1.1 无刷直流电机基本结构 26
4.1.2 无刷直流电动机工作原理 27
4.2 无刷直流电机数学模型 28
4.3 双闭环控制策略 29
4.3.1 无刷直流电机动态结构图 29
4.3.2 双闭环控制策略 31
4.4 系统仿真 32
4.4.1 系统结构构成 32
4.4.2 仿真结果分析 37
4.5实验装置设计 41
4.5.1硬件系统总体结构 41
4.5.2各模块设计 41
4.6驱动系统软件设计 45
4.6.1 CCS集成开发环境 45
4.6.2 控制系统软件设计 45
第五章 巡线机器人的自主控制策略 51
5.1选择控制策略的原因背景 51
5.2 BLDCM模糊与PI复合控制策略 52
5.2.1 模糊控制概述 52
5.2.2 模糊控制原理 52
5.2.3 改进的fuzzy-PI控制器结构 54
5.3 复合控制策略的仿真 5..