智能高效航迹处理,摘要现代先进武器系统的发展和高技术战争条件下的复杂战场环境,对雷达目标识别具有越来越强烈的需求。在多目标跟踪系统中,由于对雷达资源的节约利用及信号处理和计算机技术的飞速发展,需要对雷达资源的节约利用, 由于信号处理和计算机技术的飞速发展,目标识别所要求的实时处理已成为了可能。一方面对目标进行初步的目标识别,建立以及更新...

此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布
摘 要
现代先进武器系统的发展和高技术战争条件下的复杂战场环境,对雷达目标识别具有越来越强烈的需求。在多目标跟踪系统中,由于对雷达资源的节约利用及信号处理和计算机技术的飞速发展,需要对雷达资源的节约利用, 由于信号处理和计算机技术的飞速发展,目标识别所要求的实时处理已成为了可能。一方面对目标进行初步的目标识别,建立以及更新目标特征数据库,以进行目标特征匹配来实现点迹-航迹相关处理;一方面可以提高建航的快速性,另一方面可以在保证目标不丢失的情况下,提高跟踪的目标数目,大大降低虚警率的同时也保证了航迹质量。
关键词 航迹起始;目标识别;目标智能特征提取;双DSP+FPGA
Modern and advanced weapons systems development and high-tech warfare complex under the conditions of the battlefield environment have an increasingly strong radar target identification Strong demand. Of the proposed intelligent and efficient processing algorithms for the current track track encountered the reality of the problem Proposed, is a proven practical solutions. In the multi-target tracking system, the need for economical use of radar resources as the signal processing and the rapid development of computer technology, target identification required real-time processing has become possible. On the one hand Target initial target identification, target characteristics to establish and update the database for matching to achieve the target feature points - Air phase Off processing; one can improve the rapid construction of aircraft, the other to ensure that goals are not lost in the circumstances, improve tracking The number of targets, greatly reduce the false alarm rate, while also ensuring the track quality. This article first track from the point of starting treatment, a detailed analysis of The target track features intelligent extraction methods, including point of trace detection, point trace gather (distance and azimuth), and smart Feature extraction, and different characteristics of the target information analysis, and target classification, target characteristics to create a database. However, According to the front of the trace point feature information for intelligent data handling track, a detailed analysis of intelligent algorithms that track the real deal now.
In recent years, with the digital signal processor (DSP) chip integration, computing speed, data throughput and other performance continues to improve; DSP in high-speed, real-time signal processing has been more and more applications, which is smart track the implementation process as possible. This paper describes a DSP + FPGA architecture based on dual-track process of intelligent hardware platforms, including DSP chip chosen TI's TMS320C6455, FPGA selected Altera's EP2S90F1020. In the code composer studio software development environment, through hardware design and software programming intelligent track processing algorithms. Hardware design, including the connection between the module and the module initialization method. Software design and programming, including the main program interrupt response and other routine design.
Key Words Track Initiation; Target Identification; Target Feature; Double DSP+FPGA
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract III
缩略词语表 IX
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 概述 1
1.2 课题背景及意义 2
1.3 研究现状及发展趋势 4
1.4 研究内容介绍和文章结构安排 5
第2章 雷达目标点迹数据形成与处理 7
2.1 概述 7
2.2点迹检测 7
2.3 点迹数据分析及目标分裂 8
2.3.1目标点迹数据在距离上多值分析 9
2.3.2 目标点迹数据在方位上的多值性分析 10
2.3.3 克服目标分裂的方法 11
2.4 目标原始点迹数据的分辨与归并 12
2. 4.1 剔除异常的目标原始点迹 12
2. 4. 2 点迹数据在距离上的归并与分辨 12
2. 4. 3 点迹数据在方位上的归并与分辨 13
2.5 目标点迹凝聚处理 13
2.6 智能特征提取 15
2.7 雷达目标特征信息 16
2.8 小结 20
第3章 雷达数据的航迹处理 23
3.1 概述 23
3.2 常用的跟踪滤波器 23
3.2.1 滤波器 23
3.2.2 Kalman滤波器 26
3.3 目标跟踪的航迹起始 27
3.3.1 目标识别概述 28
3.3.2 修正的Hough变换 31
3.3.3 ..
现代先进武器系统的发展和高技术战争条件下的复杂战场环境,对雷达目标识别具有越来越强烈的需求。在多目标跟踪系统中,由于对雷达资源的节约利用及信号处理和计算机技术的飞速发展,需要对雷达资源的节约利用, 由于信号处理和计算机技术的飞速发展,目标识别所要求的实时处理已成为了可能。一方面对目标进行初步的目标识别,建立以及更新目标特征数据库,以进行目标特征匹配来实现点迹-航迹相关处理;一方面可以提高建航的快速性,另一方面可以在保证目标不丢失的情况下,提高跟踪的目标数目,大大降低虚警率的同时也保证了航迹质量。
关键词 航迹起始;目标识别;目标智能特征提取;双DSP+FPGA
Modern and advanced weapons systems development and high-tech warfare complex under the conditions of the battlefield environment have an increasingly strong radar target identification Strong demand. Of the proposed intelligent and efficient processing algorithms for the current track track encountered the reality of the problem Proposed, is a proven practical solutions. In the multi-target tracking system, the need for economical use of radar resources as the signal processing and the rapid development of computer technology, target identification required real-time processing has become possible. On the one hand Target initial target identification, target characteristics to establish and update the database for matching to achieve the target feature points - Air phase Off processing; one can improve the rapid construction of aircraft, the other to ensure that goals are not lost in the circumstances, improve tracking The number of targets, greatly reduce the false alarm rate, while also ensuring the track quality. This article first track from the point of starting treatment, a detailed analysis of The target track features intelligent extraction methods, including point of trace detection, point trace gather (distance and azimuth), and smart Feature extraction, and different characteristics of the target information analysis, and target classification, target characteristics to create a database. However, According to the front of the trace point feature information for intelligent data handling track, a detailed analysis of intelligent algorithms that track the real deal now.
In recent years, with the digital signal processor (DSP) chip integration, computing speed, data throughput and other performance continues to improve; DSP in high-speed, real-time signal processing has been more and more applications, which is smart track the implementation process as possible. This paper describes a DSP + FPGA architecture based on dual-track process of intelligent hardware platforms, including DSP chip chosen TI's TMS320C6455, FPGA selected Altera's EP2S90F1020. In the code composer studio software development environment, through hardware design and software programming intelligent track processing algorithms. Hardware design, including the connection between the module and the module initialization method. Software design and programming, including the main program interrupt response and other routine design.
Key Words Track Initiation; Target Identification; Target Feature; Double DSP+FPGA
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract III
缩略词语表 IX
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 概述 1
1.2 课题背景及意义 2
1.3 研究现状及发展趋势 4
1.4 研究内容介绍和文章结构安排 5
第2章 雷达目标点迹数据形成与处理 7
2.1 概述 7
2.2点迹检测 7
2.3 点迹数据分析及目标分裂 8
2.3.1目标点迹数据在距离上多值分析 9
2.3.2 目标点迹数据在方位上的多值性分析 10
2.3.3 克服目标分裂的方法 11
2.4 目标原始点迹数据的分辨与归并 12
2. 4.1 剔除异常的目标原始点迹 12
2. 4. 2 点迹数据在距离上的归并与分辨 12
2. 4. 3 点迹数据在方位上的归并与分辨 13
2.5 目标点迹凝聚处理 13
2.6 智能特征提取 15
2.7 雷达目标特征信息 16
2.8 小结 20
第3章 雷达数据的航迹处理 23
3.1 概述 23
3.2 常用的跟踪滤波器 23
3.2.1 滤波器 23
3.2.2 Kalman滤波器 26
3.3 目标跟踪的航迹起始 27
3.3.1 目标识别概述 28
3.3.2 修正的Hough变换 31
3.3.3 ..