基于仿生学的酸奶盒注塑模设计,本科生机械方面的毕业设计作品,里面包括答辩ppt、开题报告、完整论文、外文翻译、cad图纸目 录摘 要3abstraction5第1章 绪论71.1 塑料简介71.2 注塑成型及注塑模7第2章 塑料材料分析102.1 塑料材料的基本特性102.2 塑件材料成型性能102.3 塑件材料主要用途11第3章 塑件的工艺分析1...

原文档由会员 379650974 发布本科生机械方面的毕业设计作品,里面包括答辩PPT、开题报告、完整论文、外文翻译、CAD图纸
目 录
摘 要 3
Abstraction 5
第1章 绪论 7
1.1 塑料简介 7
1.2 注塑成型及注塑模 7
第2章 塑料材料分析 10
2.1 塑料材料的基本特性 10
2.2 塑件材料成型性能 10
2.3 塑件材料主要用途 11
第3章 塑件的工艺分析 12
3.1 塑件的结构设计 12
3.1.1 脱模斜度 12
3.1.2 塑件的壁厚 13
3.1.3 塑件的圆角 13
3.2 塑件尺寸及精度 13
3.3 塑件表面粗糙度 14
3.4 塑件的体积和质量 14
第4章 注射成型工艺方案及模具结构的分析和确定 15
4.1 注射成型工艺过程分析 15
4.2 浇口种类的确定 16
4.3 型腔数目的确定 17
4.4 注射机的选择和校核 17
4.4.1 注射量的校核 18
4.4.2 塑件在分型面上的投影面积与锁模力的校核 18
4.4.3 模具与注射机安装模具部分相关尺寸校核 19
4.5 模架及标准件的选用 20
第5章 注射模具结构设计 22
5.1 分型面的设计 22
5.2 型腔的布局 22
5.3 浇注系统的设计 23
5.3.1 浇注系统组成 23
5.3.2 确定浇注系统的原则 23
5.3.3 主流道的设计 24
5.3.4 分流道的设计 26
5.3.5 浇口的设计 27
5.3.6 冷料穴的设计 29
5.4 注射模成型零部件的设计 29
5.4.1 成型零部件结构设计 29
5.4.2 成型零件的工作尺寸计算 30
5.5 排气结构设计 32
5.6 推出机构的设计 32
5.6.1 推出机构的设计要求 32
5.6.2 推出力的计算 33
5.6.3 推杆脱模机构 34
5.6.4 合模导向机构的设计 35
5.6.5 导向机构的设计 36
5.7 注射模温度调节系统 36
5.7.1 温度调节对塑件质量的影响 37
5.7.2 冷却系统之设计规则 37
第6章 模具材料的选用 38
6.1 成型零件材料选用 38
6.2 注射模用钢种 38
第7章 基于仿生学的内壁选择 40
7.1 仿生学的发展 40
7.2 仿生学的应用 40
7.3 防粘性叶子表面的研究 40
7.3.1 植物叶片表面非光滑形态分析 40
7.3.2 防粘实验分析与讨论 41
第8章 模具的试模与修模 42
8.1 制品的粘着 42
8.2 成型缺陷 43
8.3 注射填充不足 43
8.4 注射工艺不足 43
第9章 次品分析 45
总 结 46
致 谢 47
参考文献 48
摘 要
近年来,我国塑料模具水平已有较大提高。大型塑料模具已能生产单套重量达50t以上的注塑模,精密塑料模的精度已可达到3μm,制件精度为0.5μm的小模数齿轮模具及达到高光学要求的车灯模具等也已能生产,多腔塑料模已能生产一模7800腔的塑封模,高速模具方面已能生产 4m/min以上挤出速度的高速塑料异型材挤出模及主型材双腔共挤、双色共挤、软硬共挤、后共挤、再生料共挤出和低发泡钢塑共挤等各种模具。在生产手段上,模具企业设备数控化率已有较大提高,CAD/CAE/CAM技术的应用面已大为扩大,高速加工及 RP/RT 等先进技术的采用已越来越多。模具标准件使用覆盖率及模具商品化率都已有较大幅度的提高,热流道模具的比例也有较大提高。三资企业蓬勃发展进一步促进了塑料模具设计制造水平及企业管理水平的提高。
Plastic pattern of our country have the present situation of industry in recent years, the plastic pattern of our country has level having greater rising. Large scale plastic pattern have already can produce single set weight to reach the note above 50 ts mould the precision of mould and precise plastic pattern already can reach 3 μ m, even system is precision for 0.5 μ the little modulus gear mould of m and reach the vehicle lamp mould etc. of high optical requirement also already can produce , much cavity plastic pattern already can produce 7800 a mould cavities mould mould, high speed mould aspect the high speed plastic different profile extrusion that can already produce the 4 above extrusion speeds of m/min mould and main profile twin-circuit are squeezed totally , two colour squeeze totally , soft is hard and totally crowded , is rear and totally crowded , reworked material mould extrusion and low foaming steel to share squeeze wait for various moulds. On production means, mould enterprise equipment numerical control melt lead having greater raising, it is more and more that the application surface of the technology of CAD/CAE/CAM has enlarged the adopting of, high speed processing and the etc. advanced technique of RP/RT considerably. Mould standard component is used, cover rate and mould commercialization rate have had the raising of greater range, the proportion of the hot mould of flow path also has greater rising.
The modern molding tool technical development, to a large extent rely on a molding tool to standardize, research, the forerunner's design and manufacturing technique, appropriative tool machine equipments of high-quality molding tool material, technical management etc. of the more important production.The basic characteristic of molding tool profession is a height integration to turn in 21th century, the intelligence turn, gentle turn to turn with network.The target of pursuing is the quality and production efficiency that raises a product and shorten design and manufacturing period and lower production cost and with maximum limit raise the contingency ability of molding tool profession and satisfy customer's demand.It is thus clear that, in the future our country the main development direction of the molding tool industry and technique will be:
1. Popularize vigorously, apply the technology of CAD/CAE/CAM extensively, move towards step by step, is integrated. Modern mould design production should not only emphasize information is integrated, should emphasize technology and popular support more to manage, is integrated.
2. Rise is large scale, precise , is complex the design with the life mould of long life and make technology, the import that reduces mould step by step is measured , increases the export quantity of mould.
3.Plastics inject type mould, positive application hot flow path popularizes angry supplement or water supplement, inject type, as well as high voltage inject type technology, satisfy the type needs of product.
4. Raise the utilization rate of mould standardization level and mould standard component. Mould standard component is mould foundation and its plenty of applications can shorten mould design production period, at the same time also raise performance characteristics and the production precision of mould apparently, and raise mould quality greatly. The mould commercialization and standardization rate of our country are lower than 30% , advanced country is higher than 70% , annual we will import the mould standard component of considerable quantity from abroad, Its expenses takes up 3%~8% of the molding tool import sum in year around
5. Develop make type and fast production mould fast, fast type production technical, quick production produce mould and the prototype of article, reduce cost, push to market.
6. Study and develop material, equipment and the polished technology of mould actively, satisfy the needs of special product.
7. Popularize application high speed milling, exceed precision processing and complex processing technique and technology, satisfy the needs of mould production.
8. Develop high quality mould material and advanced finishing technology, raise the reliability of mould.
9. Study and apply countrary and the high speed measure technology of mould to project and parallel project, high limit land raise successful rate and the development efficiency of mould.
10. Develop new type technology and mould to satisfy future much subject mutifunction comprehensive product development design technology.
According to the plastic products requirements, understand the use of plastic parts, plastic parts of the process analysis, dimensional accuracy and other technical requirements, selection of plastic parts size. The use of a mold of a mold two, a side gate feed, injection machine uses the Haitian 330XC models, cooling system, CAD drawing 2D assembly drawing and parts drawing, drawing UG3D die drawing die, choose reasonable processing method. Enclose brochures, the systematic use of a brief text, concise schematic diagram and calculation analysis of plastic parts, so as to make reasonable mold design. Key words: mechanical design; mold design; CAD mapping of two-dimensional graph; injection machine.
Key word: mechanical design; mould design; CAD drawing; injection molding machine