现代造船模式下的造船托盘供应物流体系及准时化研究,目 录摘 要iabstractii第1章 绪 论1 1.1 研究背景、目的和意义11.1.1 研究背景1 1.1.2 研究目的和意义2 1.2 国内外研究现状21.2.1 国内研究现状21.2.2 国外研究现状6 1.3 总体思路及主要内容71.3.1 ...

此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布现代造船模式下的造船托盘供应物流体系及准时化研究
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景、目的和意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究目的和意义 2
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 国内研究现状 2
1.2.2 国外研究现状 6
1.3 总体思路及主要内容 7
1.3.1 总体思路 7
1.3.2 主要内容 8
1.4 研究方法及创新之处 9
1.4.1 研究方法 9
1.4.2 创新之处 9
第2章 研究的理论基础 10
2.1 生产管理相关理论 10
2.1.1 成组技术 10
2.1.2 精益生产方式 11
2.2 系统工程理论 14
2.3 物流及物流管理相关理论 14
2.3.1 物流及物流管理的含义 14
2.3.2 造船企业物流管理特点 15
2.3.3 造船企业物流管理的作用 16
2.4 本章小结 18
第3章 现代造船模式下托盘同造船物流的关系 18
3.1 现代造船模式的内涵和演变 18
3.1.1 现代造船模式的内涵 18
3.1.2 现代造船模式的演变 18
3.2 基于现代造船模式的船舶制造过程 20
3.2.1 生产技术准备阶段 20
3.2.2 施工建造阶段 20
3.3 托盘及其同物流的关系 21
3.3.1 现代船舶制造中的舾装生产 21
3.3.2 托盘的产生及内涵 22
3.3.3 托盘同造船物流的关系 23
3.4 本章小结…………………………………………………………………………………..23
第4章 造船托盘供应物流体系 25
4.1 造船托盘供应物流体系的内涵 25
4.1.1 造船托盘供应物流体系中托盘的内涵 25
4.1.2 造船托盘供应物流体系内涵 25
4.2 造船托盘供应物流管理体系 25
4.2.1 造船壳装托盘供应物流 25
4.2.2 造船舾装托盘供应物流 30
4.2.3 造船涂装托盘供应物流 35
4.3 造船托盘供应物流体系实施思路 36
4.4 造船托盘供应物流体系构建的关键点 38
4.4.1 根据物资分类进行供应商分类管理 38
4.4.2 采购部门实施准时托盘采购 43
4.4.3 集配中心实施托盘集配 47
4.5 本章小结 50
第5章 造船托盘供应物流准时化 51
5.1 造船托盘供应物流准时化的内涵 51
5.2 造船托盘供应物流准时化的可行性 52
5.3 造船托盘供应物流准时化实施的初步构想 53
5.3.1 托盘式看板的内涵和类型 53
5.3.2 托盘式看板同托盘的关系 54
5.3.3 托盘式看板的实施思路 56
5.4 本章小结 57
第6章 造船托盘化管理初步实施效果分析——以壳装为例 58
6.1 企业原壳装钢材业务流程存在问题 58
6.2 企业壳装钢材管理问题解决方案 58
6.3 壳装钢材管理系统的功能及实施效果 59
6.4 本章小结 59
结 论 64
参考文献 65
攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录 68
致 谢 69
Abstract I
Abstract II
Chapter1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research background, purpose and significance 1
1.1.1 Research background 1
1.1.2 Research purpose and significance 2
1.2 Research actuality at home and abroad 2
1.2.1 Research actuality at home 2
1.2.2 Research actuality at abroad 6
1.3 The general idea and the main content 7
1.3.1 The general idea 7
1.3.2 The main content 8
1.4 The research methods and innovation 9
1.4.1 The research methods 9
1.4.2 Innovation 9
Chapter2 The basic theory of research 11
2.1 The research of production management 11
2.1.1 Group technology 11
2.1.2 Lean Production 12
2.2 System engineering theory 15
2.3 Related theories of logistics and logistics management 15
2.3.1 The meaning of logistics and logistics management 15
2.3.2 The features of logistics management in shipyard 16
2.3.3 The function of logistics management in shipyard 17
2.4 Summary 18
Chapter3 Relationship between tray and longistics in modern shipbuilding mode 19
3.1 The content and evolution of modern shipbuilding mode 19
3.1.1 The conteng of modern shipbuilding mode 19
3.1.2 The evolution of modern shipbuilding mode 19
3.2 The process of shipbuilding in modern shipbuilding mode 21
3.2.1 The stage of technical preparations 21
3.2.2 The stage of construction 21
3.3 The tray and the relationship between tray and logistics 22
3.3.1 The outfitting in modern shipbuilding mmode 22
3.3.2 The emergence and content of tray 22
3.3.3 The relationship between tray and logistics 23
3.4 Summary 24
Chapter4 The system of supply logistics based on tray in shipbuilding 25
4.1 The content of supply logistics based on tray in shipbuilding 25
4.1.1 The content of tray in the system of supply logistics in shipbuilding 25
4.1.2 The content of system of supply logistics based on tray in shipbuilding 25
4.2 The system of supply logistics based on tray in shipbuilding 25
4.2.1 The supply logistics based on tray of hull construction 25
4.2.2 The supply logistics based on tray of outfitting 30
4.2.3 The supply logistics based on tray of painting 34
4.3 The implementation ideas of the system of supply logistics based on tray 36
4.4 The key point of implementation of the system of supply logistics based on tray 38
4.4.1 Supplier management according to the classification of materials 38
4.4.2 JIT procurement based on the tray 43
4.4.3 Supply hub allocate the material based the tray 47
4.5 Summary 50
Chapter5 The JIT management of the system of supply logistics based on tray 51
5.1 The content of JIT management of the system 51
5.2 The feasibility of JIT managemnet of the system 52
5.3 The implementation idea of JIT management of the system 53
5.3.1 The content and type of the Kanban of tray 53
5.3.2 The relationship between the tray and Kanban of tray 54
5.3.3 The implementation idea of Kanban of tray 56
5.4 Summary 57
Chapter6 Initial effect of tray management——take hull construction as example 58
6.1 The problem of the process of original hull construction 58
6.2 The solution of the process of hull construction 58
6.3 The function and effect about the system of hull construction 59
6.4 Summary 59
Conclusion 64
Reference 65
Published academic papers during master stage 68
Acknowledgements 69
摘 要
The shipbuilding industry has made considerable progress of China in recent years. The status of the shipbuilding industry is increasing rising in the word. The shipbuilding capacity is second in the word last year, the new order, shipbuilding and handheld order is first in the first half year of this year. China has become a true shipbuilding country. But China is not the powerful country in shipbuilding from the point of beneficial results and efficiency. There is a big gap among China, Japan and South Korea in technology and management.
This article analyzes the modern shipbuilding mode and the manufacturing process of Shipbuilding. It explores the relationship between the Tray and shipbuilding logistics from the appearance of the tray. The author frames the system of JIT supply logistics based on tray from integrated hull construction, outfitting and painting through the in-depth comparison and analysis. The author focuses on the ideas of implementation, the strategy and the other problems in implementation process of tray management in hull construction. And the author studies the key points of the implementation, for example tray purchase and supply hub. The author combines JIT with the tray management in shipbuilding to achieve JIT management in the system of supply logistics based on tray by the Kanban of tray. The author studies the meaning and the type of the Kanban of tray and studies the implementation of it. At last, the author tests and verifies part of the strategy in tray management of hull construction by a case of an enterprise.
The innovation of this article is reflected as the following: It constructs the system of the tray management in shipbuilding. It proposes that the key of system of supply logistics based on tray is the tray management in hull construction. It proposes the ideas and methods of the tray management in hull construction based on the analysis of the necessity and feasibility. And it also constructs the system of JIT supply logistics based on tray comprehensively. At last it proposes the Kanban of tray form the Kanban of JIT to achieve system of JIT supply logistics based on Tray. This system includes the key points as the following: JIT tray purchase, JIT tray supply, JIT tray inventory and so on.
Keywords: modern shipbuilding mode; tray; system of supply logistics; tray of hull construction; Kanban of tray