
此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布
摘 要
关键词 中小企业;信用评价;AGA-CAHP;模糊综合评价法
The development of Credit is a direct impact on the future of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) , good credit can expand the financing channels for enterprises, generate significant interest, so a reasonable credit rating is very crucial for SMEs. However, domestic credit rating of SMEs is unreasonable、not targeted and scientific. Therefore, it is very imminent for SMEs to establish a credit eva luation index system and model which are scientific and adapt their development. SMEs are compared with large companies, have their own characteristics, so when building credit eva luation index system and model for SMEs, it must be based on SMEs' characteristics and draw on eva luation index system has been to establish SMEs' credit eva luation system and model.
Comprehensive comparison of the credit assessment methods and eva luated their advantages. From the basic principles of credit eva luation index system, referenced the research results from domestic and foreign, combined with the unique nature of SMEs, from market assessment, financial condition, settlement status, innovation and risk construct and so on to set a credit eva luation index system which cantruly and comprehensively reflect the situation of small and medium enterprise (SMEs) credit. Subsequently, among the existing credit rating methods and models, according to various methods of SMEs' credit eva luation of the applicability and feasibility, and ultimately selected AGA-CAHP and fuzzy comprehensive eva luation method to create a small enterprise credit eva luation model.
Using the modified genetic Judgement Matrix AHP (AGA-CAHP) , combining static analysis and dynamic analysis method to determine the weights of various judgments in the matrix indicators , and the matrix consistency test. Finally, the method of fuzzy comprehensive eva luation of SMEs credit eva luation model was established and carried out empirical research, eva luation results consistent with the result of ICBC made in 2009, indicating that the method has a strong scientific, feasible and applicable, and give some suggestions for commercial banks.
Keywords SMEs; credit eva luation;AGA-CAHP; fuzzy comprehensive eva luation
目 录
摘 要 I
第1章 绪论 .....1
1.1 选题背景和选题意义 1
1.1.1 选题背景 1
1.1.2 选题意义 2
1.2 研究现状 3
1.2.1 国外研究现状 3
1.2.2 国内研究现状 5
1.3 信用评价方法分析 6
1.3.1 以数理技术为主的评价模型 6
1.3.2 现代信用评价模型:风险度量制模型 10
1.3.3 专家制度法 11
1.3.4 信用评价方法的比较选择 12
1.4 研究内容、研究方法和创新点 13
1.4.1 论文的研究内容 13
1.4.2 论文的研究方法 13
1.4.3 论文的创新点 14
第2章 相关概念与理论知识 15
2.1 中小企业的相关理论知识 15
2.1.1 中小企业的界定 15
2.1.2 中小企业融资难的成因 15
2.1.3 信用评价的定义 17
2.1.4 企业信用价值理论 18
2.2 我国商业银行信用风险的理论知识 19
2.2.2 我国商业银行信用风险管理现状 19
2.2.3 我国商业银行信用风险存在的局限性 20
2.2.4 商业银行实施中小企业信用评价的必要性 21
2.3 本章小结 21
第3章 评价指标体系的分析与指标选取 22
3.1 国内外企业信用评价指标体系分析 22
3.1.1 国内中小企业信用评价指标体系现状 22
3.1.2 存在的问题 22
3.1.3 国外企业的信用评价指标体系 24
3.2 中小企业信用评价指标的原则与特点 26
3.2.1 信用评价指标设计的原则 26
3.2.2 中小企业信用评价的特点 27
3.3 中小企业信用评价指标体系的确定 27
3.3.1 指标设置 28
3.3.2 评价指标的具体含义 28
3.3.3 权重设置 41
3.4 本章小结 41
第4章 中小企业信用评价模型的建立 42
4.1 修正判断矩阵一致性的遗传层次分析法 42
4.1.1 AGA-CAHP方法的介绍 42
关键词 中小企业;信用评价;AGA-CAHP;模糊综合评价法
The development of Credit is a direct impact on the future of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) , good credit can expand the financing channels for enterprises, generate significant interest, so a reasonable credit rating is very crucial for SMEs. However, domestic credit rating of SMEs is unreasonable、not targeted and scientific. Therefore, it is very imminent for SMEs to establish a credit eva luation index system and model which are scientific and adapt their development. SMEs are compared with large companies, have their own characteristics, so when building credit eva luation index system and model for SMEs, it must be based on SMEs' characteristics and draw on eva luation index system has been to establish SMEs' credit eva luation system and model.
Comprehensive comparison of the credit assessment methods and eva luated their advantages. From the basic principles of credit eva luation index system, referenced the research results from domestic and foreign, combined with the unique nature of SMEs, from market assessment, financial condition, settlement status, innovation and risk construct and so on to set a credit eva luation index system which cantruly and comprehensively reflect the situation of small and medium enterprise (SMEs) credit. Subsequently, among the existing credit rating methods and models, according to various methods of SMEs' credit eva luation of the applicability and feasibility, and ultimately selected AGA-CAHP and fuzzy comprehensive eva luation method to create a small enterprise credit eva luation model.
Using the modified genetic Judgement Matrix AHP (AGA-CAHP) , combining static analysis and dynamic analysis method to determine the weights of various judgments in the matrix indicators , and the matrix consistency test. Finally, the method of fuzzy comprehensive eva luation of SMEs credit eva luation model was established and carried out empirical research, eva luation results consistent with the result of ICBC made in 2009, indicating that the method has a strong scientific, feasible and applicable, and give some suggestions for commercial banks.
Keywords SMEs; credit eva luation;AGA-CAHP; fuzzy comprehensive eva luation
目 录
摘 要 I
第1章 绪论 .....1
1.1 选题背景和选题意义 1
1.1.1 选题背景 1
1.1.2 选题意义 2
1.2 研究现状 3
1.2.1 国外研究现状 3
1.2.2 国内研究现状 5
1.3 信用评价方法分析 6
1.3.1 以数理技术为主的评价模型 6
1.3.2 现代信用评价模型:风险度量制模型 10
1.3.3 专家制度法 11
1.3.4 信用评价方法的比较选择 12
1.4 研究内容、研究方法和创新点 13
1.4.1 论文的研究内容 13
1.4.2 论文的研究方法 13
1.4.3 论文的创新点 14
第2章 相关概念与理论知识 15
2.1 中小企业的相关理论知识 15
2.1.1 中小企业的界定 15
2.1.2 中小企业融资难的成因 15
2.1.3 信用评价的定义 17
2.1.4 企业信用价值理论 18
2.2 我国商业银行信用风险的理论知识 19
2.2.2 我国商业银行信用风险管理现状 19
2.2.3 我国商业银行信用风险存在的局限性 20
2.2.4 商业银行实施中小企业信用评价的必要性 21
2.3 本章小结 21
第3章 评价指标体系的分析与指标选取 22
3.1 国内外企业信用评价指标体系分析 22
3.1.1 国内中小企业信用评价指标体系现状 22
3.1.2 存在的问题 22
3.1.3 国外企业的信用评价指标体系 24
3.2 中小企业信用评价指标的原则与特点 26
3.2.1 信用评价指标设计的原则 26
3.2.2 中小企业信用评价的特点 27
3.3 中小企业信用评价指标体系的确定 27
3.3.1 指标设置 28
3.3.2 评价指标的具体含义 28
3.3.3 权重设置 41
3.4 本章小结 41
第4章 中小企业信用评价模型的建立 42
4.1 修正判断矩阵一致性的遗传层次分析法 42
4.1.1 AGA-CAHP方法的介绍 42