此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布
摘 要
关键词 白酒;营销渠道模式;优化;路径
Liquor output has reached record levels in recent years. Some regional markets have experienced such a glut of production that the fundamental ability to fulfill market channels has rendered the entire liquor enterprise scrambling in intense competition. However what is most interesting to discover here is that manufacturing enterprises still use traditional marketing models. This anachronism leads to difficulties in the process of marketing itself. To take an example, one sees great inefficiency in channel members' organizations. We can say perhaps that they are in a sense re-inventing the wheel over and again in the channel by doing the same techniques for one paradigm, quite inefficient. Another factor is high cost. A third factor is rigid marketing structures which simultaneously have high costs from previous marketing experience, as well as clogged information channels which do not provide timely information along the production chain to the consumer. Furthermore there are no standards between marketing channel members which leads to a lack of a standard model for the industry, indeed the enterprise.
Importantly, this is a largely unexplored area of knowledge to date, and in this paper I prove how to enhance the operational ability of the channeling model across the liquor enterprise. Herein I address how to improve the operational ability of the liquor industry by optimizing the market channel according to the same scientific procedures deployed in other industries. I further demonstrate a significant deficiency in the existing literature research base by summarizing relevant literature about marketing channel - and model - optimization. This paper uses a combination of technologies in surveying scientific literature, as well as interviews to analyze and derive an overview of the liquor industry, which has not been previously published before in the entire enterprise. We use a systematic perspective to begin our analytical survey of the liquor industry as a whole; the liquor marketing channel development path itself; and, importantly, the status of the liquor marketing channel.
This paper then proceeds to discuss the strategically important paths to liquor market channel optimization. In order to achieve this, this paper analyzes and optimizes the basic structural elements of the market that provide the market channel organizations which make up the channel structure itself, and the member organizations that comprise the structure - thus the relationship between the market channel and the organizations themselves. Finally, the paper proves the view of liquor marketing channel model optimization through the optimization of Kong Fu Jia liquor marketing channel model.
Key words Liquor; Marketing Channel Mode; Optimization; Path
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 1
1.2 国内外文献综述 2
1.2.1 国内外营销渠道优化研究 2
1.2.2 国内外营销渠道模式优化研究 3
1.2.3 国内外研究现状评述 4
1.3 研究思路及方法 5
1.3.1 研究内容 5
1.3.2 研究方法 5
1.4 本文创新点 6
第2章 基本理论概述 8
2.1 营销渠道理论 8
2.1.1 营销渠道概念 8
2.1.2 营销渠道模式概念 9
2.1.3 营销渠道职能 9
2.1.4 营销渠道流程 10
2.1.5 营销渠道结构 11
2.2 交易成本理论 12
2.2.1 营销渠道交易成本内涵 12
2.2.2 影响营销渠道交易成本的因素 13
2.3 关系营销理论 13
2.3.1 关系营销导向的内涵 13
2.3.2 关系营销导向对营销渠道关系的意义 13
2.4 本章小结 14
第3章 白酒行业及其营销渠道模式现状研究 15
3.1 白酒行业概况 15
3.1.1 白酒行业规模分析 15
3.1.2 白酒行业竞争分析 15
3.1.3 白酒行业发展动态 16
3.2 白酒营销渠道模式基本要素简析 17
3.2.1 白酒营销渠道成员组织 17
3.2.2 白酒营销渠道结构 18
3.2.3 白酒营销渠道成员组织关系 18
3.3 白酒营销渠道演变特征 18
3.4 白酒生产企业与白酒分销商访谈 19
3.4.1 白酒生产企业访谈 19
3.4.2 白酒分销商访谈 19
3.4.3 访谈结果质量控制 19
3.4.4 访谈与文献研究结果 20
3.5 本章小结 24
第4章 白酒营销渠道模式..
关键词 白酒;营销渠道模式;优化;路径
Liquor output has reached record levels in recent years. Some regional markets have experienced such a glut of production that the fundamental ability to fulfill market channels has rendered the entire liquor enterprise scrambling in intense competition. However what is most interesting to discover here is that manufacturing enterprises still use traditional marketing models. This anachronism leads to difficulties in the process of marketing itself. To take an example, one sees great inefficiency in channel members' organizations. We can say perhaps that they are in a sense re-inventing the wheel over and again in the channel by doing the same techniques for one paradigm, quite inefficient. Another factor is high cost. A third factor is rigid marketing structures which simultaneously have high costs from previous marketing experience, as well as clogged information channels which do not provide timely information along the production chain to the consumer. Furthermore there are no standards between marketing channel members which leads to a lack of a standard model for the industry, indeed the enterprise.
Importantly, this is a largely unexplored area of knowledge to date, and in this paper I prove how to enhance the operational ability of the channeling model across the liquor enterprise. Herein I address how to improve the operational ability of the liquor industry by optimizing the market channel according to the same scientific procedures deployed in other industries. I further demonstrate a significant deficiency in the existing literature research base by summarizing relevant literature about marketing channel - and model - optimization. This paper uses a combination of technologies in surveying scientific literature, as well as interviews to analyze and derive an overview of the liquor industry, which has not been previously published before in the entire enterprise. We use a systematic perspective to begin our analytical survey of the liquor industry as a whole; the liquor marketing channel development path itself; and, importantly, the status of the liquor marketing channel.
This paper then proceeds to discuss the strategically important paths to liquor market channel optimization. In order to achieve this, this paper analyzes and optimizes the basic structural elements of the market that provide the market channel organizations which make up the channel structure itself, and the member organizations that comprise the structure - thus the relationship between the market channel and the organizations themselves. Finally, the paper proves the view of liquor marketing channel model optimization through the optimization of Kong Fu Jia liquor marketing channel model.
Key words Liquor; Marketing Channel Mode; Optimization; Path
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 1
1.2 国内外文献综述 2
1.2.1 国内外营销渠道优化研究 2
1.2.2 国内外营销渠道模式优化研究 3
1.2.3 国内外研究现状评述 4
1.3 研究思路及方法 5
1.3.1 研究内容 5
1.3.2 研究方法 5
1.4 本文创新点 6
第2章 基本理论概述 8
2.1 营销渠道理论 8
2.1.1 营销渠道概念 8
2.1.2 营销渠道模式概念 9
2.1.3 营销渠道职能 9
2.1.4 营销渠道流程 10
2.1.5 营销渠道结构 11
2.2 交易成本理论 12
2.2.1 营销渠道交易成本内涵 12
2.2.2 影响营销渠道交易成本的因素 13
2.3 关系营销理论 13
2.3.1 关系营销导向的内涵 13
2.3.2 关系营销导向对营销渠道关系的意义 13
2.4 本章小结 14
第3章 白酒行业及其营销渠道模式现状研究 15
3.1 白酒行业概况 15
3.1.1 白酒行业规模分析 15
3.1.2 白酒行业竞争分析 15
3.1.3 白酒行业发展动态 16
3.2 白酒营销渠道模式基本要素简析 17
3.2.1 白酒营销渠道成员组织 17
3.2.2 白酒营销渠道结构 18
3.2.3 白酒营销渠道成员组织关系 18
3.3 白酒营销渠道演变特征 18
3.4 白酒生产企业与白酒分销商访谈 19
3.4.1 白酒生产企业访谈 19
3.4.2 白酒分销商访谈 19
3.4.3 访谈结果质量控制 19
3.4.4 访谈与文献研究结果 20
3.5 本章小结 24
第4章 白酒营销渠道模式..