此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布
摘 要
关键词 船舶制造企业;财务风险;预警研究;判别模型
Nowadays financial risk management has become a core issue with China’s rapid economic development. People's awareness of risks has become increasingly broad and comprehensive; meanwhile the research on early warning and precautions against risks is done much further now. The research on Financial Risk Management is to help enterprises reduce financial risks, which is to find out what has been or will be going wrong in the process of managing the enterprises’ finance and get rid of it at the very beginning so that we could heighten their financial management level and increase economic efficiency.
The role that ship manufacturing enterprises plays in the national economy is becoming more and more important. Ship manufacturing enterprises are growing in such a high speed that competition between enterprises becomes increasingly fierce. For these reasons a variety of unexpected or uncontrollable factors may result in financial risks and economic losses. For a listed ship manufacturing enterprise very few studies are done in predicting financial risks. So I choose to carry out a study in this field that based on the analysis of the features of ship manufacturing enterprises and some experience in other related fields. In this essay I propose a system of early warning indicators of financial risk and then build a model.
At the beginning of the essay I make a detailed review of the classical models at home and abroad. In the second part I analyses the current situation of ship manufacturing enterprises and their features. And I list the possible financial risks and the factors that would affect them. In the last part I propose a system of early warning indicators of financial risks and analyses it with an example.
Keywords Ship Manufacturing Enterprise; Financial Risks; Early-warning Research; Discriminate Model
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的和意义 2
1.2.1 研究目的 2
1.2.2 研究意义 2
1.3 文献综述 2
1.3.1 国外文献综述 2
1.3.2 国内文献综述 4
1.4 研究内容、研究方法及创新点 6
1.4.1 研究内容 6
1.4.2 研究方法 6
1.4.3 创新点 7
1.5 本章小结 8
第2章 财务风险预警相关理论 9
2.1 相关概念 9
2.1.1 财务风险预警的概念及功能 9
2.1.2 船舶制造企业的概念及特点 9
2.2 财务风险的类型和特征 10
2.3 财务风险预警系统建立的理论基础 11
2.4 财务风险预警的作用与意义 12
2.4.1 财务风险预警的作用 12
2.4.2 财务风险预警的意义 13
2.5 本章小结 13
第3章 船舶制造企业财务风险及其影响因素分析 14
3.1 我国船舶制造企业现状分析 14
3.1.1 船舶业进入“独特机遇期” 14
3.1.2 船舶业产能过剩 15
3.2 我国船舶制造企业财务风险分析 16
3.2.1 政策风险 16
3.2.2 采购风险 16
3.2.3 撤单风险 16
3.2.4 汇率风险 16
3.3 我国船舶制造企业财务风险影响因素分析 17
3.3.1 国家宏观调控的影响 17
3.3.2 相关行业的不稳定因素 17
3.3.3 技术相对落后的影响 17
3.3.4 宏观经济波动的不稳定因素 17
3.4 本章小结 18
第4章 船舶制造企业财务风险预警的构建 19
4.1 船舶制造企业财务预警机制设计的的原则和功能 19
4.1.1 船舶制造企业建立财务预警机制的原则 19
4.1.2 船舶制造企业建立财务预警机制的功能 20
4.2 船舶制造企业财务风险预警财务指标的构建 22
4.3 船舶制造企业财务风险预警非财务指标的构建 27
4.4 船舶制造企业财务风险预警模型的建立 30
4.3.1 财务预警的定性方法 30
4.3.2 财务预警的定量方法 31
4.3.3 现金流指标分析结果 34
4.5 基于资本结构的财务风险度量 35
4.5.1 财务杠杆 35
4.5.2 资金投资风险的衡量 35
4.5.3 资本减值风险的衡量 35
4.5.4 债转股过程中的财务风险 36
4.6 本章小结 37
第5章 船舶制造企业财务风险预警案例研究 38
5.1 系统样本的选择 38
5.2 单变量模型指标计算及分析 38
5.2.1 财务指标分析 38
5.2.2 非财务指标分析 41
5.3 多变量模型指标计算及分..
关键词 船舶制造企业;财务风险;预警研究;判别模型
Nowadays financial risk management has become a core issue with China’s rapid economic development. People's awareness of risks has become increasingly broad and comprehensive; meanwhile the research on early warning and precautions against risks is done much further now. The research on Financial Risk Management is to help enterprises reduce financial risks, which is to find out what has been or will be going wrong in the process of managing the enterprises’ finance and get rid of it at the very beginning so that we could heighten their financial management level and increase economic efficiency.
The role that ship manufacturing enterprises plays in the national economy is becoming more and more important. Ship manufacturing enterprises are growing in such a high speed that competition between enterprises becomes increasingly fierce. For these reasons a variety of unexpected or uncontrollable factors may result in financial risks and economic losses. For a listed ship manufacturing enterprise very few studies are done in predicting financial risks. So I choose to carry out a study in this field that based on the analysis of the features of ship manufacturing enterprises and some experience in other related fields. In this essay I propose a system of early warning indicators of financial risk and then build a model.
At the beginning of the essay I make a detailed review of the classical models at home and abroad. In the second part I analyses the current situation of ship manufacturing enterprises and their features. And I list the possible financial risks and the factors that would affect them. In the last part I propose a system of early warning indicators of financial risks and analyses it with an example.
Keywords Ship Manufacturing Enterprise; Financial Risks; Early-warning Research; Discriminate Model
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的和意义 2
1.2.1 研究目的 2
1.2.2 研究意义 2
1.3 文献综述 2
1.3.1 国外文献综述 2
1.3.2 国内文献综述 4
1.4 研究内容、研究方法及创新点 6
1.4.1 研究内容 6
1.4.2 研究方法 6
1.4.3 创新点 7
1.5 本章小结 8
第2章 财务风险预警相关理论 9
2.1 相关概念 9
2.1.1 财务风险预警的概念及功能 9
2.1.2 船舶制造企业的概念及特点 9
2.2 财务风险的类型和特征 10
2.3 财务风险预警系统建立的理论基础 11
2.4 财务风险预警的作用与意义 12
2.4.1 财务风险预警的作用 12
2.4.2 财务风险预警的意义 13
2.5 本章小结 13
第3章 船舶制造企业财务风险及其影响因素分析 14
3.1 我国船舶制造企业现状分析 14
3.1.1 船舶业进入“独特机遇期” 14
3.1.2 船舶业产能过剩 15
3.2 我国船舶制造企业财务风险分析 16
3.2.1 政策风险 16
3.2.2 采购风险 16
3.2.3 撤单风险 16
3.2.4 汇率风险 16
3.3 我国船舶制造企业财务风险影响因素分析 17
3.3.1 国家宏观调控的影响 17
3.3.2 相关行业的不稳定因素 17
3.3.3 技术相对落后的影响 17
3.3.4 宏观经济波动的不稳定因素 17
3.4 本章小结 18
第4章 船舶制造企业财务风险预警的构建 19
4.1 船舶制造企业财务预警机制设计的的原则和功能 19
4.1.1 船舶制造企业建立财务预警机制的原则 19
4.1.2 船舶制造企业建立财务预警机制的功能 20
4.2 船舶制造企业财务风险预警财务指标的构建 22
4.3 船舶制造企业财务风险预警非财务指标的构建 27
4.4 船舶制造企业财务风险预警模型的建立 30
4.3.1 财务预警的定性方法 30
4.3.2 财务预警的定量方法 31
4.3.3 现金流指标分析结果 34
4.5 基于资本结构的财务风险度量 35
4.5.1 财务杠杆 35
4.5.2 资金投资风险的衡量 35
4.5.3 资本减值风险的衡量 35
4.5.4 债转股过程中的财务风险 36
4.6 本章小结 37
第5章 船舶制造企业财务风险预警案例研究 38
5.1 系统样本的选择 38
5.2 单变量模型指标计算及分析 38
5.2.1 财务指标分析 38
5.2.2 非财务指标分析 41
5.3 多变量模型指标计算及分..