

服务外包产业集群技术,摘 要近年来,随着我国经济的迅速发展和国家对服务外包产业扶持力度的不断加大,在国际外包需求激增和国内服务外包企业日趋成熟的前提下,我国服务外包产业迅速发展,服务外包市场保持着年均50% 以上的速度高速增长。idc预计,到2012 年中国离岸外包市场规模将达到89.5亿美元。目前,国内专门从事服务外包的企业有近2万家,并...
分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布

摘 要
近年来,随着我国经济的迅速发展和国家对服务外包产业扶持力度的不断加大,在国际外包需求激增和国内服务外包企业日趋成熟的前提下,我国服务外包产业迅速发展,服务外包市场保持着年均50% 以上的速度高速增长。IDC预计,到2012 年中国离岸外包市场规模将达到89.5亿美元。目前,国内专门从事服务外包的企业有近2万家,并形成了北京、大连、上海、深圳、西安等五大服务外包产业基地。为了更好促进这一行业发展,我国又批准北京等20个城市为中国服务外包示范城市,并对试点城市实行一系列鼓励和支持措施。


Recent years, with the rapid rise of China's economy and national efforts to support the service outsourcing industry continues to increase, the surge in demand in the international outsourcing business has matured at home and abroad under the premise of the rapid development of China's outsourcing industry, service outsourcing market kept on rate of more than 50% of all high-speed growth. IDC predicts that by 2012 China's offshore outsourcing market will reach 8.95 billion U.S. dollars. Currently, domestic companies are specializing in outsourcing, nearly 20,000, and Beijing, Dalian, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Xi'an has formed five major service outsourcing base. In order to better promote the development of this industry in February this year, the State Council also approved the Beijing and 19 cities to be the China's service outsourcing model cities, and implement a series of measures to encourage and support.
Service outsourcing industry cluster is different from the general the cluster. Technology spillovers exist in the service outsourcing industry, so companies can access the advanced technology through technology spillover. In today's competitive situation, enhancing the technological level and increasing the ability of technological innovation, accelerating technological innovation and the diffusion rate of enterprises in the cluster has become an important source of competitive advantage.
From the perspective of industry cluster life cycle of technological innovation diffusion service outsourcing enterprises, enterprises in the cluster for the industry to develop technological innovation in the practice of strategy, try to avoid some of their advantages and disadvantages for technical innovation, improve the efficiency of technological innovation and enhance technology innovation ability to provide a new way. Articles found in the evolution of industrial clusters, the diffusion of technological innovation in all different stages of expression and function. The proliferation of embryonic stage in the cluster is not very obvious, the lack of proliferation of the environment; follow-up in the profit-driven companies to imitate, the diffusion rate of growth stage was most apparent diffusion penetration of the strongest; the largest number of mature stage of proliferation, a sustained diffusion; as companies their dependency and inertia, the recession phase of continued failure, diffusion, diffusion almost stopped; recession, the gradual recovery of the proliferation phase, the speed gradually increased. This article in the growth stage and mature industrial cluster, to consolidate and control points for each game model, discuss the service outsourcing enterprises to wait for spillover in the mature, independent innovation, technology and technical cooperation, trade payment path to get enterprises to enhance technology to improve the diffusion of technological innovation the best choice. Finally, high-tech development zone in Nanjing outsourcing service industry clusters was given as a case. Consideri..