从公司治理角度防范财务舞弊的实证研究毕业论文,摘 要财务舞弊已经成为全球化问题,严重影响了证券市场的健康稳定发展。中外专家学者们都试图从不同的角度分析财务舞弊的原因和探讨治理对策,他们发现这些事件的发生与公司治理结构的不完善有很大的关系,众多的学者开始关注公司治理问题对财务舞弊的影响。国内外有关公司治理和财务舞弊的研究成果已经非常丰富,但是在实证研究上,国外的数量...

此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布
摘 要
关键词 公司治理;财务舞弊;实证分析
Financial fraud has become the global issue and has seriously affected the healthy and stable development of securities markets. Chinese and foreign experts and scholars have tried to analyze the causes from different angles and explore policy. They found that the occurrence of these events has very imperfect relationship with the company's governance structure. Thus, many studies were focused on how corporate governance affect on financial fraud.
Domestic and international research results on corporate governance and financial fraud have been very rich. There are more foreign empirical researches than domestic. Recently, there are more domestic empirical researches on the relationship between financial fraud and corporate governance, but the conclusion is not accordingly the same, sometimes even diametrically opposed. Authors selected samples and variables to their own subjective judgments. As time goes by, we can use more samples and dates to test the previous researches, so the conclusions will be more convincing.
After reviewed the domestic and foreign researches on corporate governance, financial fraud and their relationship, we analyzed how corporate governance affects financial fraud theoretically. Then we selected 879 fraud samples involving 498 listed companies from 1994 to 2010 and analyzed their general characters, including industry characteristics, annual features, number of years fraud has sustained and before they were found out, the types of audit opinion and financial indicators. We also selected 311 listed companies which were administratively punished by the CSRC or condemned by Stock Exchange publicly from 1998 to 2009 and 311 listed companies from the same industry, with the asset scales are closest to previous companies as paired samples, and they should have never been found to fraud. The results suggested that average age of directors and supervisors, if chairman of the board is changed, the total number of paid directors, the total number of paid supervisors, CR_10 index were significantly related to financial fraud. These all provided empirical evidence. Finally, we gave suggestions on how to prevent financial fraud based on corporate governance.
Key words Corporate Governance, Financial Fraud, Empirical Research
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.2 公司治理要素与财务舞弊关系的文献回顾及评述 2
1.2.1 董事会、监事会规模与财务舞弊 2
1.2.2 董事长和总经理是否两职合一与财务报告舞弊 3
1.2.3 独立董事与财务舞弊 4
1.2.4 公司高层持股与财务舞弊 4
1.2.5 股权结构与财务舞弊 5
1.2.6“四委”设立情况与财务舞弊 6
1.2.7 对前人文献的评述 7
1.3 相关概念辨析 8
1.3.1 公司治理 8
1.3.2 财务舞弊 9
1.4 研究思路、方法和章节结构 10
1.4.1 研究思路和方法 10
1.4.2 文章章节结构 10
1.5 文章的创新之处 11
1.6 本章小结 11
第二章 公司治理与财务舞弊关系的理论分析 12
2.1 公司治理理论 12
2.1.1 公司治理的理论基础 12
2.1.2 公司治理体系及其构成 26
2.2 财务舞弊理论 31
2.2.1 舞弊的成因理论 31
2.2.2 财务舞弊的经济学分析 33
2.3 我国上市公司财务舞弊与公司治理关系的理论分析 38
2.3.1 内部治理要素与财务舞弊 38
2.3.2 外部部治理要素与财务舞弊 40
2.4 本章小结 42
第三章 我国上市公司财务舞弊的总体特征分析 43
3.1 数据来源 43
3.2 描述性统计结果 43
3.2.1 舞弊公司的行业特征 43-b..
关键词 公司治理;财务舞弊;实证分析
Financial fraud has become the global issue and has seriously affected the healthy and stable development of securities markets. Chinese and foreign experts and scholars have tried to analyze the causes from different angles and explore policy. They found that the occurrence of these events has very imperfect relationship with the company's governance structure. Thus, many studies were focused on how corporate governance affect on financial fraud.
Domestic and international research results on corporate governance and financial fraud have been very rich. There are more foreign empirical researches than domestic. Recently, there are more domestic empirical researches on the relationship between financial fraud and corporate governance, but the conclusion is not accordingly the same, sometimes even diametrically opposed. Authors selected samples and variables to their own subjective judgments. As time goes by, we can use more samples and dates to test the previous researches, so the conclusions will be more convincing.
After reviewed the domestic and foreign researches on corporate governance, financial fraud and their relationship, we analyzed how corporate governance affects financial fraud theoretically. Then we selected 879 fraud samples involving 498 listed companies from 1994 to 2010 and analyzed their general characters, including industry characteristics, annual features, number of years fraud has sustained and before they were found out, the types of audit opinion and financial indicators. We also selected 311 listed companies which were administratively punished by the CSRC or condemned by Stock Exchange publicly from 1998 to 2009 and 311 listed companies from the same industry, with the asset scales are closest to previous companies as paired samples, and they should have never been found to fraud. The results suggested that average age of directors and supervisors, if chairman of the board is changed, the total number of paid directors, the total number of paid supervisors, CR_10 index were significantly related to financial fraud. These all provided empirical evidence. Finally, we gave suggestions on how to prevent financial fraud based on corporate governance.
Key words Corporate Governance, Financial Fraud, Empirical Research
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.2 公司治理要素与财务舞弊关系的文献回顾及评述 2
1.2.1 董事会、监事会规模与财务舞弊 2
1.2.2 董事长和总经理是否两职合一与财务报告舞弊 3
1.2.3 独立董事与财务舞弊 4
1.2.4 公司高层持股与财务舞弊 4
1.2.5 股权结构与财务舞弊 5
1.2.6“四委”设立情况与财务舞弊 6
1.2.7 对前人文献的评述 7
1.3 相关概念辨析 8
1.3.1 公司治理 8
1.3.2 财务舞弊 9
1.4 研究思路、方法和章节结构 10
1.4.1 研究思路和方法 10
1.4.2 文章章节结构 10
1.5 文章的创新之处 11
1.6 本章小结 11
第二章 公司治理与财务舞弊关系的理论分析 12
2.1 公司治理理论 12
2.1.1 公司治理的理论基础 12
2.1.2 公司治理体系及其构成 26
2.2 财务舞弊理论 31
2.2.1 舞弊的成因理论 31
2.2.2 财务舞弊的经济学分析 33
2.3 我国上市公司财务舞弊与公司治理关系的理论分析 38
2.3.1 内部治理要素与财务舞弊 38
2.3.2 外部部治理要素与财务舞弊 40
2.4 本章小结 42
第三章 我国上市公司财务舞弊的总体特征分析 43
3.1 数据来源 43
3.2 描述性统计结果 43
3.2.1 舞弊公司的行业特征 43-b..