

分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布


关键词 镇江市;旅游业;游客满意度;发展策略

Zhenjiang has unique tourist resources, however, on term of reception number, tour revenue, or city fame, it is far behind such tour cities as Nanjing, Wuxi and Suzhou and so on. Zhenjiang is a warm-point region of East China tour line. Faced with increasingly fierce market competition, how to expand the tourism market share of Zhenjiang and to improve its city fame, has been an urgent problem to solve for Zhenjiang tourism development. From the perspective of tourist satisfaction, the thesis takes tourism industry in Zhenjiang as study object. Through analyze Zhenjiang tourist satisfaction to seek for place where Zhenjiang tourism needs to improve, in order to provide the idea and methods for the development of Zhenjiang tourism.
Based on the study of Zhenjiang tourism resources and tourism present development situation, pointed out that Zhenjiang has rich tourism resources and the tourism has made certain progress. But its tourism resources lack absolute advantage, the scenic area construction and tourism product development exist flaw; Through the SWOT analysis of tourism in Zhenjiang, pointed out that Zhenjiang tourism development is the superiority and the inferiority with, the opportunity and the threat coexisting. Combined with the development trend of Chinese tourism industry has further analysis to Zhenjiang tourism itself the superiority and the inferiority, the opportunity and the external threat faces, proposed the need to conduct the research to Zhenjiang tourist satisfaction. Constructed the tourist satisfaction eva luation index system, provides the questionnaire to tourist; With the SPSS software processed the primary data which obtains from the questionnaire. Through statistical analysis showed that: tourist satisfaction to Zhenjiang is not high about the development of scenic area characteristic, reasonably priced, infrastructure improvement, tourism commodity development and so on, these are urgently needed to improve and enhance. Finally, according to the SWOT conclusion analysis and tourist satisfaction situation, proposed Zhenjiang tourism key development strategies and safeguard measures.

Keywords Zhenjiang; tourism; tourist satisfaction; development strategy

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义 1
1.3 国内外研究综述 2
1.3.1 国外研究现状 2
1.3.2 国内研究现状 3
1.3.3 镇江市旅游相关研究综述 6
1.4 研究方法、内容与思路 7
1.4.1 研究方法 7
1.4.2 研究内容与思路 8
1.5 论文的创新点 9
1.6 本章小结 9
第2章 镇江市旅游资源及旅游业发展现状分析 11
2.1 镇江市旅游资源赋存状况 11
2.1.1 区位条件 11
2.1.2 历史文化渊源 11
2.1.3 旅游资源 12
2.1.4 旅游资源评价 14
2.2 镇江市旅游业发展现状 17
2.2.1 历史沿革 17
2.2.2 旅游业规模和地位 17
2.2.3 景区建设与旅游产品开发现状 20
2.3 旅游支持体系建设 21
2.3.1 旅游交通状况 21
2.3.2 旅游住宿条件 22
2.3.3 旅行社发展现状 22
2.3.4 旅游管理体制建设 23
2.4 本章小结 23
第3章 镇江市旅游业发展SWOT分析 24
3.1 理论基础 24
3.2 镇江与周边旅游城市比较分析 25
3.3 镇江市旅游业发展SWOT分析 28
3.3.1 镇江旅游业发展的优势 28
3.3.2 镇江旅游业发展的劣势 29
3.3.3 镇江旅游业发展面临的机遇 30
3.3.4 镇江旅游业发展面临的威胁 30
3.4 SWOT分析结论 31
3.5 本章小结 32
第4章 镇江市游客满意度及客源市场现状分析 34
4.1 理论基础 34
4.2 镇江游客满意度分析 35
4.2.1 研究方法 35
4.2.2 游客满意度分析 36
4.3 客源市场现状及定位 44
4.3.1 客源市场现状 44
4.3.2 客源市场定位 46
4.4 本章小结 47
第5章 镇江市旅游业发展关键策略的制定 48
5.1 游客满意度提升途径 48
5.2 镇江市旅游业发展关键策略 49
5.2.1 镇江市旅游产品发展重点 50
5.2.2 镇江市旅游商品开发策略 54
5.2.3 镇江市旅游营..