此文档由会员 违规屏蔽12 发布
With the establishment and perfection of the socialist market-oriented economic system step by step, the reform goal of Chinese public institutions is to establish a modern system which meets the market economy needs, with the characters of administration and public institutions separating out, clear equity, definite responsibility, multivariate restraint, and scientific management. Chinese public institutions are composed of science, education, culture, and medicine. Some financial regulations are set according to the business characters under The Financial Rules of Public Institutions (as The Rules for short), such as The Financial Regulations of Public Institutions of Scientific, the Financial Regulations of Universities and Colleges (as The Regulations for short), the Financial Regulations of Hospitals, etc. The paper studied on the reform tendency of the financial rules of public institutions, taking the financial regulations of universities and colleges as an example. Firstly, starting with the influence of the finance reform measures taken by government and the change of financial surroundings on The Rules and The Regulations, discussed the significance of the reform. Secondly, taking the Financial Regulations of Universities and Colleges as an example, analyzed the existing shortage in The Rules in the theory and application respectively: in the abstract, pointed out the existing defect in the rules and regulations by analyzing six management elements compared to The General Rules Governing Financial Affairs in Enterprises; and in the practice, analyzed the change of economic activities in details, include infrastructure projects, running schools with loans, and administrative departments becoming a separate entity, which had an effect on the regulations when facing the varied surroundings of market economy and the implementing reform of education system. On the basis of the in-depth study, the paper presented some thoughts as to how to reform The Rules (taking The Regulations as an example), such as financial target, financial entity assumption, financial management elements, financial management system. On the basis of The Financial Rules of Public Institutions published by Treasury Department in Aug, 2009, and according to the characteristics of universities and colleges, drafting a new financial regulation of universities and colleges as an example to illustrate the reform tendency of the financial rules of public institutions and to consummate the contents of The Financial Rules of Public Institutions.
Key word: Public Institutions; Universities and Colleges; Financial Regulation; Reform
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
Contents V
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景与研究意义 1
1.1.1 选题背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 2
1.2 研究现状 3
1.2.1 国家层面的制度改革探索 3
1.2.2 学术界的理论研究 4
1.3 研究思路与研究方法 6
1.3.1 研究思路 6
1.3.2 研究方法 6
1.4 创新点 6
1.5 本章小结 7
第2章 事业单位财务规则(以高等学校为例)改革的必要性 8
2.1 事业单位财务规则概述 8
2.1.1 事业单位财务法规体系 8
2.1.2 事业单位财务规则的作用 9
2.2 事业单位财务规则(以高等学校为例)改革的必要性 9
2.2.1 五大财政改革措施对高校财务制度改革的新要求 9
2.2.2 财务环境变化对高校财务制度改革的需要 14
2.3 本章小结 16
第3章 事业单位财务规则(以高等学校为例)存在的不足 17
3.1 高等学校财务管理要素与企业财务管理要素对比 17
3.1.1 筹资管理的比较 17
3.1.2 资产营运管理的比较 18
3.1.3 成本管理的比较 19
3.1.4 收益管理的比较 19
3.1.5 信息管理的比较 20
3.1.6 财务监督的比较 20
3.2 高校内部经济活动变化对高校财务制度改革的影响 21
3.2.1 基建财务活动对高..
With the establishment and perfection of the socialist market-oriented economic system step by step, the reform goal of Chinese public institutions is to establish a modern system which meets the market economy needs, with the characters of administration and public institutions separating out, clear equity, definite responsibility, multivariate restraint, and scientific management. Chinese public institutions are composed of science, education, culture, and medicine. Some financial regulations are set according to the business characters under The Financial Rules of Public Institutions (as The Rules for short), such as The Financial Regulations of Public Institutions of Scientific, the Financial Regulations of Universities and Colleges (as The Regulations for short), the Financial Regulations of Hospitals, etc. The paper studied on the reform tendency of the financial rules of public institutions, taking the financial regulations of universities and colleges as an example. Firstly, starting with the influence of the finance reform measures taken by government and the change of financial surroundings on The Rules and The Regulations, discussed the significance of the reform. Secondly, taking the Financial Regulations of Universities and Colleges as an example, analyzed the existing shortage in The Rules in the theory and application respectively: in the abstract, pointed out the existing defect in the rules and regulations by analyzing six management elements compared to The General Rules Governing Financial Affairs in Enterprises; and in the practice, analyzed the change of economic activities in details, include infrastructure projects, running schools with loans, and administrative departments becoming a separate entity, which had an effect on the regulations when facing the varied surroundings of market economy and the implementing reform of education system. On the basis of the in-depth study, the paper presented some thoughts as to how to reform The Rules (taking The Regulations as an example), such as financial target, financial entity assumption, financial management elements, financial management system. On the basis of The Financial Rules of Public Institutions published by Treasury Department in Aug, 2009, and according to the characteristics of universities and colleges, drafting a new financial regulation of universities and colleges as an example to illustrate the reform tendency of the financial rules of public institutions and to consummate the contents of The Financial Rules of Public Institutions.
Key word: Public Institutions; Universities and Colleges; Financial Regulation; Reform
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
Contents V
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景与研究意义 1
1.1.1 选题背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 2
1.2 研究现状 3
1.2.1 国家层面的制度改革探索 3
1.2.2 学术界的理论研究 4
1.3 研究思路与研究方法 6
1.3.1 研究思路 6
1.3.2 研究方法 6
1.4 创新点 6
1.5 本章小结 7
第2章 事业单位财务规则(以高等学校为例)改革的必要性 8
2.1 事业单位财务规则概述 8
2.1.1 事业单位财务法规体系 8
2.1.2 事业单位财务规则的作用 9
2.2 事业单位财务规则(以高等学校为例)改革的必要性 9
2.2.1 五大财政改革措施对高校财务制度改革的新要求 9
2.2.2 财务环境变化对高校财务制度改革的需要 14
2.3 本章小结 16
第3章 事业单位财务规则(以高等学校为例)存在的不足 17
3.1 高等学校财务管理要素与企业财务管理要素对比 17
3.1.1 筹资管理的比较 17
3.1.2 资产营运管理的比较 18
3.1.3 成本管理的比较 19
3.1.4 收益管理的比较 19
3.1.5 信息管理的比较 20
3.1.6 财务监督的比较 20
3.2 高校内部经济活动变化对高校财务制度改革的影响 21
3.2.1 基建财务活动对高..