
此文档由会员 渭水亭榭 发布
加工贸易是国际贸易的主要方式之一,是欠发达地区借助国际分工和国际交换实现经济快速发展的一条捷径,也是我国对外贸易的重要组成部分。广西是全国唯一同时拥有沿海、沿边、沿江优势的少数民族自治区,临近港澳,水陆运输方便,劳动力资源丰富,有一定的综合加工能力,发展加工贸易大有可为。又因参与中国-东盟自由贸易区、中越“两廊一圈”、大湄公河次区域、泛北部湾经济合作区等 众多区域经济合作,凭借良好的区位和开放合作优势,通过承接加工贸易产业转移和转型升级的契机,广西加工贸易发展出现了新前景。但受历史、地理、政策等因素影响,新形势下广西加工贸易的发展也遇到了新的问题。
Processing trade is one of the main ways of international trade; it also is a shortcut for underdeveloped region with the international division of labor and the international exchange to realize the rapid economic development as well as an important part of foreign trade of China. Guangxi is the only ethnic minority autonomous region that has the advantages of the border along the coast at the same time, close to Hong Kong and Macao, convenient water and land transportation and abundant labor resources, the certain comprehensive processing ability of the processing trade, so developing has bright prospects. And because participating in China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, China-Vietnam "Two Corridors and One Ring", Greater Mekong Sub-region , Pan-Tonkin Gulf Economic Cooperation Area, etc. With a good location and open cooperation advantages and the undertaking processing trade industry shift and the opportunities of the transformation and upgrade, Guangxi processing trade development appeared new prospects. But as the history, geography, policy and other factors, under the new situation, the processing trade development in Guangxi is meeting with new problems.
Based on the analysis of present situation of Guangxi processing trade, and points out new problems that the current development of Guangxi in processing trade exist such as small scale and proportion, processing trade the added value of the products is not high, are development balance problem eat, this paper puts forward to the processing trade to speed up the industry of Guangxi undertaking and transformation and upgrading, and constantly expand processing scale; To adjust the industrial structure, and speed up the industry transition upgrade; Optimization of industrial layout, and improve the efficiency of resource allocation; Promote business diversification of development countermeasures.
KEYWORDS: Guangxi; processing trade; the transformation and upgrading; development countermeasures
引言 1
一、加工贸易基础知识 2
(一)加工贸易的概念 2
(二)加工贸易的主要特点 2
(三)比较优势理论和广西的加工贸易 3
二、 广西加工贸易发展的现状 4
(一)广西加工贸易进出口现状 4
(二)广西承接加工贸易产业转移的现状 5
三、 广西加工贸易发展存在的问题及原因分析 7
(一)加工贸易总体规模偏小 7
(二)加工贸易产品附加值不高 8
(三)加工贸易地区发展不平衡 9
(四)加工贸易主体和模式比较单一 10
四、 广西发展加工贸易的对策 11
(一)加快产业承接,不断扩大加工规模 11
1.加快承接加工贸易产业转移 11
2.推进加工贸易工业园区建设 11
(二)调整产业结构,加快产业转型升级 12
1.积极发展高附加值加工贸易 12
2. 扶持培育自主品牌建设 12
(三)优化产业布局,提高资源配置效率 12
1.承接加工贸易转移的区域布局 12
2. 加快发展区内现代物流体系 13
(四)推进经营主体多元化 13
1.促进经营主体多元化 13
2.完善企业准入标准 14
结束语 15
致谢 16
参考文献 17
[9] 广西壮族自治区商务厅.广西承接加工贸易产业转移之投资环境简介
加工贸易是国际贸易的主要方式之一,是欠发达地区借助国际分工和国际交换实现经济快速发展的一条捷径,也是我国对外贸易的重要组成部分。广西是全国唯一同时拥有沿海、沿边、沿江优势的少数民族自治区,临近港澳,水陆运输方便,劳动力资源丰富,有一定的综合加工能力,发展加工贸易大有可为。又因参与中国-东盟自由贸易区、中越“两廊一圈”、大湄公河次区域、泛北部湾经济合作区等 众多区域经济合作,凭借良好的区位和开放合作优势,通过承接加工贸易产业转移和转型升级的契机,广西加工贸易发展出现了新前景。但受历史、地理、政策等因素影响,新形势下广西加工贸易的发展也遇到了新的问题。
Processing trade is one of the main ways of international trade; it also is a shortcut for underdeveloped region with the international division of labor and the international exchange to realize the rapid economic development as well as an important part of foreign trade of China. Guangxi is the only ethnic minority autonomous region that has the advantages of the border along the coast at the same time, close to Hong Kong and Macao, convenient water and land transportation and abundant labor resources, the certain comprehensive processing ability of the processing trade, so developing has bright prospects. And because participating in China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, China-Vietnam "Two Corridors and One Ring", Greater Mekong Sub-region , Pan-Tonkin Gulf Economic Cooperation Area, etc. With a good location and open cooperation advantages and the undertaking processing trade industry shift and the opportunities of the transformation and upgrade, Guangxi processing trade development appeared new prospects. But as the history, geography, policy and other factors, under the new situation, the processing trade development in Guangxi is meeting with new problems.
Based on the analysis of present situation of Guangxi processing trade, and points out new problems that the current development of Guangxi in processing trade exist such as small scale and proportion, processing trade the added value of the products is not high, are development balance problem eat, this paper puts forward to the processing trade to speed up the industry of Guangxi undertaking and transformation and upgrading, and constantly expand processing scale; To adjust the industrial structure, and speed up the industry transition upgrade; Optimization of industrial layout, and improve the efficiency of resource allocation; Promote business diversification of development countermeasures.
KEYWORDS: Guangxi; processing trade; the transformation and upgrading; development countermeasures
引言 1
一、加工贸易基础知识 2
(一)加工贸易的概念 2
(二)加工贸易的主要特点 2
(三)比较优势理论和广西的加工贸易 3
二、 广西加工贸易发展的现状 4
(一)广西加工贸易进出口现状 4
(二)广西承接加工贸易产业转移的现状 5
三、 广西加工贸易发展存在的问题及原因分析 7
(一)加工贸易总体规模偏小 7
(二)加工贸易产品附加值不高 8
(三)加工贸易地区发展不平衡 9
(四)加工贸易主体和模式比较单一 10
四、 广西发展加工贸易的对策 11
(一)加快产业承接,不断扩大加工规模 11
1.加快承接加工贸易产业转移 11
2.推进加工贸易工业园区建设 11
(二)调整产业结构,加快产业转型升级 12
1.积极发展高附加值加工贸易 12
2. 扶持培育自主品牌建设 12
(三)优化产业布局,提高资源配置效率 12
1.承接加工贸易转移的区域布局 12
2. 加快发展区内现代物流体系 13
(四)推进经营主体多元化 13
1.促进经营主体多元化 13
2.完善企业准入标准 14
结束语 15
致谢 16
参考文献 17
[9] 广西壮族自治区商务厅.广西承接加工贸易产业转移之投资环境简介