
原文档由会员 小胡老师 发布C语言助学演示课件
本文主要介绍了《C语言实验助学演示课件》的设计和实现过程,具体描述了怎样应用Flash MX 2004和Photoshop 7.0等软件来实现该课件所需要素材的制作过程,以及怎样运用Authorware 7.0集成所有的素材制作出完整的课件的过程。此外,本文还说明了课件的使用方法,本课件的特点等。
关键词:课件;计算机辅助教育;Authorware 7.0;Flash MX 2004。
The C Language Exercises Display Subject
21st-century is the era of information. Computer technology have changed our life and the world around us. It also changed study methods of students. With the rapid development of computer technology’s ,it have more and more applications in education .Computer technology can improve the self-study ability of learners which will make them keep up with the rapid development of the era of information and the ability of know how to study, how to do, how to live.
Many learners have difficulties in learning C language. To solve the problem which carried with traditional class-study education, to improve the activity of the learners in study to choose their study content and progress freely and to improve the content of the teachers in class, it is C Language Exercises Display Subject that can fill this requirement.
This article mainly introduces the design progress of C Language Exercises Display Subject, especially in describing the progress of using Flash MX 2004 and Photoshop 7.0 to make courseware and the progress of irrigated all the elements to complete the subject with Authorware 7.0. At the end of the article, it also introduces the usages and characters of the subject.
KEY WORDS:Courseware; Multimedia; Authorware 7.0; Flash MX 2004。
目 录
第一章 引言 6
1.1 教育的信息化 6
1.2 《C语言助学演示课件》设计的意义 6
1.3 课题设计任务 7
第二章 开发工具的应用 8
2.1 AUTHORWARE 7.0的应用 8
2.1.1 Authorware的基础知识 8
2.1.2 多媒体设计的工作流程 9
2.1.3 工作环境介绍 9
2.2 FLASH MX 2004的应用 14
2.2.1 FLASH简介 14
2.2.2 FLASH MX 2004新特性 14
2.3 PHOTOSHOP 7.0简介 15
第三章 课件设计 20
3.1 课件的总体设计 20
3.1.1 脚本编制 20
3.1.2 设计思路 21
3.2 课件的详细设计 22
3.2.1 实验演示部分的设计 22
3.3.2 运行结果及效果分析 48
第四章 毕业设计体会 52
第五章 致 谢 55
第六章 参考文献 56
第七章 毕业设计分工与合作 57