本科生毕业论文——河南省农民收入与人力资本投入关系的实证分析(附开题报告),摘 要近些年来,河南省农民的受教育水平不断提高,他们的收入水平也得到显著提升。对于二者的关系,国内外学者一直在进行不懈的研究。本文首先介绍“人力资本理论”,这是计算我省农民平均受教育年限的理论基础并依据“人力资本理论”将我省农民平均受教育年限作为...

此文档由会员 yuyun2012 发布本科生毕业论文——河南省农民收入与人力资本投入关系的实证分析(附开题报告)
摘 要
In recent years, the farmers' average years of Education of Henan increase quickly. The level of their income is increasing. The relations between them have been the focus in the eyes of the expect. Generally speaking, this study begins with introducing the theory of human capital. I will use the theory of human capital to calculate the average years of education of the farmers. Then I will treat the farmers' average education of our province and their income to establish regression model for data analysis. According to the result, they has positive correlation. In order to raise the farmers' income and save the quality of farmers can be taken to increase their income. With "Mid rise abruptly" policy and " Construction of area of Central Plains economy" policy further, this policy needs more diverse theoretical support. I want to provide suggestions for our province's development and the two policies from this angle.
Key Words: Human capital investment;Rural per capita net income;
The average number of years of Education
目 录
引言 1
一、人力资本理论 2
(一)人力资本理论的起源 2
(二)对于“人力资本”定义的不同观点 3
(三)人力资本理论的核心观点 3
(四)人力资本理论的意义 4
二、河南省农民收入和农民人力资本投入现状 5
(一)河南省农民人力资本投入现状 5
(二)河南省农民收入现状 6
三、河南省农民收入和农民人力资本投入关系的实证分析 6
(一)模型设定 6
(二)估计参数 8
(三)模型检验 8
(四)对模型的分析 10
四、政策建议 10
(一)解放思想,转变观念 11
(二)重视发展农村基础教育,夯实农民人力资本积累的基础 11
(三)积极建立对农民进行技能培训的有效机制 11
(四)重视乡土人才的培养 11
(五)建立和健全农村医疗保障体系 12
参考文献 13
致谢 14