本科生毕业论文——浅谈我国农村小额信贷问题(附开题报告),摘 要作为一个农业大国,实现我国农村贫困人口脱贫和农村经济全面发展是我国经济发展的重要目标。为了实现这一目标,我国在扶贫的道路上,从上个世纪九十年代就开始大力发展小额信贷,并把小额信贷作为一种新的扶贫方式和金融创新工具,使其在扶贫领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。经过我...
此文档由会员 yuyun2012 发布本科生毕业论文——浅谈我国农村小额信贷问题(附开题报告)
摘 要
As a large agricultural country, the realization of Chinese rural poverty population shake off poverty and overall development of rural economy is an important target of China's economic development. In order to achieve this goal, China develop micro-credit and micro-finance on the road of poverty alleviation as a new way of poverty reduction and financial innovation tool in helping deficient up of our country from the nineties of the last century, which began to play an increasingly important role in the field of poverty alleviation. The micro-credit and micro-finance practice of the country and abroad in recent years prove that micro-credit and micro-finance has made significant economic effects micro-credit in increasing the income of the farmers and promoting rural economic development has made a significant economic effect. Because of our country's market economy development is not sufficient, legal system is not perfect, and the rural financial system itself flawed and many other reasons, the development of micro-finance in China is not ideal, and has lots of problems. Overall, the development of our rural financial market is still lagging behind, and the financial needs of farmers can’t be satisfied. From the point of view of course and current situation of China's rural micro-finance development, this article puts forward proposals to fit the rural micro-finance development of our country, in order to promote the prosperity of rural economy.
Key Words: Micro-finance;Poverty alleviation;Financial institution
目 录
引 言 1
一、农村小额贷款理论概述 2
(一)国际小额信贷的产生与发展 2
(二)小额信贷的理论 3
二、农村小额信贷在我国的发展历程、现状及意义 4
(一)我国小额信贷发展进程 4
1.试点的初期阶段(1994年年初—1996年) 4
2.项目的扩展阶段(1996年10月—2006年) 4
3.全面试行并推广小额信贷活动阶段(2006年至今) 5
(二)我国农村小额信贷机构的业务发展现状 5
1.政策性农村小额信贷扶贫项目的发展现状 5
2.农村信用社农村小额信贷业务的发展现状 5
3.小额贷款公司贷款业务的发展现状 5
4.村镇银行等新型金融机构农村小额信贷业务的发展现状 6
(三)发展农村小额信贷的意义 6
1.增加农民收入 6
2.促进农村经济发展 7
三、制约我国小额信贷发展的因素 7
(一)制约我国小额信贷发展宏观的因素 7
1.市场经济体制问题 7
2.政府的支持问题 7
3.小额信贷组织面临的法律法规问题 8
(二)制约我国小额信贷发展的微观因素 8
1.小额信贷机构持续发展能力有待加强 8
2.贷款低利率带来的问题 9
3.小额信贷机构操作管理层面存在的问题 9
四、发展我国小额信贷的对策建议 10
(一)发展我国小额信贷的宏观建议 10
1.改变对小额储贷认识与定位 10
2.转换政府在小额信贷发展中的职能 10
3.建立相应的法律、法规和切实可行的监管框架 11
(二)发展我国小额信贷的微观建议 11
1.完善农村金融体系,扩大小额信贷运载主体 11
2.允许小额信贷采取更加灵活的利率政策 11
3.加快业务创新,提升小额信贷的经营管理水平 12
参考文献 13
致 谢 14