

基于单片机的指纹识别控制系统的设计,作为毕业设计,设计周期一年,是本人大学四年学习的总结。集硬件设计和软件设计于一体,极具参考使用价值,有仿真,通过老师批改,准确无误。摘 要科学技术的发展在让社会进步的同时,也让传统的安全管理系统受到威胁。生物识别技术的出现给身份识别的研究带来了突飞猛进的发展。每个人都有着自己特有的特征...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 kezhangai 发布



摘  要



The development of science and technology which makes the social go forward, also let the traditional safety management system under threaten at the same time. The emergence of biometric technologies brought a rapid development for the research of the identification. For everyone has their own special features, with the characteristics of itself to verified identity has a unique advantage. Automatic fingerprint identification technology has been widely used in public security, such as the customs, the bank, the network security and other places which need identification. This article provides an overview of the research of fingerprint identification system in present situation and the algorithm flow of it. On this basis, to do an analysis of the fingerprint image segmentation algorithm and the fingerprint image thinning algorithm, including the microcontroller-based fingerprint identification system hardware circuit design.
With the application of TFS-M51 fingerprint module, design a hardware circuit system of fingerprint identification based on the MCU, in order to form an independent fingerprint identification system. The means of communication between MCU and fingerprint module in the system is based on serial communication. MCU sends a corresponding instruction to the fingerprint DSP chip module through stand-alone keyboard keys, in order to execute the functions, such as Add User, Delete the Specified User, Delete All Users, Authenticated Users, and Manage User Permissions and so on.

Key words:  Biometric technology; Fingerprint identification; TFS-M51; Single chip microcomputer(SCM)


目  录

1. 绪论 1
1.1. 研究的背景及意义 1
1.2. 指纹识别技术 1
1.2.1. 指纹识别技术特点 1
1.2.2. 指纹识别技术发展现状 2
1.3. 系统概述 3
2. 指纹识别原理 4
2.1. 指纹图像的分割 4
2.1.1. 指纹图像分割概述 4
2.1.2. 均值方差法 4
2.2. 指纹图像的细化 6
2.2.1. 指纹图像细化的预处理 6
2.3. 指纹图像的特征提取 8
2.3.1. 指纹特征提取概述 8
2.3.2. 指纹特征提取和去伪特征 8
2.4. 指纹图像的匹配 9
3. 硬件系统设计 10
3.1. 系统总体设计 10
3.1.1. 系统功能简述 10
3.1.2. 系统电路设计 10
3.2. 系统核心部件单片机 11
3.3. 其他模块电路 14
3.3.1. 电源模块 14
3.3.2. 时钟模块 14
3.3.3. 按键模块 15
3.3.4. 显示模块 15
3.3.5. 复位模块 16
3.3.6. 下载口模块 16
3.4. 指纹模块 17
3.4.1. TFS-M51指纹识别模块 17
3.4.2. TMS320VC5501 芯片 18
4. 软件系统设计 21
4.1. TFS-M51指纹识别模块指令系统 21
4.1.1. 通信方式 21
4.1.2. 主要通讯协议命令说明 22
4.2. 单片机的程序设计 25
4.2.1. 键盘管理及指示灯响应程序设计 25
4.2.2. LED显示模块设计 28
4.2.3. 通信模块程序设计 29
5. 调试 31
5.1. 单片机的程序下载 31
5.2. 串口调试 31
6. 总结和展望 34
参考文献 35
致 谢 37
附 录 38
附录A  单片机最小系统电路图 38
附录B  PCB图 39
附录C  元器件布局图 40
附录D  单片机最小系统实物图 41
附录E  单片机最小系统元器件清单 42
附录F  程序清单 43