毕业论文--论网络信息过滤技术,论网络信息过滤技术摘要 互联网的飞速发展在给人们的工作、学习、生活等诸多方面带来巨大便利的同时也带来诸如“信息超载”以及“不良信息”和垃圾信息的侵害等问题。信息过滤技术由此产生,并广泛应用到了网络的各种信息处理过程中,对网络信息实用化具有极大的推动作用。本文对此项技术中的关键匹配算法结合实...

此文档由会员 tomhua 发布毕业论文--论网络信息过滤技术
摘要 互联网的飞速发展在给人们的工作、学习、生活等诸多方面带来巨大便利的同时也带来诸如“信息超载”以及“不良信息”和垃圾信息的侵害等问题。信息过滤技术由此产生,并广泛应用到了网络的各种信息处理过程中,对网络信息实用化具有极大的推动作用。
Of Network Information Filtering
Student: Qi Min Fu
Instructor: Zhang Xiang
Abstract:The rapid development of the Internet to people in the work, Xue Xi, many aspects of life and also bring great convenience to bring such as "information overload" and "bad information" and spam against other issues. The resulting information filtering technology, and widely applied to various information processing network, the network information of great practical impetus.
In this paper, the technology of the key matching algorithm to analyze real system in order to achieve a detailed understanding of this technology, and Theory. Matching algorithm in the key principle of the time, through comparative analysis of various algorithms, combined with practical application of the algorithm, summing up the strengths and weaknesses, key technology and application directions. Paper used data from the network to publish authoritative statistics, the algorithm theory is partly based on professional books, all with authority, credibility.
Derived from the study, the system should be closer to users accustomed to the needs and more stringent filtering direction. Intelligence, visual development is the future trend of development. This paper presents a multi-level type of filtering mechanism. Model of the rules proposed new method, has not yet been achieved.
Keywords: information filtering; matching algorithm; user model; system structure
1 引言 1
1.1信息过滤系统的社会需求 1
1.2国内外主要研究成果 1
1.3本文的主要研究方向和内容 3
2信息过滤系统的分类 4
2.1信息过滤系统的基本结构 4
2.1.1数据分析部件(A) 4
2.1.2过滤部件(B) 4
2.1.3用户模型部件(C) 5
2.1.4学习部件(D) 5
2.2系统分类 5
2.2.1按信息的处理类型分类 6
2.2.2按过滤的操作位置分类 7
2.2.3按适用群体分类 7
2.2.4按建立用户模型的方式分类 8
3信息过滤技术中的关键匹配技术 9
3.1布尔逻辑模型 9
3.2空间向量模型 10
3.3概率模型 13
3.4实际应用中的其他模型 14
3.5多层级多类型模型的过滤机制 15
4基于VSM自适应过滤系统的分析 16
5结论 20
致谢 21
参考文献 22