

论新种族主义在媒介报道中的地位,论媒介报道中的新种族主义:以《泰晤士报》的“神州5号”报道为例[摘 要]在媒介报道过程中,“他国”的形象通过一系列媒介事件予以塑造,从而影响受众头脑中的“他国”形象,引导人们对“他者”的判断。当代跨国与跨文化新闻报道已经逐步纠正了以往明显的种族主义表达,在表面上呈现出一种客观与真实,,而媒介报道中涌现出新种族主义倾向。...
分类: 论文>社会学论文


此文档由会员 痴狂少年 发布


[摘 要]在媒介报道过程中,“他国”的形象通过一系列媒介事件予以塑造,从而影响受众头脑中的“他国”形象,引导人们对“他者”的判断。当代跨国与跨文化新闻报道已经逐步纠正了以往明显的种族主义表达,在表面上呈现出一种客观与真实,,而媒介报道中涌现出新种族主义倾向。新种族主义媒介报道通过词语的选择与暗示、文本的结构与话语的连贯,以及文化符码的排他性等方法继续在文化上划分疆界。媒介报道中的新种族主义以其话语的暴力,符号的暴力给跨文化交流构成屏障,加深彼此的误解,引发彼此的敌对。它依然反映了一个种族的不平等系统,是由社会内部成员共享的话语体系来维持、复制和巩固的。本文以《泰晤士报》关于中国“神州5号”报道为例,分析媒介报道中的新种族主义。


Abstract: in the process of media report, the image of other country is created by serials media issue to affect the image of other country in receivers’ mind and conduct the judgments of receivers to others. Modern cross country and cross culture news report has gradually correct the past obvious racialism expression and present an impersonality and truth in the surface. However, new racialism trend has appeared in media report. New racialism media report use methods such as words chose, hint, text structure, language coherence and exclusive culture code to continue the behavior in dividing borders in the culture. The new racialism in media report has built up barriers in cross-culture communication by the violence in language and symbol, deepened the misunderstanding between each other and caused the hostility between each other. Those reports have reflected an inequality system of one nation and race and maintained, copied and confirmed by a shared language system inside society members. The thesis used report about Shenzhou Ⅴ Spacecraft in the Times as example to analysis the new racialism in media report.
Key Words: New Racialism, Others, Cross-culture Report, Exclusive Culture Code


[3] Dijk, van T.A. (2000) New(s) Racism: A Discourse Analytical Approach in Simon Cottle (ed.) Ethnic Minorities and the Media: Changing Cultural Boundaries. Milton Keynes: Open University Press
[4] Cottle, S. (2000) Media Research and Ethnic Minorities: Mapping the Field in Simon Cottle (ed.) Ethnic Minorities and the Media: Changing Cultural Boundaries. Milton Keynes: Open University Press
[5] 该文的网络版本标题为《中国外卖上天了》(Chinese takeaway is out of this world),www.lexisnexis.com.