

分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 月色抚仙湖 发布



摘要:随着经济全球化和信息技术的迅猛发展,煤炭企业获取生产要素与和营销产品的范围日益扩大,社会生产、商品流通,商品交易及其管理方式都正在发生深刻的变革。而与之相适应,煤炭企业竞争领域,已从降低原材料成本的“第一利润源泉”、提高劳动生产率以降低劳动消耗的“第二利润源泉”,转向到建立高效物流系统以降低物流费用的“第三利润源泉 ”。而仓储配送作为物流系统的重要构成元素,是供应和消费之间的中间环节,起着缓冲和平衡的作用,因此,对煤炭企业仓储配送系统的管理研究成为热门话题。
关键词:煤炭企业 物流 仓储配送

Abstract: With the economic globalization and the rapid development of information technology, coal companies to obtain factors of production and marketing of products with the increasing scope of social production and circulation of commodities, commodities trading and management are undergoing profound changes. The corresponding coal competitive field, from lower raw material costs, "the first source of profit", to improve labor productivity to reduce the labor consumption, "the second source of profit", turn to the establishment of efficient logistics system in order to reduce logistics costs "the third profit source" [1]. The warehousing and distribution logistics system as an important constituent element of the supply and consumption of intermediate links, and balance plays a buffer role, therefore, the coal storage and distribution system management business has become a hot research topic.
    In this paper, we make a analysis on warehousing and distribution systems of coal enterprises ,based on the analysis of development of logistics of coal enterprises. This paper includes :research background and significance of coal enterprises logistics; The process analysis of warehousing and distribution of coal enterprises; Take Pingmei Group for example, make an analysis and optimization of warehousing and distribution of coal enterprises; Based on this , a prediction of the development of warehousing and distribution of coal enterprises has been given.
KEY WORDS: coal enterprises  logistics  warehousing and distribution