镗齿轮泵体孔组合机床设计毕业设计,包括前期资料,外文翻译,全套cad图纸,论文中 文 摘 要随着社会的发展,液压系统有其独特的优点,因此被广泛地应用在各种场合。液压泵是液压系统不可缺少的组成部分,因此需要大批量生产,然而在大批量的生产过程中效率问题是一个急待解决的问题。通用机床加工适应性强但效率低,因此需要设计一种专用机...

原文档由会员 lihaiyou 发布镗齿轮泵体孔组合机床设计毕业设计
中 文 摘 要
随着社会的发展,液压系统有其独特的优点,因此被广泛地应用在各种场合。液压泵是液压系统不可缺少的组成部分,因此需要大批量生产,然而在大批量的生产过程中效率问题是一个急待解决的问题。通用机床加工适应性强但效率低,因此需要设计一种专用机床来解决效率问题。本次毕业设计就是要解决这一问题,设计一卧式双面镗床,其中进给系统我用液压滑台来支撑并提供动力,由于液压滑台尤其独特的优势,这样就可保证加工的质量。我们采用液压工作台和液压驱动的专用夹具,一次装夹可以同时加工四个工件,然后工作台移位进行下一工步,这样一次性加工出四个零件。这样既保证了加工效率又保证了加工质量 。
关键词 :专用机床 液压滑台 效率 工作台
毕 业 设 计 外 文 摘 要
Title Combination machine tool design for processing the gear-pump holes
With the development of society, the hydraulic system has its unique advantages, so it is widely used in various occasions. Hydraulic pump of the hydraulic system is an important part, but in large quantities , the efficiency of the production process is a pressing issue. Universal machine tool is adaptable ,but it has low efficiency. we need to design a special machine to solve the problem of efficiency. The graduation project is to solve this problem, the design of a two-sided horizontal boring machine, which feed system I use hydraulic slider to support and provide the impetus, as hydraulic slider particularly unique advantages, such assurances can be processed .The quality of our use of hydraulic table and hydraulic-driven special fixture, the fixture can be processed in four parts at the same time, and then shift to the next table step, this one-time processing four parts. This will ensure that the processing efficiency of the processing and quality assurance.
In the design, in order to reduce the costs as much as possible we have chosen the standard components, such as: Bed, dynamic head…and so on. According to parts of the size and characteristics of the further arrangements,I should be a design for the slider and workstations, fixture.
In this way, the various parts of the assembly in accordance with certain requirements of assembly and assembly accuracy, and efficiency problems is not a really problem.
Key words hydraulic slider efficiency workstations
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 概述 1
1.2 行业企业产品结构的变化 1
1.3 组合机床技术装备现状与发展趋势 2
1.4 组合机床的工艺范围 2
1.5 组合机床的通用部件组成 2
1.6 组合机床的设计思想 2
1.7本设计的内容及要求 3
2 总体设计 4
2.1 被加工零件图及技术要求 4
2.2制定工艺方案 4
2.3 机床结构方案的分析和确定 5
2.4被加工零件工序图的作用和要求 5
2.5加工示意图 6
2.6刀具耐用度及生产率的计算 9
2.7床身的选择 11
2.8机床尺寸联系图 11
2.9动力头型号的确定 13
2.10机床主轴箱的设计 14
2.11液压系统的设计 18
2.12电器控制系统的设计 20
3 液压滑台的设计 23
3.1滑台 23
3.2滑座 23
3.3 油缸的设计 24
4 夹具的设计 28
4.1定位元件的设计 28
4.2夹紧元件的设计 28
4.3夹具体的设计 29
5 工作台的设计 31
6 机床的装配、调整与精度设计 32
6.1检验项目 32
6.2测量工具 32
6.3部件装配及精度检查 32
7 机床的总装与调整 34
8 机床设计的特点与不足之处 35
结束语 36
致 谢 37
参考文献 38