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本文将详细介绍“风情之旅”文学软件辅助系统—查询与界面的设计,将使用Visual C++6.0 进行开发。以界面简洁舒适,查询功能强大,方便用户使用为目标,按照软件工程设计方法,首先从系统需求分析入手,然后给出一套完整的详细设计方案。最终,完成功能的实现。另外,还会用户界面进行了深入的讨论。

With the development and progress of science and technology, the decline of the microcomputer cost, the improvement of people's living standard, the microcomputer gets extensive popularization. In order to learn to offer the goods and materials foundation in Chinese and culture that the new method meet the users, the tour literature software systems of the conditions and customs are to exactly in this case developed . It is a expansion software to the electronic dictionary, have a look around the inquiry , idiom and have a look around the inquiry function that inquires about , inquires about in the personal storehouse after including the real-time tool of electronic dictionary , poesy, poesy idiom add , registration of users , that poesy store to add the function antithetical couplet, oppose the auxiliary function of uniting the poesy according to the rule, the system safeguards, such systematic functions as database statistics , software are helped.
This text will introduce the literature software accessory system of " the tours of conditions and customs " in detail - inquire about the design with the interface, will use Visual C ++6.0 to develop. Succinct and comfortable with the interface, it is powerful to inquire about , help users use for the goal, according to the design method of the soft project , analyse and start with from the systematic demand at first, then provide a set of intact detailed design plans . Finally , finish the realization of the function. In addition, have also known user's interface and carried on the deep discussion.

摘要 1
Abstract 2

目录 3
1. 概述 4
1.1课题的出发点 4
1.2所用开发语言简介 4
1.2.1 C++语言简介 4
1.2.2 Visual C++ 6.0简介及的特点 5
1.2.3系统数据访问接口的技术 5
1.3数据库概论及ACCESS2000简介 6
1.3.1数据库概论 6
1.3.2 Access数据库简介 7
2. 功能设计的方案论证 8
2.1软件开发过程 8
2.3.1需求分析 8
2.3.2功能设置 9
2.3.3详细设计 10
2.3.4设计的编码及实现 10
2.3.5软件的测试 11
2.2系统应用环境 11
2.3开发环境 11
3. 功能设计的说明 12
3.1数据库设计 12
3.1.1数据库需求分析 12
3.1.2数据库概念结构设计 13
3.2 查询功能图 16
3.3 用户界面设计 21
4 功能设计的实现 22
4.1数据表结构的设计实现 22
4.2界面的设计 24
4.2.1菜单结构设计 24
4.2.2窗口的设计 25
4.3程序的设计实现 28
5 功能设计测试 31
5.1 测试方法 31
5.2 测试出现的问题 31
6 总结与展望 32
致 谢 33
参考文献 34

[7]求是科技编著,《Visual c++ 6.0数据库开发技术与工程实践》,人民邮电出版社,2004
[8] 伍俊良.《Visual C++ 课程设计与系统开发案例》.清华大学出版社,2003
[9] 张海藩编著,《软件工程》.人民邮电出版社,2002