分众电视网络控制会话层协议的设计和实现,全文46页30000余字内容翔实论据充分目录摘要3abstract4第一章 绪 论51.1 引 言51.1.1 数字电视发展51.1.2 分众电视系统概述61.2 研究内容71.2.1 背景介绍71.2.2 研究内容81.2.3 章节安排8第二章 分众电视网络控制会话层协议的总体设...

此文档由会员 痴狂少年 发布
全文46页30000余字 内容翔实 论据充分
摘 要 3
第一章 绪 论 5
1.1 引 言 5
1.1.1 数字电视发展 5
1.1.2 分众电视系统概述 6
1.2 研究内容 7
1.2.1 背景介绍 7
1.2.2 研究内容 8
1.2.3 章节安排 8
第二章 分众电视网络控制会话层协议的总体设计 9
2.1 网络会话层协议的意义 9
2.2 网络会话层协议的总体设计 10
2.2.1设计语言及开发工具介绍 10
2.2.2任务的实现 11
2.2.3 测试的介绍 11测试的重要性 11测试结果的合理性(性能指标) 12
2.2.4测试程序执行后的界面 13
第三章 网络会话层协议的实现 15
3.1 系统结构图 15
3.2 网络对象的状态转换 15
3.3 设计流程图 16
第四章 网络会话层协议的测试 20
4.1测试平台 20
4.2测试分析 20
4.2.1连接测试 20对NETMNG接口的要求 20对测试程序的要求 20
4.2.2 NETMNG 数据收发测试 21测试网络收发的正确性 21测试网络速度的方法 22
4.3 测试设计 22
4.3.1连接测试的设计 22
4.3.2 接收和发送的实现 22
4.4 测试编码 25
4.5测试速度计算公式 26
第五章 系统测试验证 27
5.1测试方案 27
5.2测试结果 27
5.2.1连接性测试 27
5.2.2 测试预计情况及测试结果对照表 28
5.2.3速度值记录 31
5.3 测试总结 34
总结与展望 35
致谢 36
参考文献 37
附录I 部分测试代码 38
摘 要
目前网际互联的国际标准和工业标准即TCP/IP协议(TCP:Transmission Control Protocol)。TCP/IP 协议栈中的传输层协议TCP是一种可靠的面向连接的传送服务,但其本身并不会对传输的数据进行分配;同时如果因外部机制导致连接中断,建立连接的双方并不能实时知晓出现的异常。如果这些问题的解决都在TCP中实现将会很费时,而且给编程带来不便。因此我们在传输层与应用层之间构建一个中间层——会话层来解决这些问题。
关键词: 分众电视 TCP/IP 网络控制 会话层 协议
The Design and Realization of the Session Layer of Network Control of Focus TV
Focus TV is a digital television broadcasting system developed by Shanghai Culture Broadcasting Technical Corporation. It offers different services to different users according to different time and different places. Its effective operation depends on a complicated and distributed front system, and the communication among its each equipment, module must depend on the network.
At present, the International standard and Industrial standard of the International and interconnected is TCP/IP agreements (TCP: Transmission Control Protocol). The agreement of the Transport Layer TCP of the Agreement inn is a kind of reliable one faces the conveyance service joined, it cannot assign to the data that are transmitted. Meanwhile if interrupt because of the external mechanism results in cutting off the joining, both sides that have joined before can not know the unusual in real time .It will be a waste of time if the solutions to these problems are realized in TCP, and it also brings inconvenience to programming. So we use a layer-Session Layer between Transport Layer and Use Layer to solve these problems.
Around the design and the realization of the agreement of Session Layer of Focus TV network control, this text has finished the contents of several aspects that as follows mainly. At first this text carries on deep research to the design and the realization of Focus TV network Session Layer. On this basis , then design to the test of the source code, and also write the testing code。And finally test the system. And the text results show: This system can realize the two functions, which we have referred to before. And it is what we need.
Keyword: Focus TV TCP/IP Network Control Session Layer Agreement
[5] 李松,汤庸著.《最新Visual C++6.0标准版培训教程》[M].中国民航出版社,1999.11.
[6] 普悠玛数位科技编著.《Visual C++6.0程序设计例解教程》[M].中国铁道出版社,2002.7.
[7] 徐千洋著.《Linux C函数库参考手册》[M].中国青年出版社,2002.
[8] [美]Robert D.Thompson著.前导工作室译.《MFC开发人员参考手册》[M],机械工业出
全文46页30000余字 内容翔实 论据充分
摘 要 3
第一章 绪 论 5
1.1 引 言 5
1.1.1 数字电视发展 5
1.1.2 分众电视系统概述 6
1.2 研究内容 7
1.2.1 背景介绍 7
1.2.2 研究内容 8
1.2.3 章节安排 8
第二章 分众电视网络控制会话层协议的总体设计 9
2.1 网络会话层协议的意义 9
2.2 网络会话层协议的总体设计 10
2.2.1设计语言及开发工具介绍 10
2.2.2任务的实现 11
2.2.3 测试的介绍 11测试的重要性 11测试结果的合理性(性能指标) 12
2.2.4测试程序执行后的界面 13
第三章 网络会话层协议的实现 15
3.1 系统结构图 15
3.2 网络对象的状态转换 15
3.3 设计流程图 16
第四章 网络会话层协议的测试 20
4.1测试平台 20
4.2测试分析 20
4.2.1连接测试 20对NETMNG接口的要求 20对测试程序的要求 20
4.2.2 NETMNG 数据收发测试 21测试网络收发的正确性 21测试网络速度的方法 22
4.3 测试设计 22
4.3.1连接测试的设计 22
4.3.2 接收和发送的实现 22
4.4 测试编码 25
4.5测试速度计算公式 26
第五章 系统测试验证 27
5.1测试方案 27
5.2测试结果 27
5.2.1连接性测试 27
5.2.2 测试预计情况及测试结果对照表 28
5.2.3速度值记录 31
5.3 测试总结 34
总结与展望 35
致谢 36
参考文献 37
附录I 部分测试代码 38
摘 要
目前网际互联的国际标准和工业标准即TCP/IP协议(TCP:Transmission Control Protocol)。TCP/IP 协议栈中的传输层协议TCP是一种可靠的面向连接的传送服务,但其本身并不会对传输的数据进行分配;同时如果因外部机制导致连接中断,建立连接的双方并不能实时知晓出现的异常。如果这些问题的解决都在TCP中实现将会很费时,而且给编程带来不便。因此我们在传输层与应用层之间构建一个中间层——会话层来解决这些问题。
关键词: 分众电视 TCP/IP 网络控制 会话层 协议
The Design and Realization of the Session Layer of Network Control of Focus TV
Focus TV is a digital television broadcasting system developed by Shanghai Culture Broadcasting Technical Corporation. It offers different services to different users according to different time and different places. Its effective operation depends on a complicated and distributed front system, and the communication among its each equipment, module must depend on the network.
At present, the International standard and Industrial standard of the International and interconnected is TCP/IP agreements (TCP: Transmission Control Protocol). The agreement of the Transport Layer TCP of the Agreement inn is a kind of reliable one faces the conveyance service joined, it cannot assign to the data that are transmitted. Meanwhile if interrupt because of the external mechanism results in cutting off the joining, both sides that have joined before can not know the unusual in real time .It will be a waste of time if the solutions to these problems are realized in TCP, and it also brings inconvenience to programming. So we use a layer-Session Layer between Transport Layer and Use Layer to solve these problems.
Around the design and the realization of the agreement of Session Layer of Focus TV network control, this text has finished the contents of several aspects that as follows mainly. At first this text carries on deep research to the design and the realization of Focus TV network Session Layer. On this basis , then design to the test of the source code, and also write the testing code。And finally test the system. And the text results show: This system can realize the two functions, which we have referred to before. And it is what we need.
Keyword: Focus TV TCP/IP Network Control Session Layer Agreement
[5] 李松,汤庸著.《最新Visual C++6.0标准版培训教程》[M].中国民航出版社,1999.11.
[6] 普悠玛数位科技编著.《Visual C++6.0程序设计例解教程》[M].中国铁道出版社,2002.7.
[7] 徐千洋著.《Linux C函数库参考手册》[M].中国青年出版社,2002.
[8] [美]Robert D.Thompson著.前导工作室译.《MFC开发人员参考手册》[M],机械工业出