35kv变电站典型设计-户内站电气部分设计,35kv变电站典型设计-户内站电气部分设计摘 要电能是现代工业生产的主要能源和动力,电能既易于由气压形式的能量转换而来,又易于转换为其他的能量形式。如果对变配电系统进行一个完善的规划,能很好地节约资金、合理规划用地、降低电能损耗、提高电压质量、保证系统的正常运行。工厂供电设计是整个工厂设计的重要组成部分,工厂供电设计的...

此文档由会员 wjmg002 发布35kV变电站典型设计-户内站电气部分设计
摘 要
The typical design of 35kV substation - electrical part of indoor station
Electricity is a major source of energy and power of modern industrial production, electricity is both easy to come by the pressure in the form of energy conversion, they are readily convertible to other forms of energy. If you change the power distribution system planning can save money, rational planning of land use, reduce energy loss and improve voltage quality to ensure the normal operation of the system. The factory power supply design is an important part of the entire plant design, the quality of the factory power supply design affect the factory's production and development of personnel engaged in the work of the factory power supply, it is necessary to understand and master the relevant knowledge of the factory power supply design, in order to adapt to the needs of the design work.
The design manual is based on the load requirements, to the best operating way for the substation premises, in accordance with the relative specifications, and completes the preliminary design.
The design is first of all select two options from the typical design of the national substation 35kV indoor station design, and compare the two programs of technical indicators and economic indicators, in order to choose the best plan. The primary electrical system design and the secondary side of the electrical system design based on the final plan. The contents of a system including load calculations, short circuit current calculation, electrical equipment selection and calibration, wire selection, lightning protection. The secondary system includes: protection and energy metering.
Keywords:load calculation, the main wiring design, short-circuit current, equipment selection, relay protection
第一章 引言 1
1.1 典型设计背景 1
1.2 典型设计国内外发展趋势 1
1.3 典型设计的意义 1
第二章 负荷计算与无功功率补偿 2
2.1 负荷计算的意义 2
2.2 负荷的计算方法 2
2.3 无功补偿计算 4
第三章 一次侧电气系统设计 6
3.1 电气主接线设计 6
3.1.1 电气主接线的概念 6
3.1.2主接线的设计依据 6
3.1.3 主接线设计的基本要求 7
3.1.4 主接线方案的比较 8
3.1.5 变电所供配电电压的选择 8
3.1.6 变电所电气主接线设计 9
3.1.7 站用变压器选择 9
3.2 短路计算 10
3.2.1 短路计算的意义 10
3.2.2 短路计算步骤及分析 10
3.3 电气设备选择 13
3.3.1 断路器的选择 13
3.3.2 隔离开关的选择 15
3.3.3 熔断器选择 15
3.3.4 电压互感器的选择 16
3.3.5 电流互感器的选择 17
3.4 母线与各电压等级出线选择 19
3.4.1 6kV母线的选择 19
3.4.2 35kV线路导线的选择 20
3.4.3 6kV出线的选择 21
3.5 防雷保护 26
3.5.1 避雷器的基本原理 26
3.5.2 避雷器的设置 26
3.5.3 避雷器设置设计 26
第四章 二次侧电气系统设计 27
4.1 继电保护 27
4.1.1 变压器故障类型 27
4.1.2 35kV主变压器保护 27
4.1.3 6kV出线保护 29
4.2 电能的测量与计算 30
结论 32
参考文献 33
致谢 34
声明 35
附录 36
附录1:原始资料 36
附录2: 电气主接线图 39