壳聚糖-聚乙烯醇复合水凝胶溶胀度及其生物相容性 化工与环境工程----- 外文翻译.doc
壳聚糖-聚乙烯醇复合水凝胶溶胀度及其生物相容性 化工与环境工程----- 外文翻译,2.2.1 chitosan and pva solution preparationbriefly, pva hydrogels were prepared by fully dissolving 5.0g of polymer powder without further purificat...

此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布2.2.1 Chitosan and PVA solution preparation
Briefly, PVA hydrogels were prepared by fully dissolving 5.0g of polymer powder without further purification in 100 ml of Milli-Q water, under magnetic stirring, at temperature of 75 ± 2℃ (solution A), as previously reported by our group [7–9]. PVA 5% solution was let to cool down to room temperature and the pH was corrected to (2.00 ± 0.05) with 1.0 M HCl (Sigma). Chitosan hydrogels (Chi) were produced in a similar procedure by fully dissolving 2.5g in 250.0ml of Milli-Q water with 2% of CH3COOH (Sigma),under magnetic stirring for 48 h (solution B).
2.2.2 Chitosan, PVA and blends films preparation
Different quantities of PVA (solution A) were added into the 1.0% chitosan solution (solution B) to obtain chitosan/PVA mass ratios of (0:1), (1:3), (1:1), (3:1), and (1:0) and pH was corrected to (4.00 ± 0.05) with 1.0 M NaOH solution. The mixture was kept under stirring for 5 min until the PVA and chitosan completely formed a clear solution. Then, the crosslinker reagent (GA) was slowly added under constant stirring. The final concentration of GA in the gel solution precursors was 1% and 5% (wt%). Further in thesequence, the solution was poured into plastic moulds and let drying for 72–120 h at room temperature, and finally dried at 40℃ for 24 h (constant weight). Chitosan/PVA samples chemically crosslinked were identified by (X:Y:Z) that is, X as chitosan content, Y as PVA content, and Z as GA (wt%). For instance, sample identified as Chi/PVA/GA (1:3:1) represents the following proportion of reagents: 25% chitosan, 75% PVA and crosslinked with 1.0% GA (wt%). The dried gel was stored in a desiccator before all sub-sequent characterization procedures.
首先,聚乙烯醇水凝胶的制备,是先称5.0g聚乙烯醇粉末使其在100ml纯净水中进一步完全溶解,同时在电磁搅拌下,温度控制75±2℃(溶液A),就像我们团队之前的报道所示。[7-9]。5%的聚乙烯醇完全溶解后,让其冷却到室温和用1.0 M盐酸( )把pH值控制在(2.00±0.05)。壳聚糖水凝胶(壳聚糖)制备采用相似的步骤,称2.5g壳聚糖在250ml 2%的醋酸溶液( )中,电磁搅拌48小时(溶液B)。
用不同量的聚乙烯醇溶液(溶液A)加入到1.0%的壳聚糖溶液(溶液B)获得以下几种壳聚糖/聚乙烯醇水凝胶,分别质量比为(0:1),(1:3 ),(1:1),(3:1)和(1:0)和用1.0M氢氧化钠溶液把pH值调节在(4.00±0.05)。将该混合物继续搅拌5分钟,直到聚乙烯醇和壳聚糖完全形成了清澈溶液。然后,缓慢加入交联剂(戊二醛),并不断搅拌。在溶液凝胶初期,戊二醛的最后浓度为1%和5%(质量分数%)。随着进一步反应,溶液不断塑化,接着在室温下其让干燥72至120 h,最后在40℃干燥24小时(恒重)。壳聚糖-聚乙烯醇复合水凝胶样品的化学交联反应产生凹痕已确定为(X: Y: Z)三种因素,X为壳聚糖的含量,Y为聚乙烯醇的含量,Z为戊二醛(质量分数%)。例如,样品组成确定为壳聚糖/聚乙烯醇/戊二醛=(1:3:1),则:25%的壳聚糖,75%聚乙烯醇和1.0%(质量分数%)戊二醛。干凝胶储存在干燥器之前,要记录样品每一个特征。