病床呼叫系统毕业设计,完整版大学,已修改完格式摘 要医院已经从人工管理模式向智能化方向发展。“病床呼叫系统”可以实现对病房的智能化管理,可实现呼叫、求救警报、信息存储、显示等等功能。患者在住院期间,可能会在任意时间请求医生或护士进行诊断或护理。病床求助呼叫是传送临床信息的重要手段,病床呼叫系统是患者向值班医生或护士发出紧...

此文档由会员 by12594531 发布
摘 要
本系统以STC89C51单片机为核心辅以4个外接键盘、LED点阵显示电路和部分简单模拟和数字电路组成的,能够实现病人和医护人员之间信息的传递。在该设计中模拟2个病房每个病房2个病床编号0101/0102和0201/0202,每个病床都有一个按键,当患者有需要时,按下按键,此时 值班室的显示屏可显示此患者的病房号和床位号,医护人员按下“响应”键取消当前呼叫。此系统能够为医院提供一个成本低、效率高、操作方便和易于安装维护的快捷系统。
Management model of hospital from artificial intelligent direction.
Bed call system can achieve the intelligent management of the ward; can realize the call, distress alert, information storage, display and more. Patients during hospitalization may at any time request the doctor or nurse for the diagnosis or nursing. Beds help call is an important means of transmission of clinical information, bed call system is a tool for patients issued an urgent call to the on duty doctor or nurse, you want to the patient's request quickly passed to the duty doctor or nurse, and left the nurses’ station monitoring center accurately the complete record is an important part to improve the care of hospitals and sick rooms.
STC89C51 single-chip at the core of the system combined with 4 external keyboard, LED dot-matrix display circuit and some simple consisting of analog and digital circuits, transmission of information between patients and health care personnel can be achieved Simulation in the design of two wards each ward two beds in 0101/0102 0201/0202, each hospital bed has a button, when the patients when necessary, press the button, the display of the duty room to display in this patient ward number and bed number, health care workers press the "response" to cancel the current call. This system can provide a low cost, high efficiency, easy operation and easy installation and maintenance system for the hospital.
Keywords:MCU; Keyboard; Dot matrix; LED display; Calling system
目 录
1. 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 病床呼叫系统发展概况 1
1.3 课题研究的目的和意义 2
2. 51系列单片机的简介 3
2.1 单片机的发展介绍 3
2.2 单片机的结构特点 3
2.3 单片机的实际应用 3
2.4 控制器STC89C51 4
2.5 单片机的发展趋势 6
2.6 病床呼叫系统发展 7
3. 接口技术和程序设计语言 9
3.1 键盘接口 9
3.2 显示器接口 9
3.2.1 液晶显示器 9
3.2.2 LED点阵显示屏 9
3.2.3 数码管显示原理 10
3.3 程序设计语言 11
3.3.1 单片机C语言的特点 11
3.3.2 单片机C语言使用的编程软件 11
4. 基于单片机的病床呼叫系统的设计实现 12
4.1 系统总体设计 12
4.1.1 功能要求 12
4.1.2 设计方案 12
4.1.3 总体结构框图 12
4.2 系统硬件设计 13
4.2.1 硬件构成示意图 13
4.2.2 外围电路设计 13
4.3 系统软件设计 19
4.3.1 设计的软件环境简介 19
4.4 系统的调试与结果 21
4.4.1 调试界面显示 21
4.4.2 程序开发及代码调试 22
结论 26
致谢 27
参考文献 28
附录 29
摘 要
本系统以STC89C51单片机为核心辅以4个外接键盘、LED点阵显示电路和部分简单模拟和数字电路组成的,能够实现病人和医护人员之间信息的传递。在该设计中模拟2个病房每个病房2个病床编号0101/0102和0201/0202,每个病床都有一个按键,当患者有需要时,按下按键,此时 值班室的显示屏可显示此患者的病房号和床位号,医护人员按下“响应”键取消当前呼叫。此系统能够为医院提供一个成本低、效率高、操作方便和易于安装维护的快捷系统。
Management model of hospital from artificial intelligent direction.
Bed call system can achieve the intelligent management of the ward; can realize the call, distress alert, information storage, display and more. Patients during hospitalization may at any time request the doctor or nurse for the diagnosis or nursing. Beds help call is an important means of transmission of clinical information, bed call system is a tool for patients issued an urgent call to the on duty doctor or nurse, you want to the patient's request quickly passed to the duty doctor or nurse, and left the nurses’ station monitoring center accurately the complete record is an important part to improve the care of hospitals and sick rooms.
STC89C51 single-chip at the core of the system combined with 4 external keyboard, LED dot-matrix display circuit and some simple consisting of analog and digital circuits, transmission of information between patients and health care personnel can be achieved Simulation in the design of two wards each ward two beds in 0101/0102 0201/0202, each hospital bed has a button, when the patients when necessary, press the button, the display of the duty room to display in this patient ward number and bed number, health care workers press the "response" to cancel the current call. This system can provide a low cost, high efficiency, easy operation and easy installation and maintenance system for the hospital.
Keywords:MCU; Keyboard; Dot matrix; LED display; Calling system
目 录
1. 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 病床呼叫系统发展概况 1
1.3 课题研究的目的和意义 2
2. 51系列单片机的简介 3
2.1 单片机的发展介绍 3
2.2 单片机的结构特点 3
2.3 单片机的实际应用 3
2.4 控制器STC89C51 4
2.5 单片机的发展趋势 6
2.6 病床呼叫系统发展 7
3. 接口技术和程序设计语言 9
3.1 键盘接口 9
3.2 显示器接口 9
3.2.1 液晶显示器 9
3.2.2 LED点阵显示屏 9
3.2.3 数码管显示原理 10
3.3 程序设计语言 11
3.3.1 单片机C语言的特点 11
3.3.2 单片机C语言使用的编程软件 11
4. 基于单片机的病床呼叫系统的设计实现 12
4.1 系统总体设计 12
4.1.1 功能要求 12
4.1.2 设计方案 12
4.1.3 总体结构框图 12
4.2 系统硬件设计 13
4.2.1 硬件构成示意图 13
4.2.2 外围电路设计 13
4.3 系统软件设计 19
4.3.1 设计的软件环境简介 19
4.4 系统的调试与结果 21
4.4.1 调试界面显示 21
4.4.2 程序开发及代码调试 22
结论 26
致谢 27
参考文献 28
附录 29